tdewallet not working anymore #11

aperto 5 anni fa da deloptes · 6 commenti
deloptes 5 anni fa ha commentato

Basic information

I found that the error is coming from tdelibs, so referring here to the issue

see TDE/tdeutils#6

<!-- This is a comment. Please fill in the required fields below. The comments provide instructions on how to do so. Note: You do not need to remove comments. --> ## Basic information I found that the error is coming from tdelibs, so referring here to the issue see
deloptes 5 anni fa ha commentato

The place

	passhash.fill(0);        // passhash is UNUSABLE NOW

	const char *t =;

	// strip the leading data
	t += blksz;    // one block of random data

	// strip the file size off
	long fsize = 0;

	fsize |= (long(*t) << 24) & 0xff000000;
	fsize |= (long(*t) << 16) & 0x00ff0000;
	fsize |= (long(*t) <<  8) & 0x0000ff00;
	fsize |= long(*t) & 0x000000ff;

	if (fsize < 0 || fsize > long(encrypted.size()) - blksz - 4) {
		//kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << " encrypted.size(): " << encrypted.size() << " blksz: " << blksz << endl;
		return -9;         // file structure error.

when commenting out the kdDebug row I get a large number for fsize, while encrypted size looks good. blksz is 8

The place ``` passhash.fill(0); // passhash is UNUSABLE NOW const char *t =; // strip the leading data t += blksz; // one block of random data // strip the file size off long fsize = 0; fsize |= (long(*t) << 24) & 0xff000000; t++; fsize |= (long(*t) << 16) & 0x00ff0000; t++; fsize |= (long(*t) << 8) & 0x0000ff00; t++; fsize |= long(*t) & 0x000000ff; t++; if (fsize < 0 || fsize > long(encrypted.size()) - blksz - 4) { //kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << " encrypted.size(): " << encrypted.size() << " blksz: " << blksz << endl; encrypted.fill(0); return -9; // file structure error. } ``` when commenting out the kdDebug row I get a large number for fsize, while encrypted size looks good. blksz is 8
MicheleC ha aggiunto l'etichetta SL/major 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

Just a thought. This could potentially be related/caused/be a consequence of the changes made some weeks ago for KPasswordEdit (see bug 2961)

Just a thought. This could potentially be related/caused/be a consequence of the changes made some weeks ago for KPasswordEdit (see bug 2961)
MicheleC aggiunta alle pietre miliari R14.1.0 release 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

I can reproduce the problem here. I will work on that.

I can reproduce the problem here. I will work on that.
MicheleC 5 anni fa auto-assegnato
deloptes 5 anni fa ha commentato

This is what I get here:

kded: fsize: 4009754624
kded: fsize: 4025155584
kded: fsize: 4025179136
kded: fsize: 4025179308
kded: fsize: 4025179308 encrypted.size(): 33472 blksz: 8


	fsize |= (long(*t) << 24) & 0xff000000;
	kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl;
	fsize |= (long(*t) << 16) & 0x00ff0000;
	kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl;
	fsize |= (long(*t) <<  8) & 0x0000ff00;
	kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl;
	fsize |= long(*t) & 0x000000ff;
	kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl;

	if (fsize < 0 || fsize > long(encrypted.size()) - blksz - 4) {
		kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << " encrypted.size(): " << encrypted.size() << " blksz: " << blksz << endl;
		return -9;         // file structure error.

I hope this helps

Thank you in advance

This is what I get here: ``` kded: fsize: 4009754624 kded: fsize: 4025155584 kded: fsize: 4025179136 kded: fsize: 4025179308 kded: fsize: 4025179308 encrypted.size(): 33472 blksz: 8 ``` from ``` fsize |= (long(*t) << 24) & 0xff000000; kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl; t++; fsize |= (long(*t) << 16) & 0x00ff0000; kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl; t++; fsize |= (long(*t) << 8) & 0x0000ff00; kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl; t++; fsize |= long(*t) & 0x000000ff; kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << endl; t++; if (fsize < 0 || fsize > long(encrypted.size()) - blksz - 4) { kdDebug() << "fsize: " << fsize << " encrypted.size(): " << encrypted.size() << " blksz: " << blksz << endl; encrypted.fill(0); return -9; // file structure error. } ``` I hope this helps Thank you in advance
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

Thanks Emanoil, I will update here as soon as I have a fix for the issue. These days are quite busy so I have just a little time for TDE each day, so I may be a bit slow 😞

Thanks Emanoil, I will update here as soon as I have a fix for the issue. These days are quite busy so I have just a little time for TDE each day, so I may be a bit slow :disappointed:
deloptes chiuso questo probleam 5 anni fa
deloptes riaperto questo problema 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

Fixed by PR #14

Fixed by PR #14
MicheleC chiuso questo probleam 5 anni fa
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Riferimento: TDE/tdelibs#11
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