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Slávek Banko e532d9345d
Add CMakeL10n rules.
5 年前
CMakeL10n.txt Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
CMakeLists.txt Revert commit 1d498994 10 年前
Makefile.am LIB_QT -> LIB_TQT conversion to align to updated admin module 6 年前
README Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
main.cpp Additional k => tde renaming and fixes 11 年前
main.h Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前


kfmexec is launched when the user wants to open a remote file with
an application that only supports local files.

For this it does the following:
- downloads a remote file to a temp location
- starts a 'local' application with that temp file as argument
- wait fors application to be exited
- if the modification time of the file is different from the original one,
(because the file was modified) then it offers re-uploading the modified version.
This is how you offer network transparency to apps that don't have it.

BUT: with KUniqueApplication, this breaks, because the app returns at once,
so we have no way to know when the user finished editing the file...

Conclusion: if the application has network transparency built-in, it should
put "%u" in its desktop file - and kfmexec isn't used -. If it doesn't, either
it's a TDEApplication and kfmexec does its job, or it's a KUniqueApplication
and... kfmexec can't see modifications to the file. Be warned.

From Waldo: "The program doesn't return _at once_. It returns
after "newInstance()" returns. So if you open the file there it will still work.
(Or rename it)"

David Faure <faure@kde.org>