Add CMakeL10n rules #5

SlavekB ha unito 1 commit da feat/CMakeL10n a master 5 anni fa
SlavekB 5 anni fa ha commentato

In tdenetwork, we need to generate the following translation templates:

  • dcoprss
  • kcm_krfb
  • kcmktalkd
  • kcmlanbrowser
  • kcmwifi
  • kdict
  • kdictapplet
  • kget
  • kinetd
  • knewsticker
  • kopete
  • kpf
  • kppp
  • kppplogview
  • krdc
  • krfb
  • ksirc
  • kwifimanager
  • kwireless
  • tdefileshare
  • tdefile_torrent
  • tdeio_jabberdisco
  • tdeio_lan
  • tdeio_zeroconf
In tdenetwork, we need to generate the following translation templates: - [x] dcoprss - [x] kcm_krfb - [x] kcmktalkd - [x] kcmlanbrowser - [x] kcmwifi - [x] kdict - [x] kdictapplet - [x] kget - [x] kinetd - [x] knewsticker - [x] kopete - [x] kpf - [x] kppp - [x] kppplogview - [x] krdc - [x] krfb - [x] ksirc - [x] kwifimanager - [x] kwireless - [x] tdefileshare - [x] tdefile_torrent - [x] tdeio_jabberdisco - [x] tdeio_lan - [x] tdeio_zeroconf
SlavekB ha aggiunto l'etichetta PR/wip 5 anni fa
SlavekB 'ha iniziato a lavorare 5 anni fa`
SlavekB ha smesso di funzionare 5 anni fa
1h 19min 52s
SlavekB Titolo modificato da WIP: Add CMakeL10n rules a Add CMakeL10n rules 5 anni fa
SlavekB rimosso l'etichetta PR/wip 5 anni fa
SlavekB 5 anni fa ha commentato

According to the original code in the kopete/, I have worked to prepare the extraction of strings from the XSL style files in CMakeL10n rules so that I finally find out that there are no such files. However, I kept the code in place.

According to the original code in the [kopete/](src/branch/master/kopete/, I have worked to prepare the extraction of strings from the XSL style files in CMakeL10n rules so that I finally find out that there are no such files. However, I kept the code in place.
MicheleC hanno approvato queste modifiche 5 anni fa
MicheleC lascia un commento

looks good

looks good
SlavekB chiusa questa pull request 5 anni fa
SlavekB branch feat/CMakeL10n eliminato 5 anni fa
SlavekB aggiunta alle pietre miliari R14.0.6 release 5 anni fa
La pull request è stata unita come ba6db0daa9.
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2 Partecipanti
Totale tempo trascorso: 1 hour 19 minutes
1 hour 19 minutes
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Riferimento: TDE/tdenetwork#5
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