You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

984 lines
36 KiB

/* -*- c++ -*-
This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client.
Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Mutz <>
KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include <config.h>
#include "headerstyle.h"
#include "headerstrategy.h"
#include "kmkernel.h"
#include "linklocator.h"
#include "kmmessage.h"
#include "spamheaderanalyzer.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include <libemailfunctions/email.h>
#include <libkdepim/kxface.h>
using namespace KPIM;
#include <mimelib/string.h>
#include <mimelib/field.h>
#include <mimelib/headers.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kimproxy.h>
#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <kabc/addresseelist.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qbuffer.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
namespace KMail {
// Convenience functions:
static inline QString directionOf( const QString & str ) {
return str.isRightToLeft() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
#if 0
// Converts to html. Changes URLs into href's, escapes HTML special
// chars and inserts the result into an <div> or <span> tag with
// "dir" set to "rtl" or "ltr" depending on the direction of @p str.
static QString convertToHtmlBlock( const QString & str, bool useSpan=false ) {
QString dir = directionOf( str );
QString format = "<%1 dir=\"%3\">%4</%2>";
return format.arg( useSpan ? "span" : "div" )
.arg( useSpan ? "span" : "div" )
.arg( dir )
.arg( LinkLocator::convertToHtml( str ) );
// ### tmp wrapper to make kmreaderwin code working:
static QString strToHtml( const QString & str,
int flags = LinkLocator::PreserveSpaces ) {
return LinkLocator::convertToHtml( str, flags );
// BriefHeaderStyle
// Show everything in a single line, don't show header field names.
class BriefHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
BriefHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
virtual ~BriefHeaderStyle() {}
const char * name() const { return "brief"; }
const HeaderStyle * next() const { return plain(); }
const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return fancy(); }
QString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
QString BriefHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
if ( !message ) return QString::null;
if ( !strategy )
strategy = HeaderStrategy::brief();
// The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
// of the application layout.
QString dir = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
// However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
// determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
// the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
// considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
// direction.
QString subjectDir;
if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
// Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
QString dateString;
if( printing ) {
QDateTime dateTime;
KLocale * locale = KGlobal::locale();
dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
} else {
dateString = message->dateStr();
QString headerStr = "<div class=\"header\" dir=\"" + dir + "\">\n";
if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) )
headerStr += "<div dir=\"" + subjectDir + "\">\n"
"<b style=\"font-size:130%\">" +
strToHtml( message->subject() ) +
QStringList headerParts;
if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
QString fromStr = message->from();
if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
QString fromPart = KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, true );
if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
fromPart += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>";
headerParts << fromPart;
if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
headerParts << i18n("CC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->cc(), true );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
headerParts << i18n("BCC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->bcc(), true );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
headerParts << strToHtml(message->dateShortStr());
// remove all empty (modulo whitespace) entries and joins them via ", \n"
headerStr += " (" + headerParts.grep( QRegExp( "\\S" ) ).join( ",\n" ) + ')';
headerStr += "</div>\n";
// ### iterate over the rest of strategy->headerToDisplay() (or
// ### all headers if DefaultPolicy == Display) (elsewhere, too)
return headerStr;
// PlainHeaderStyle:
// show every header field on a line by itself,
// show subject larger
class PlainHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
PlainHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
virtual ~PlainHeaderStyle() {}
const char * name() const { return "plain"; }
const HeaderStyle * next() const { return fancy(); }
const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return brief(); }
QString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
QString formatAllMessageHeaders( const KMMessage * message ) const;
QString PlainHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
if ( !message ) return QString::null;
if ( !strategy )
strategy = HeaderStrategy::rich();
// The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
// of the application layout.
QString dir = ( QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
// However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
// determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
// the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
// considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
// direction.
