Non puoi selezionare più di 25 argomenti Gli argomenti devono iniziare con una lettera o un numero, possono includere trattini ('-') e possono essere lunghi fino a 35 caratteri.

759 righe
21 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Anders Lund <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
//BEGIN Includes
#include "kateviewspacecontainer.h"
#include "kateviewspacecontainer.moc"
#include "katetabwidget.h"
#include "katemainwindow.h"
#include "katedocmanager.h"
#include "kateviewmanager.h"
#include "kateviewspace.h"
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdiroperator.h>
#include <kdockwidget.h>
#include <kencodingfiledialog.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <ktoolbar.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <tdetexteditor/encodinginterface.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
//END Includes
KateViewSpaceContainer::KateViewSpaceContainer (TQWidget *parent, KateViewManager *viewManager)
: TQVBox (parent)
, m_viewManager(viewManager)
, m_blockViewCreationAndActivation (false)
, m_activeViewRunning (false)
, m_pendingViewCreation(false)
// no memleaks
KateViewSpace* vs = new KateViewSpace( this, this );
connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int, int, bool, int, const TQString&)), vs, TQT_SLOT(slotStatusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int, int, bool, int, const TQString&)));
vs->setActive( true );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotViewChanged()) );
connect(KateDocManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(initialDocumentReplaced()), this, TQT_SIGNAL(viewChanged()));
connect(KateDocManager::self(),TQT_SIGNAL(documentCreated(Kate::Document *)),this,TQT_SLOT(documentCreated(Kate::Document *)));
KateViewSpaceContainer::~KateViewSpaceContainer ()
void KateViewSpaceContainer::documentCreated (Kate::Document *doc)
if (m_blockViewCreationAndActivation) return;
if (!activeView())
activateView (doc->documentNumber());
void KateViewSpaceContainer::documentDeleted (uint)
if (m_blockViewCreationAndActivation) return;
// just for the case we close a document out of many and this was the active one
// if all docs are closed, this will be handled by the documentCreated
if (!activeView() && (KateDocManager::self()->documents() > 0))
createView (KateDocManager::self()->document(KateDocManager::self()->documents()-1));
bool KateViewSpaceContainer::createView ( Kate::Document *doc )
if (m_blockViewCreationAndActivation) return false;
// create doc
if (!doc)
doc = KateDocManager::self()->createDoc ();
// create view
Kate::View *view = (Kate::View *) doc->createView (this, 0L);
m_viewList.append (view);
// disable settings dialog action
view->actionCollection()->remove (view->actionCollection()->action( "set_confdlg" ));
// popup menu
view->installPopup ((TQPopupMenu*)(mainWindow()->factory()->container("tdetexteditor_popup", mainWindow())) );
connect(view->getDoc(),TQT_SIGNAL(nameChanged(Kate::Document *)),this,TQT_SLOT(statusMsg()));
connect(view->getDoc(), TQT_SIGNAL(undoChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(statusMsg()));
connect(view,TQT_SIGNAL(dropEventPass(TQDropEvent *)), mainWindow(),TQT_SLOT(slotDropEvent(TQDropEvent *)));
connect(view,TQT_SIGNAL(gotFocus(Kate::View *)),this,TQT_SLOT(activateSpace(Kate::View *)));
activeViewSpace()->addView( view );
activateView( view );
connect( doc, TQT_SIGNAL(modifiedOnDisc(Kate::Document *, bool, unsigned char)),
activeViewSpace(), TQT_SLOT(modifiedOnDisc(Kate::Document *, bool, unsigned char)) );
return true;
bool KateViewSpaceContainer::deleteView (Kate::View *view, bool delViewSpace)
if (!view) return true;
KateViewSpace *viewspace = (KateViewSpace *)view->parentWidget()->parentWidget();
viewspace->removeView (view);
mainWindow()->guiFactory ()->removeClient (view);
// remove view from list and memory !!
m_viewList.remove (view);
if (delViewSpace)
if ( viewspace->viewCount() == 0 )
removeViewSpace( viewspace );
return true;
KateViewSpace* KateViewSpaceContainer::activeViewSpace ()
TQPtrListIterator<KateViewSpace> it(m_viewSpaceList);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if ( it.current()->isActiveSpace() )
return it.current();
if (m_viewSpaceList.count() > 0)
m_viewSpaceList.first()->setActive( true );
return m_viewSpaceList.first();
return 0L;
Kate::View* KateViewSpaceContainer::activeView ()
if (m_activeViewRunning)
return 0L;
m_activeViewRunning = true;
for (TQPtrListIterator<Kate::View> it(m_viewList); it.current(); ++it)
if ( it.current()->isActive() )
m_activeViewRunning = false;
return it.current();
// if we get to here, no view isActive()
// first, try to get one from activeViewSpace()
KateViewSpace* vs;
if ( (vs = activeViewSpace()) )
if ( vs->currentView() )
activateView (vs->currentView());
m_activeViewRunning = false;
return vs->currentView();
// last attempt: just pick first
if (m_viewList.count() > 0)
activateView (m_viewList.first());
m_activeViewRunning = false;
return m_viewList.first();
m_activeViewRunning = false;
// no views exists!
