Add includes to UI files to resolve FTBFS #6

MicheleC heeft 1 commits samengevoegd van feat/add-ui-includes naar master 6 jaren geleden

Although I still have no idea why the FTBFS did not occur before, even though the includes were missing in the generated C++ source files, attached patch will fix this problem.

Although I still have no idea why the FTBFS did not occur before, even though the includes were missing in the generated C++ source files, attached patch will fix this problem.
MicheleC heeft deze pull request gesloten 6 jaren geleden
MicheleC heeft 6 jaren geleden de branch feat/add-ui-includes verwijderd.

Looks good, no more FTBFS.

Merged and pushed upstream.

Looks good, no more FTBFS. Merged and pushed upstream.
MicheleC heeft dit 6 jaren geleden aan de mijlpaal R14.0.6 release toegevoegd
De pull request is samengevoegd als 661ed658b7.
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Referentie: TDE/tdebase#6
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