QString subjectDir;
if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
// Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
QString dateString;
if( printing ) {
QDateTime dateTime;
KLocale* locale = KGlobal::locale();
dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
else {
dateString = message->dateStr();
QString headerStr;
if ( strategy->headersToDisplay().isEmpty()
&& strategy->defaultPolicy() == HeaderStrategy::Display ) {
// crude way to emulate "all" headers - Note: no strings have
// i18n(), so direction should always be ltr.
headerStr= QString("<div class=\"header\" dir=\"ltr\">");
headerStr += formatAllMessageHeaders( message );
return headerStr + "</div>";
headerStr = QString("<div class=\"header\" dir=\"%1\">").arg(dir);
//case HdrLong:
if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) )
headerStr += QString("<div dir=\"%1\"><b style=\"font-size:130%\">" +
strToHtml(message->subject()) + "</b></div>\n")
if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
headerStr.append(i18n("Date: ") + strToHtml(dateString)+"<br>\n");
#if 0
// Get Instant Messaging presence
QString presence;
QString kabcUid;
if ( strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
KABC::AddressBook *addressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
KABC::AddresseeList addresses = addressBook->findByEmail( KPIM::getFirstEmailAddress( message->from() ) );
::KIMProxy *imProxy = KMKernel::self()->imProxy();
kabcUid = addresses[0].uid();
presence = imProxy->presenceString( kabcUid );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
QString fromStr = message->from();
if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
headerStr.append(i18n("From: ") +
KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, false, "", true ) );
if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName +
"\">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>" );
#if 0
if ( !presence.isEmpty() && strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;(<span name=\"presence-" + kabcUid + "\">" + presence + "</span>)" );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "organization" )
&& !message->headerField("Organization").isEmpty())
headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;(" +
strToHtml(message->headerField("Organization")) + ")");
if ( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
headerStr.append(i18n("To: ")+
KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->to(),false) + "<br>\n");
if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
headerStr.append(i18n("CC: ")+
KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->cc(),false) + "<br>\n");
if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
headerStr.append(i18n("BCC: ")+
KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->bcc(),false) + "<br>\n");
if ( strategy->showHeader( "reply-to" ) && !message->replyTo().isEmpty())
headerStr.append(i18n("Reply to: ")+
KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->replyTo(),false) + "<br>\n");
headerStr += "</div>\n";
return headerStr;
QString PlainHeaderStyle::formatAllMessageHeaders( const KMMessage * message ) const {
const DwHeaders & headers = message->headers();
QString result;
for ( const DwField * field = headers.FirstField() ; field ; field = field->Next() ) {
result += ( field->FieldNameStr() + ": " ).c_str();
result += strToHtml( field->FieldBodyStr().c_str() );
result += "<br>\n";
return result;
// FancyHeaderStyle:
// Like PlainHeaderStyle, but with slick frames and background colours.
class FancyHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
FancyHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
virtual ~FancyHeaderStyle() {}
const char * name() const { return "fancy"; }
const HeaderStyle * next() const { return enterprise(); }
const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return plain(); }
QString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
static QString imgToDataUrl( const QImage & image,
const char *fmt = "PNG" );
static QString drawSpamMeter( double percent, const QString & filterHeader );
QString FancyHeaderStyle::drawSpamMeter( double percent,
const QString & filterHeader )
QImage meterBar( 20, 1, 8, 24 );
const unsigned short gradient[20][3] = {
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 27, 254, 0 },
{ 54, 252, 0 },
{ 80, 250, 0 },
{ 107, 249, 0 },
{ 135, 247, 0 },
{ 161, 246, 0 },
{ 187, 244, 0 },
{ 214, 242, 0 },
{ 241, 241, 0 },
{ 255, 228, 0 },
{ 255, 202, 0 },
{ 255, 177, 0 },
{ 255, 151, 0 },
{ 255, 126, 0 },
{ 255, 101, 0 },
{ 255, 76, 0 },
{ 255, 51, 0 },
{ 255, 25, 0 },
{ 255, 0, 0 }
meterBar.setColor( 21, qRgb( 255, 255, 255 ) );
meterBar.setColor( 22, qRgb( 170, 170, 170 ) );
if ( percent < 0 ) // grey is for errors
meterBar.fill( 22 );
else {
meterBar.fill( 21 );
int max = QMIN( 20, static_cast<int>( percent ) / 5 );
for ( int i = 0; i < max; ++i ) {
meterBar.setColor( i+1, qRgb( gradient[i][0], gradient[i][1],
gradient[i][2] ) );
meterBar.setPixel( i, 0, i+1 );
QString titleText = i18n("%1% probability of being spam.\n\nFull report:\n%2")
.arg( QString::number( percent ), filterHeader );
return QString("<img src=\"%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\" style=\"border: 1px solid black;\" title=\"%4\"> &nbsp;")
.arg( imgToDataUrl( meterBar, "PPM" ), QString::number( 20 ),
QString::number( 5 ), titleText );
QString FancyHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
if ( !message ) return QString::null;
if ( !strategy )
strategy = HeaderStrategy::rich();
KConfigGroup configReader( KMKernel::config(), "Reader" );
// ### from kmreaderwin begin
// The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
// of the application layout.
