KEdit: Changes are not saved when the file is closed #2

opened 6 jaren geleden by SlavekB · 1 comments
  1. Open KEdit.
  2. Write some new text.
  3. Open the KEdit Settings.
  4. Make some changes to settings - such as font size.
  5. Confirm the change of settings.

    Note that in the window title the flag that the file is modified will disappear.
  6. Close KEdit.

    The file will be closed without any query to save changes!

    This can cause unwanted data loss.

Note: The same bad behavior verified on all branches - including v3.5.13.x

1. Open KEdit. 2. Write some new text. 3. Open the KEdit Settings. 4. Make some changes to settings - such as font size. 5. Confirm the change of settings. <br/>Note that in the window title the flag that the file is modified will disappear. 6. Close KEdit. <br/>The file will be closed without any query to save changes! <br/>This can cause unwanted data loss. Note: The same bad behavior verified on all branches - including v3.5.13.x
SlavekB heeft dit 6 jaren geleden aan de mijlpaal R14.0.6 release toegevoegd
SlavekB heeft dit 6 jaren geleden aan zichzelf toegewezen
SlavekB voegde het SL/major label 6 jaren geleden toe

Fixed in commit b8cf98b5 (master) and 78a7b4e5 (r14.0.x).

Fixed in commit b8cf98b5 (master) and 78a7b4e5 (r14.0.x).
SlavekB heeft dit probleem gesloten 6 jaren geleden
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Referentie: TDE/tdeutils#2
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