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Timothy Pearson 2e25fa39cd
Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4
11 年前
bmp Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
dds Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
dependencies Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
dvi Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
exr Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
gif Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
ico Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
jpeg Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
pcx Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
pdf Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
png Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
pnm Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
ps Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
raw Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
rgb Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
tga Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
tiff Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
xbm Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
xpm Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
CMakeLists.txt Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
Makefile.am Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
RETURNED_ITEMS Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
configure.in.bot Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前