QString dir = ( QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
QString headerStr = QString("<div class=\"fancy header\" dir=\"%1\">\n").arg(dir);
// However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
// determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
// the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
// considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
// direction.
QString subjectDir;
if ( !message->subject().isEmpty() )
subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
// Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
QString dateString;
if( printing ) {
QDateTime dateTime;
KLocale* locale = KGlobal::locale();
dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
else {
dateString = message->dateStr();
// Spam header display.
// If the spamSpamStatus config value is true then we look for headers
// from a few spam filters and try to create visually meaningful graphics
// out of the spam scores.
QString spamHTML;
if ( configReader.readBoolEntry( "showSpamStatus", true ) ) {
SpamScores scores = SpamHeaderAnalyzer::getSpamScores( message );
for ( SpamScoresIterator it = scores.begin(); it != scores.end(); ++it )
spamHTML += (*it).agent() + " " +
drawSpamMeter( (*it).score(), (*it).spamHeader() );
QString userHTML;
QString presence;
// IM presence and kabc photo
::KIMProxy *imProxy = KMKernel::self()->imProxy();
QString kabcUid;
KABC::AddressBook *addressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
KABC::AddresseeList addresses = addressBook->findByEmail( KPIM::getFirstEmailAddress( message->from() ) );
QString photoURL;
int photoWidth = 60;
int photoHeight = 60;
if( addresses.count() == 1 )
// kabcUid is embedded in im: URIs to indicate which IM contact to message
kabcUid = addresses[0].uid();
if ( imProxy->initialize() ) {
// im status
presence = imProxy->presenceString( kabcUid );
if ( !presence.isEmpty() )
QString presenceIcon = QString::fromLatin1( " <img src=\"%1\"/>" )
.arg( imgToDataUrl( imProxy->presenceIcon( kabcUid ).convertToImage() ) );
presence += presenceIcon;
// picture
if ( addresses[0].photo().isIntern() )
// get photo data and convert to data: url
//kdDebug( 5006 ) << "INTERNAL photo found" << endl;
QImage photo = addresses[0].photo().data();
if ( !photo.isNull() )
photoWidth = photo.width();
photoHeight = photo.height();
// scale below 60, otherwise it can get way too large
if ( photoHeight > 60 ) {
double ratio = ( double )photoHeight / ( double )photoWidth;
photoHeight = 60;
photoWidth = (int)( 60 / ratio );
photo = photo.smoothScale( photoWidth, photoHeight );
photoURL = imgToDataUrl( photo );
//kdDebug( 5006 ) << "URL found" << endl;
photoURL = addresses[0].photo().url();
if ( photoURL.startsWith("/") )
photoURL.prepend( "file:" );
else // TODO: find a usable one
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Multiple / No addressees matched email address; Count is " << addresses.count() << endl;
userHTML = "&nbsp;";
if( photoURL.isEmpty() ) {
// no photo, look for a Face header
QString faceheader = message->headerField( "Face" );
if ( !faceheader.isEmpty() ) {
QImage faceimage;
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Found Face: header" << endl;
QCString facestring = faceheader.utf8();
// Spec says header should be less than 998 bytes
// Face: is 5 characters
if ( facestring.length() < 993 ) {
QByteArray facearray;
KCodecs::base64Decode(facestring, facearray);
QImage faceimage;
if ( faceimage.loadFromData( facearray, "png" ) ) {
// Spec says image must be 48x48 pixels
if ( (48 == faceimage.width()) && (48 == faceimage.height()) ) {
photoURL = imgToDataUrl( faceimage );
photoWidth = 48;
photoHeight = 48;
} else {
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Face: header image is" << faceimage.width() << "by" << faceimage.height() <<"not 48x48 Pixels" << endl;
} else {
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Failed to load decoded png from Face: header" << endl;
} else {
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Face: header too long at " << facestring.length() << endl;
