您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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* Copyright (C) 2004, Mart Kelder (mart.kde@hccnet.nl)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "accountmanager.h"
#include "dcopdrop.h"
#include "tdeio.h"
#include "maildrop.h"
#include "password.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "protocols.h"
#include "subjectsdlg.h"
#include <kaudioplayer.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
KornSubjectsDlg* AccountManager::_subjectsDlg = 0;
AccountManager::AccountManager( TQObject * parent, const char * name )
: TQObject( parent, name ),
_kioList( new TQPtrList< KMailDrop > ),
_dcopList( new TQPtrList< DCOPDrop > ),
_dropInfo( new TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* > )
_kioList->setAutoDelete( true );
_dcopList->setAutoDelete( true );
delete _kioList;
delete _dcopList;
delete _dropInfo;
void AccountManager::readConfig( TDEConfig* config, const int index )
TDEConfigGroup *masterGroup = new TDEConfigGroup( config, TQString( "korn-%1" ).arg( index ) );
TQStringList dcop = masterGroup->readListEntry( "dcop", ',' );
TDEConfigGroup *accountGroup;
int counter = 0;
while( config->hasGroup( TQString( "korn-%1-%2" ).arg( index ).arg( counter ) ) )
accountGroup = new TDEConfigGroup( config, TQString( "korn-%1-%2" ).arg( index ).arg( counter ) );
const Protocol *proto = Protocols::getProto( accountGroup->readEntry( "protocol" ) );
if( !proto )
kdWarning() << "Protocol werd niet gevonden" << endl;
TQMap< TQString, TQString > *configmap = proto->createConfig( accountGroup,
KOrnPassword::readKOrnPassword( index, counter, *accountGroup ) );
KMailDrop *kiodrop = proto->createMaildrop( accountGroup );
const Protocol *nproto = proto->getProtocol( accountGroup );
Dropinfo *info = new Dropinfo;
if( !kiodrop || !configmap || !nproto )
//Error occured when reading for config
delete info;
//TODO: connect some stuff
connect( kiodrop, TQ_SIGNAL( changed( int, KMailDrop* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotChanged( int, KMailDrop* ) ) );
connect( kiodrop, TQ_SIGNAL( showPassivePopup( TQPtrList< KornMailSubject >*, int, bool, const TQString& ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowPassivePopup( TQPtrList< KornMailSubject >*, int, bool, const TQString& ) ) );
connect( kiodrop, TQ_SIGNAL( showPassivePopup( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowPassivePopup( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );
connect( kiodrop, TQ_SIGNAL( validChanged( bool ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotValidChanged( bool ) ) );
kiodrop->readGeneralConfigGroup( *masterGroup );
if( !kiodrop->readConfigGroup( *accountGroup ) || !kiodrop->readConfigGroup( *configmap, nproto ) )
delete info;
_kioList->append( kiodrop );
info->index = counter;
info->reset = accountGroup->readNumEntry( "reset", 0 );
info->msgnr = info->reset;
info->newMessages = false;
_dropInfo->insert( kiodrop, info );
TQStringList::Iterator it;
for( it = dcop.begin(); it != dcop.end(); ++it )
DCOPDrop *dcopdrop = new DCOPDrop;
Dropinfo *info = new Dropinfo;
connect( dcopdrop, TQ_SIGNAL( changed( int, KMailDrop* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotChanged( int, KMailDrop* ) ) );
connect( dcopdrop, TQ_SIGNAL( showPassivePopup( TQPtrList< KornMailSubject >*, int, bool, const TQString& ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowPassivePopup( TQPtrList< KornMailSubject >*, int, bool, const TQString& ) ) );
dcopdrop->readConfigGroup( *masterGroup );
dcopdrop->setDCOPName( *it );
_dcopList->append( dcopdrop );
info->index = 0;
info->reset = 0;
info->msgnr = 0;
info->newMessages = false;
_dropInfo->insert( dcopdrop, info );
setCount( totalMessages(), hasNewMessages() );
void AccountManager::writeConfig( TDEConfig* config, const int index )
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
config->setGroup( TQString( "korn-%1-%2" ).arg( index ).arg( it.data()->index ) );
config->writeEntry( "reset", it.data()->reset );
TQString AccountManager::getTooltip() const
TQStringList result;
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
if( it.key()->valid() )
result.append( TQString( "%1: %2" ).arg( it.key()->realName() ).arg( it.data()->msgnr - it.data()->reset ));
result.append( TQString( "%1: invalid" ).arg( it.key()->realName() ) );
return result.join( TQChar( '\n' ) );
void AccountManager::doRecheck()
KMailDrop *item;
for( item = _kioList->first(); item; item = _kioList->next() )
void AccountManager::doReset()
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
it.data()->reset = it.data()->msgnr;
it.data()->newMessages = false;
setCount( 0, false );
void AccountManager::doView()
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
if( !_subjectsDlg )
_subjectsDlg = new KornSubjectsDlg();
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
_subjectsDlg->addMailBox( it.key() );
void AccountManager::doStartTimer()
KMailDrop *item;
for( item = _kioList->first(); item; item = _kioList->next() )
void AccountManager::doStopTimer()
KMailDrop *item;
for( item = _kioList->first(); item; item = _kioList->next() )
int AccountManager::totalMessages()
int result = 0;
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
//if( it.date()->msgnr - it.date()->reset > 0 )
result += it.data()->msgnr - it.data()->reset;
return result;
bool AccountManager::hasNewMessages()
TQMap< KMailDrop*, Dropinfo* >::Iterator it;
for( it = _dropInfo->begin(); it != _dropInfo->end(); ++it )
if( it.data()->newMessages )
return true;
return false;
void AccountManager::playSound( const TQString& file )
KAudioPlayer::play( file );
void AccountManager::slotChanged( int count, KMailDrop* mailDrop )
Dropinfo *info = _dropInfo->find( mailDrop ).data();
info->newMessages = count > info->msgnr || ( count == info->msgnr && info->newMessages );
if( count > info->msgnr )
if( !mailDrop->soundFile().isEmpty() )
playSound( mailDrop->soundFile() );
if( !mailDrop->newMailCmd().isEmpty() )
runCommand( mailDrop->newMailCmd() );
info->msgnr = count;
if( info->msgnr - info->reset < 0 )
info->reset = 0;
setCount( totalMessages(), hasNewMessages() && totalMessages() > 0 );
setTooltip( getTooltip() );
void AccountManager::slotValidChanged( bool )
setTooltip( getTooltip() );
#include "accountmanager.moc"