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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import org.kde.qt.QDataStream;
Base class for all Sycoca entries.
You can't create an instance of KSycocaEntry, but it provides
the common functionality for servicetypes and services.
@short Base class for all Sycoca entries.
@see #http://developer#kde#org/documentation/library/kdeqt/trinityarch/ksycoca#html
public class KSycocaEntry extends KShared {
protected KSycocaEntry(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native boolean isType(int t);
public native int sycocaType();
Default constructor
@short Default constructor
Restores itself from a stream.
@return the name of this entry
public native String name();
@return the path of this entry
The path can be absolute or relative.
The corresponding factory should know relative to what.
public native String entryPath();
@return true if valid
public native boolean isValid();
@return true if deleted
public native boolean isDeleted();
@return the position of the entry in the sycoca file
public native int offset();
Save ourselves to the database. Don't forget to call the parent class
first if you override this function.
public native void save(QDataStream s);
Load ourselves from the database. Don't call the parent class!
public native void load(QDataStream arg1);
Safe demarshalling functions.
@short Safe demarshalling functions.
public static native void read(QDataStream s, StringBuffer str);
public static native void read(QDataStream s, String[] list);