if( photoURL.isEmpty() )
// no photo, look for a X-Face header
QString xfaceURL;
QString xfhead = message->headerField( "X-Face" );
if ( !xfhead.isEmpty() )
KXFace xf;
photoURL = imgToDataUrl( xf.toImage( xfhead ) );
photoWidth = 48;
photoHeight = 48;
if( !photoURL.isEmpty() )
//kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Got a photo: " << photoURL << endl;
userHTML = QString("<img src=\"%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\">")
.arg( photoURL ).arg( photoWidth ).arg( photoHeight );
if ( presence.isEmpty() ) {
userHTML = QString("<div class=\"senderpic\">") + userHTML + "</div>";
} else {
userHTML = QString( "<div class=\"senderpic\">"
"<a href=\"im:%1\">%2<div class=\"senderstatus\">"
"<span name=\"presence-%3\">%4</span></div></a>"
"</div>" ).arg( kabcUid )
.arg( userHTML )
.arg( kabcUid )
.arg( presence );
} else {
// we don't have a photo, just show presence, if we have it
if ( !presence.isEmpty() )
userHTML = QString( "<a href=\"im:%1\"><div class=\"senderstatus\">"
"<span name=\"presence-%2\">%3</span></div></a>" )
.arg( kabcUid )
.arg( kabcUid )
.arg( presence );
#if 0
// Disabled 'Launch IM' link in headers - Will
if ( imProxy->imAppsAvailable() )
presence = "<a name=\"launchim\" href=\"kmail:startIMApp\">" + i18n("Launch IM") + "</a></span>";
// do nothing - no im apps available, leave presence empty
//presence = i18n( "DCOP/InstantMessenger not installed" );
kdDebug( 5006 ) << "final presence: '" << presence << "'" << endl;
//case HdrFancy:
// the subject line and box below for details
if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) ) {
const int flags = LinkLocator::PreserveSpaces |
( GlobalSettings::self()->showEmoticons() ?
LinkLocator::ReplaceSmileys : 0 );
headerStr += QString("<div dir=\"%1\">%2</div>\n")
i18n("No Subject") :
strToHtml( message->subject(), flags ));
headerStr += "<table class=\"outer\"><tr><td width=\"100%\"><table>\n";
//headerStr += "<table>\n";
// from line
// the mailto: URLs can contain %3 etc., therefore usage of multiple
// QString::arg is not possible
if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
QString fromStr = message->from();
if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
headerStr += QString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
.arg(i18n("From: "))
+ KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, false )
+ ( !message->headerField( "Resent-From" ).isEmpty() ? "&nbsp;"
+ i18n("(resent from %1)")
.arg( KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(
message->headerField( "Resent-From" ),false) )
: QString("") )
+ ( !vCardName.isEmpty() ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\">"
+ i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>"
: QString("") )
#if 0
+ ( ( !presence.isEmpty() )
? "&nbsp;&nbsp;(<span name=\"presence-" + kabcUid + "\">" + presence + "</span>)"
: QString("") )
+ ( message->headerField("Organization").isEmpty()
? QString("")
: "&nbsp;&nbsp;("
+ strToHtml(message->headerField("Organization"))
+ ")")
+ "</td></tr>\n";
// to line
if ( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
.arg(i18n("To: "))
// cc line, if any
if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty())
.arg(i18n("CC: "))
// Bcc line, if any
if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty())
.arg(i18n("BCC: "))
if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
"<td dir=\"%2\">%3</td></tr>\n")
.arg(i18n("Date: "))
.arg( directionOf( message->dateStr() ) )
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->showUserAgent() ) {
if ( strategy->showHeader( "user-agent" ) ) {
if ( !message->headerField("User-Agent").isEmpty() ) {
.arg(i18n("User-Agent: "))
.arg( strToHtml( message->headerField("User-Agent") ) ) );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "x-mailer" ) ) {
if ( !message->headerField("X-Mailer").isEmpty() ) {
.arg(i18n("X-Mailer: "))
.arg( strToHtml( message->headerField("X-Mailer") ) ) );
// FIXME: Show status in synthetic header style field. Decide whether this or current in brackets style is best and remove one.