return 0L;
void KateViewSpaceContainer::setActiveSpace ( KateViewSpace* vs )
if (activeViewSpace())
activeViewSpace()->setActive( false );
vs->setActive( true, viewSpaceCount() > 1 );
void KateViewSpaceContainer::setActiveView ( Kate::View* view )
if (activeView())
activeView()->setActive( false );
view->setActive( true );
void KateViewSpaceContainer::activateSpace (Kate::View* v)
if (!v) return;
KateViewSpace* vs = (KateViewSpace*)v->parentWidget()->parentWidget();
if (!vs->isActiveSpace()) {
setActiveSpace (vs);
void KateViewSpaceContainer::reactivateActiveView() {
Kate::View *view=activeView();
if (view) {
} else if (m_pendingViewCreation) {
disconnect(m_pendingDocument,TQT_SIGNAL(nameChanged(Kate::Document *)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotPendingDocumentNameChanged()));
void KateViewSpaceContainer::activateView ( Kate::View *view )
if (!view) return;
if (!view->isActive())
if ( !activeViewSpace()->showView (view) )
// since it wasn't found, give'em a new one
createView ( view->getDoc() );
setActiveView (view);
m_viewList.findRef (view);
mainWindow()->toolBar ()->setUpdatesEnabled (false);
if (m_viewManager->guiMergedView)
mainWindow()->guiFactory()->removeClient (m_viewManager->guiMergedView );
m_viewManager->guiMergedView = view;
if (!m_blockViewCreationAndActivation)
mainWindow()->guiFactory ()->addClient( view );
mainWindow()->toolBar ()->setUpdatesEnabled (true);
emit viewChanged ();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::activateView( uint documentNumber )
if ( activeViewSpace()->showView(documentNumber) ) {
activateView( activeViewSpace()->currentView() );
TQPtrListIterator<Kate::View> it(m_viewList);
for ( ;it.current(); ++it)
if ( it.current()->getDoc()->documentNumber() == documentNumber )
createView( it.current()->getDoc() );
Kate::Document *d = (Kate::Document *)KateDocManager::self()->documentWithID(documentNumber);
createView (d);
uint KateViewSpaceContainer::viewCount ()
return m_viewList.count();
uint KateViewSpaceContainer::viewSpaceCount ()
return m_viewSpaceList.count();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::slotViewChanged()
if ( activeView() && !activeView()->hasFocus())
void KateViewSpaceContainer::activateNextView()
uint i = m_viewSpaceList.find (activeViewSpace())+1;
if (i >= m_viewSpaceList.count())
setActiveSpace (;
void KateViewSpaceContainer::activatePrevView()
int i = m_viewSpaceList.find (activeViewSpace())-1;
if (i < 0)
setActiveSpace (;
void KateViewSpaceContainer::closeViews(uint documentNumber)
TQPtrList<Kate::View> closeList;
for (uint z=0 ; z < m_viewList.count(); z++)
Kate::View* current =;
if ( current->getDoc()->documentNumber() == documentNumber )
closeList.append (current);
while ( !closeList.isEmpty() )
Kate::View *view = closeList.first();
deleteView (view, true);
if (m_blockViewCreationAndActivation) return;
//emit m_viewManager->viewChanged ();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::slotPendingDocumentNameChanged() {
TQString c;
if (m_pendingDocument->url().isEmpty() || (!showFullPath))
c = m_pendingDocument->docName();
c = m_pendingDocument->url().prettyURL();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::statusMsg ()
if (!activeView()) return;
Kate::View* v = activeView();
bool readOnly = !v->getDoc()->isReadWrite();
uint config = v->getDoc()->configFlags();
int ovr = 0;
if (readOnly)
ovr = 0;
if (config & Kate::Document::cfOvr)
int mod = (int)v->getDoc()->isModified();
bool block=v->getDoc()->blockSelectionMode();
TQString c;
if (v->getDoc()->url().isEmpty() || (!showFullPath))
c = v->getDoc()->docName();
c = v->getDoc()->url().prettyURL();
m_viewManager->mainWindow()->tabWidget()->changeTab (this, KStringHandler::lsqueeze(c,32));
emit statusChanged (v, v->cursorLine(), v->cursorColumn(), ovr,block, mod, KStringHandler::lsqueeze(c,64));
emit statChanged ();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::splitViewSpace( KateViewSpace* vs,
bool isHoriz,
bool atTop)
// kdDebug(13001)<<"splitViewSpace()"<<endl;
if (!activeView()) return;
if (!vs) vs = activeViewSpace();
bool isFirstTime = vs->parentWidget() == this;
TQValueList<int> psizes;
if ( ! isFirstTime )
if ( TQSplitter *ps = static_cast<TQSplitter*>(vs->parentWidget()->tqt_cast(TQSPLITTER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) )
psizes = ps->sizes();
Qt::Orientation o = isHoriz ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal;
KateMDI::Splitter* s = new KateMDI::Splitter(o, vs->parentWidget());
s->setOpaqueResize( TDEGlobalSettings::opaqueResize() );
if (! isFirstTime) {
// anders: make sure the split' viewspace is always
// correctly positioned.
