You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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TDEAction to show the emoticon selector
Copyright (c) 2002 by Stefan Gehn <metz AT>
Copyright (c) 2003 by Martijn Klingens <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kopeteemoticonaction.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemenubar.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <tdetoolbar.h>
#include <tdetoolbarbutton.h>
#include "emoticonselector.h"
#include "kopeteemoticons.h"
class KopeteEmoticonAction::KopeteEmoticonActionPrivate
m_delayed = true;
m_stickyMenu = true;
m_popup = new TDEPopupMenu(0L,"KopeteEmoticonActionPrivate::m_popup");
emoticonSelector = new EmoticonSelector( m_popup, "KopeteEmoticonActionPrivate::emoticonSelector");
m_popup->insertItem( emoticonSelector );
// TODO: Maybe connect to kopeteprefs and redo list only on config changes
connect( m_popup, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), emoticonSelector, TQT_SLOT( prepareList() ) );
delete m_popup;
m_popup = 0;
TDEPopupMenu *m_popup;
EmoticonSelector *emoticonSelector;
bool m_delayed;
bool m_stickyMenu;
KopeteEmoticonAction::KopeteEmoticonAction( TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Add Smiley" ), 0, parent, name )
d = new KopeteEmoticonActionPrivate;
// Try to load the icon for our current emoticon theme, when it fails
// fall back to our own default
TQString icon;
TQMap<TQString, TQStringList> emoticonsMap = Kopete::Emoticons::self()->emoticonAndPicList();
for( TQMap<TQString, TQStringList>::const_iterator it = emoticonsMap.constBegin();
it != emoticonsMap.constEnd(); ++it )
if( ( *it ).contains( ":)" ) || ( *it ).contains( ":-)" ) )
icon = it.key();
if ( icon.isNull() )
setIcon( "emoticon" );
setIconSet( TQIconSet( icon ) );
setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( d->emoticonSelector, TQT_SIGNAL( ItemSelected( const TQString & ) ),
this, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( const TQString & ) ) );
// kdDebug(14010) << "KopeteEmoticonAction::~KopeteEmoticonAction()" << endl;
delete d;
d = 0;
void KopeteEmoticonAction::popup( const TQPoint& global )
popupMenu()->popup( global );
TDEPopupMenu* KopeteEmoticonAction::popupMenu() const
return d->m_popup;
bool KopeteEmoticonAction::delayed() const
return d->m_delayed;
void KopeteEmoticonAction::setDelayed(bool _delayed)
d->m_delayed = _delayed;
bool KopeteEmoticonAction::stickyMenu() const
return d->m_stickyMenu;
void KopeteEmoticonAction::setStickyMenu(bool sticky)
d->m_stickyMenu = sticky;
int KopeteEmoticonAction::plug( TQWidget* widget, int index )
if (kapp && !kapp->authorizeTDEAction(name()))
return -1;
// kdDebug(14010) << "KopeteEmoticonAction::plug( " << widget << ", " << index << " )" << endl;
// KDE4/TQt TODO: Use qobject_cast instead.
if ( widget->inherits(TQPOPUPMENU_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) )
TQPopupMenu* menu = static_cast<TQPopupMenu*>( widget );
int id;
if ( hasIcon() )
id = menu->insertItem( iconSet(TDEIcon::Small), text(), d->m_popup, -1, index );
id = menu->insertItem( text(), d->m_popup, -1, index );
if ( !isEnabled() )
menu->setItemEnabled( id, false );
addContainer( menu, id );
connect( menu, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
if ( m_parentCollection )
m_parentCollection->connectHighlight( menu, this );
return containerCount() - 1;
// KDE4/TQt TODO: Use qobject_cast instead.
else if ( widget->inherits( "TDEToolBar" ) )
TDEToolBar *bar = static_cast<TDEToolBar *>( widget );
int id_ = TDEAction::getToolButtonID();
if ( icon().isEmpty() && !iconSet(TDEIcon::Small).isNull() )
iconSet(TDEIcon::Small).pixmap(), id_, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
TQT_SLOT(slotActivated()), isEnabled(), plainText(),
index );
TDEInstance *instance;
if ( m_parentCollection )
instance = m_parentCollection->instance();
instance = TDEGlobal::instance();
bar->insertButton( icon(), id_, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
TQT_SLOT( slotActivated() ), isEnabled(), plainText(),
index, instance );
addContainer( bar, id_ );
if (!whatsThis().isEmpty())
TQWhatsThis::add( bar->getButton(id_), whatsThis() );
connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
if (delayed())
bar->setDelayedPopup(id_, popupMenu(), stickyMenu());
bar->getButton(id_)->setPopup(popupMenu(), stickyMenu());
if ( m_parentCollection )
m_parentCollection->connectHighlight(bar, this);
return containerCount() - 1;
// KDE4/TQt TODO: Use qobject_cast instead.
else if ( widget->inherits( TQMENUBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) )
TQMenuBar *bar = static_cast<TQMenuBar *>( widget );
int id;
id = bar->insertItem( text(), popupMenu(), -1, index );
if ( !isEnabled() )
bar->setItemEnabled( id, false );
addContainer( bar, id );
connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
return containerCount() - 1;
return -1;
#include "kopeteemoticonaction.moc"