/* if( strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
headerStr.append( QString( "<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
"<td dir=\"%2\">%3</td></tr>\n")
.arg(i18n("Sender status: "))
.arg( directionOf( onlineStatus ) )
headerStr.append( QString("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div id=\"attachmentInjectionPoint\"></div></td></tr>" ) );
QString( "</table></td><td align=\"center\">%1</td></tr></table>\n" ).arg(userHTML) );
if ( !spamHTML.isEmpty() )
headerStr.append( QString( "<div class=\"spamheader\" dir=\"%1\"><b>%2</b>&nbsp;<span style=\"padding-left: 20px;\">%3</span></div>\n")
.arg( subjectDir, i18n("Spam Status:"), spamHTML ) );
headerStr += "</div>\n\n";
return headerStr;
QString FancyHeaderStyle::imgToDataUrl( const QImage &image, const char* fmt )
QByteArray ba;
QBuffer buffer( ba ); IO_WriteOnly ); &buffer, fmt );
return QString::fromLatin1("data:image/%1;base64,%2")
.arg( fmt, KCodecs::base64Encode( ba ) );
// #####################
class EnterpriseHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
EnterpriseHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
virtual ~EnterpriseHeaderStyle() {}
const char * name() const { return "enterprise"; }
const HeaderStyle * next() const { return brief(); }
const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return fancy(); }
QString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
QString EnterpriseHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
const QString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
if ( !message ) return QString::null;
if ( !strategy )
strategy = HeaderStrategy::brief();
// The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
// of the application layout.
QString dir = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
// However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
// determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
// the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
// considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
// direction.
QString subjectDir;
if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
// colors depend on if its encapsulated or not
QColor fontColor(Qt::white);
QString linkColor = "class =\"white\"";
const QColor activeColor = qApp->palette().active().highlight();
QColor activeColorDark = activeColor.dark(130);
// reverse colors for encapsulated
if( !topLevel ){
activeColorDark = activeColor.dark(50);
fontColor = qApp->palette().active().text();
linkColor = "";
QStringList headerParts;
if( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
headerParts << KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->to(), false, linkColor );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
headerParts << i18n("CC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->cc(), true, linkColor );
if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
headerParts << i18n("BCC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->bcc(), true, linkColor );
// remove all empty (modulo whitespace) entries and joins them via ", \n"
QString headerPart = " " + headerParts.grep( QRegExp( "\\S" ) ).join( ", " );
// Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
QString dateString;
if( printing ) {
QDateTime dateTime;
KLocale * locale = KGlobal::locale();
dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
} else {
dateString = message->dateStr();
QString imgpath(locate("data","kmail/pics/"));
const QString borderSettings(" padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border-width: 0px ");
QString headerStr ("");
// 3D borders
headerStr +=
"<div style=\"position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: #606060; "
"background-image: url("+imgpath+"shadow_left.png); width: 10px; min-height: 100%;\">&nbsp;</div>"
"<div style=\"position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px; background-color: #606060; "
"background-image: url("+imgpath+"shadow_right.png); width: 10px; min-height: 100%;\">&nbsp;</div>";
headerStr += ""
"<div style=\"margin-left: 8px; top: 0px;\"><span style=\"font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;\">"+dateString+"</span></div>"
// #0057ae
"<table style=\"background: ""; border-collapse:collapse; top: 14px; min-width: 200px; \" cellpadding=0> \n"
" <tr> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background-image: url("+imgpath+"top_left.png); \"></td> \n"
" <td style=\"height: 6px; width: 100%; background: url("+imgpath+"top.png); \"></td> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"top_right.png); \"></td> </tr> \n"