// If viewSpace is the first child, the new splitter must be moveToFirst'd
if ( !((KateMDI::Splitter*)vs->parentWidget())->isLastChild( vs ) )
((KateMDI::Splitter*)s->parentWidget())->moveToFirst( s );
vs->reparent( s, 0, TQPoint(), true );
KateViewSpace* vsNew = new KateViewSpace( this, s );
if (atTop)
s->moveToFirst( vsNew );
if (!isFirstTime)
if (TQSplitter *ps = static_cast<TQSplitter*>(s->parentWidget()->tqt_cast(TQSPLITTER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) )
ps->setSizes( psizes );
TQValueList<int> sizes;
int space = 50;//isHoriz ? s->parentWidget()->height()/2 : s->parentWidget()->width()/2;
sizes << space << space;
s->setSizes( sizes );
connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int, int, bool, int, const TQString &)), vsNew, TQT_SLOT(slotStatusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int,int, bool, int, const TQString &)));
m_viewSpaceList.append( vsNew );
activeViewSpace()->setActive( false );
vsNew->setActive( true, true );
createView (activeView()->getDoc());
if (this == m_viewManager->activeContainer())
m_viewManager->updateViewSpaceActions ();
// kdDebug(13001)<<"splitViewSpace() - DONE!"<<endl;
void KateViewSpaceContainer::removeViewSpace (KateViewSpace *viewspace)
// abort if viewspace is 0
if (!viewspace) return;
// abort if this is the last viewspace
if (m_viewSpaceList.count() < 2) return;
KateMDI::Splitter* p = (KateMDI::Splitter*)viewspace->parentWidget();
// find out if it is the first child for repositioning
// see below
bool pIsFirst = false;
// save some size information
KateMDI::Splitter* pp=0L;
TQValueList<int> ppsizes;
if (m_viewSpaceList.count() > 2 && p->parentWidget() != this)
pp = (KateMDI::Splitter*)p->parentWidget();
ppsizes = pp->sizes();
pIsFirst = !pp->isLastChild( p ); // simple logic, right-
// Figure out where to put views that are still needed
KateViewSpace* next;
if (m_viewSpaceList.find(viewspace) == 0)
next =;
next = m_viewSpaceList.prev();
// Reparent views in viewspace that are last views, delete the rest.
int vsvc = viewspace->viewCount();
while (vsvc > 0)
if (viewspace->currentView())
Kate::View* v = viewspace->currentView();
if (v->isLastView())
next->addView( v, false );
deleteView( v, false );
vsvc = viewspace->viewCount();
m_viewSpaceList.remove( viewspace );
// reparent the other sibling of the parent.
while (!p->childrenListObject().isEmpty())
TQWidget* other = ((TQWidget *)(( TQPtrList<TQObject>)p->childrenListObject()).first());
other->reparent( p->parentWidget(), 0, TQPoint(), true );
// We also need to find the right viewspace to become active
if (pIsFirst)
((KateMDI::Splitter*)p->parentWidget())->moveToFirst( other );
if ( other->isA("KateViewSpace") ) {
setActiveSpace( (KateViewSpace*)other );
else {
TQObjectList* l = other->queryList( "KateViewSpace" );
if ( l->first() != 0 ) { // I REALLY hope so!
setActiveSpace( (KateViewSpace*)l->first() );
delete l;
delete p;
if (!ppsizes.isEmpty())
pp->setSizes( ppsizes );
// find the view that is now active.
Kate::View* v = activeViewSpace()->currentView();
if ( v )
activateView( v );
if (this == m_viewManager->activeContainer())
m_viewManager->updateViewSpaceActions ();
emit viewChanged();
void KateViewSpaceContainer::slotCloseCurrentViewSpace()
void KateViewSpaceContainer::setShowFullPath( bool enable )
showFullPath = enable;
statusMsg ();
//m_mainWindow->slotWindowActivated ();
* session config functions
void KateViewSpaceContainer::saveViewConfiguration(TDEConfig *config,const TQString& group)
bool weHaveSplittersAlive (viewSpaceCount() > 1);
config->setGroup (group); //"View Configuration");
config->writeEntry ("Splitters", weHaveSplittersAlive);
// no splitters around
if (!weHaveSplittersAlive)
config->writeEntry("Active Viewspace", 0);
m_viewSpaceList.first()->saveConfig ( config, 0,group );
// I need the first splitter, the one which has this as parent.