" <tr> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; max-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"left.png); \"></td> \n"
" <td style=\"\"> \n"
" <table style=\"color: "" ! important; margin: 1px; border-spacing: 0px;\" cellpadding=0> \n";
// subject
//strToHtml( message->subject() )
if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) ){
headerStr +=
" <tr> \n"
" <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; "+borderSettings+"\"></td> \n"
" <td style=\"font-weight: bolder; font-size: 120%;"+borderSettings+"\">"+message->subject()+"</td> \n"
" </tr> \n";
// from
if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ){
QString fromStr = message->from();
if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
// TODO vcard
QString fromPart = KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, true, linkColor );
if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
fromPart += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\" "+linkColor+">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>";
//TDDO strategy date
//if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
headerStr +=
" <tr> \n"
" <td style=\"font-size: 6px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; text-align: right; "+borderSettings+"\">"+i18n("From: ")+"</td> \n"
" <td style=\""+borderSettings+"\">"+ fromPart +"</td> "
" </tr> ";
// to, cc, bcc
headerStr +=
" <tr> "
" <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; "+borderSettings+"\">"+i18n("To: ")+"</td> "
" <td style=\""+borderSettings+"\">"
" </td> "
" </tr> ";
// header-bottom
headerStr +=
" </table> \n"
" </td> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; max-height: 15px; background: url("+imgpath+"right.png); \"></td> \n"
" </tr> \n"
" <tr> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"s_left.png); \"></td> \n"
" <td style=\"height: 35px; width: 80%; background: url("+imgpath+"sbar.png);\"> \n"
" <img src=\""+imgpath+"sw.png\" style=\"margin: 0px; height: 30px; overflow:hidden; \"> \n"
" <img src=\""+imgpath+"sp_right.png\" style=\"float: right; \"> </td> \n"
" <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"s_right.png); \"></td> \n"
" </tr> \n"
" </table> \n";
// kmail icon
if(topLevel) {
headerStr +=
"<div class=\"noprint\" style=\"position: absolute; top: -14px; right: 30px; width: 91px; height: 91px;\">\n"
"<img style=\"float: right;\" src=\""+imgpath+"icon.png\">\n"
// attachments
headerStr +=
"<div class=\"noprint\" style=\"position: fixed; top: 60px; right: 20px; width: 91px; height: 200px;\">"
"<div id=\"attachmentInjectionPoint\"></div>"
headerStr += "<div style=\"padding: 6px;\">";
// spam status
// ### iterate over the rest of strategy->headerToDisplay() (or
// ### all headers if DefaultPolicy == Display) (elsewhere, too)
return headerStr;
// #####################
// HeaderStyle abstract base:
HeaderStyle::HeaderStyle() {
HeaderStyle::~HeaderStyle() {
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::create( Type type ) {
switch ( type ) {
case Brief: return brief();
case Plain: return plain();
case Fancy: return fancy();
case Enterprise: return enterprise();
kdFatal( 5006 ) << "HeaderStyle::create(): Unknown header style ( type == "
<< (int)type << " ) requested!" << endl;
return 0; // make compiler happy
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::create( const QString & type ) {
QString lowerType = type.lower();
if ( lowerType == "brief" ) return brief();
if ( lowerType == "plain" ) return plain();
if ( lowerType == "enterprise" ) return enterprise();
//if ( lowerType == "fancy" ) return fancy(); // not needed, see below
// don't kdFatal here, b/c the strings are user-provided
// (KConfig), so fail gracefully to the default:
return fancy();
static const HeaderStyle * briefStyle = 0;
static const HeaderStyle * plainStyle = 0;
static const HeaderStyle * fancyStyle = 0;
static const HeaderStyle * enterpriseStyle = 0;
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::brief() {
if ( !briefStyle )
briefStyle = new BriefHeaderStyle();
return briefStyle;
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::plain() {
if ( !plainStyle )
plainStyle = new PlainHeaderStyle();
return plainStyle;
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::fancy() {
if ( !fancyStyle )
fancyStyle = new FancyHeaderStyle();
return fancyStyle;
const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::enterprise() {
if ( !enterpriseStyle )
enterpriseStyle = new EnterpriseHeaderStyle();
return enterpriseStyle;
} // namespace KMail