KateMDI::Splitter* s;
TQObjectList *l = queryList("KateMDI::Splitter", 0, false, false);
TQObjectListIt it( *l );
if ( (s = (KateMDI::Splitter*)it.current()) != 0 )
saveSplitterConfig( s, 0, config , group);
delete l;
void KateViewSpaceContainer::restoreViewConfiguration (TDEConfig *config, const TQString& group)
//config->setGroup ("View Configuration");
// no splitters around, ohhh :()
if (!config->readBoolEntry ("Splitters"))
// only add the new views needed, let the old stay, won't hurt if one around
m_viewSpaceList.first ()->restoreConfig (this, config, TQString(group+"-ViewSpace 0"));
// send all views + their gui to **** ;)
for (uint i=0; i < m_viewList.count(); i++)
mainWindow()->guiFactory ()->removeClient (;
m_viewList.clear ();
// cu viewspaces
// call restoreSplitter for Splitter 0
restoreSplitter( config, TQString(group+"-Splitter 0"), this,group );
// finally, make the correct view active.
config->setGroup (group);
KateViewSpace *vs = config->readNumEntry("Active ViewSpace") );
if ( vs )
activateSpace( vs->currentView() );
void KateViewSpaceContainer::saveSplitterConfig( KateMDI::Splitter* s, int idx, TDEConfig* config, const TQString& viewConfGrp )
TQString grp = TQString(viewConfGrp+"-Splitter %1").arg(idx);
// Save sizes, orient, children for this splitter
config->writeEntry( "Sizes", s->sizes() );
config->writeEntry( "Orientation", s->orientation() );
TQStringList childList;
// a katesplitter has two children, of which one may be a KateSplitter.
const TQObjectList l = s->childrenListObject();
TQObjectListIt it( l );
TQObject* obj;
for (; it.current(); ++it) {
obj = it.current();
TQString n; // name for child list, see below
// For KateViewSpaces, ask them to save the file list.
if ( obj->isA("KateViewSpace") ) {
n = TQString(viewConfGrp+"-ViewSpace %1").arg( m_viewSpaceList.find((KateViewSpace*)obj) );
((KateViewSpace*)obj)->saveConfig ( config, m_viewSpaceList.find((KateViewSpace*)obj), viewConfGrp);
// save active viewspace
if ( ((KateViewSpace*)obj)->isActiveSpace() ) {
config->writeEntry("Active Viewspace", m_viewSpaceList.find((KateViewSpace*)obj) );
// For KateSplitters, recurse
else if ( obj->isA("KateMDI::Splitter") ) {
saveSplitterConfig( (KateMDI::Splitter*)obj, idx, config,viewConfGrp);
n = TQString(viewConfGrp+"-Splitter %1").arg( idx );
// make sure list goes in right place!
if (!n.isEmpty()) {
if ( childList.count() > 0 && ! s->isLastChild( (TQWidget*)obj ) )
childList.prepend( n );
childList.append( n );
// reset config group.
config->writeEntry("Children", childList);
void KateViewSpaceContainer::restoreSplitter( TDEConfig* config, const TQString &group, TQWidget* parent, const TQString& viewConfGrp)
config->setGroup( group );
KateMDI::Splitter* s = new KateMDI::Splitter((Qt::Orientation)config->readNumEntry("Orientation"), parent);
TQStringList children = config->readListEntry( "Children" );
for (TQStringList::Iterator it=children.begin(); it!=children.end(); ++it)
// for a viewspace, create it and open all documents therein.
if ( (*it).startsWith(viewConfGrp+"-ViewSpace") )
KateViewSpace* vs = new KateViewSpace( this, s );
connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int, int, bool, int, const TQString &)), vs, TQT_SLOT(slotStatusChanged(Kate::View *, int, int, int, bool, int, const TQString &)));
if (m_viewSpaceList.isEmpty())
vs->setActive (true);
m_viewSpaceList.append( vs );
setActiveSpace( vs );
vs->restoreConfig (this, config, *it);
// for a splitter, recurse.
restoreSplitter( config, TQString(*it), s, viewConfGrp );
// set sizes
config->setGroup( group );
s->setSizes( config->readIntListEntry("Sizes") );
KateMainWindow *KateViewSpaceContainer::mainWindow() {
return m_viewManager->mainWindow();
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;