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TQt3 toolkit
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Slávek Banko f5bf794e23
Update translations binary files
vor 1 Woche
bin Replace various Q_* and QT_* defines with TQ_* and TQT_* vor 8 Monaten
config.tests Fix to detect XRandR on multi-prefix package platforms vor 4 Jahren
doc Remove original Q_WS_* defines vor 2 Monaten
examples Update translations binary files vor 1 Woche
extensions Replace Q_WS_* defines with TQ_WS_* equivalents vor 2 Monaten
include Remove dangled symlinks for droped compat headers. vor 9 Monaten
lib Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
mkspecs Avoid setting CONFIG=thread in qmake.conf vor 2 Monaten
pics Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size vor 8 Jahren
plugins/src inputmethods/xim: fix incorrect fontset ref counting vor 1 Monat
qmake Replace Q_WS_* defines with TQ_WS_* equivalents vor 2 Monaten
src Prevent creation of text codecs when the application is shutting down. This resolves issue #142 vor 3 Wochen
tools avoid translating the /qt/XIMInputStyle options when saving into config vor 2 Monaten
translations Update translations binary files vor 1 Woche
tutorial Fix compilation with -no-thread vor 2 Monaten
.gitignore gitignore: add a couple more tests vor 1 Monat
ChangeLog.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. vor 5 Jahren
FAQ Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
INSTALL qt -> tqt conversion: vor 6 Jahren
LICENSE.GPL2 Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
LICENSE.GPL3 Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
LICENSE.QPL Sync with latest script vor 13 Jahren
MANIFEST Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
Makefile Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
PLATFORMS Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
README-QT.TXT Update README vor 4 Monaten
README.Qt3 Update README vor 4 Monaten
README.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. vor 5 Jahren Update README vor 4 Monaten
changes-3.3.8 Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
changes-3.3.8b Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
changes-3.3.8c Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
changes-3.3.8d Automated update from Qt3 vor 9 Jahren
changes-3.4 Automated update from Qt3 vor 12 Jahren
changes-3.5 Automated update from Qt3 vor 11 Jahren
changes.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. vor 5 Jahren
configure ./configure: turn thread support on by default vor 2 Monaten Added symlink include/qsql_sqlite3.h. vor 4 Jahren

This is TQt version 3.5.0.

TQt is a multiplatform C++ GUI application framework based on the last open source release of Qt 3.x branch which is maintained by the Trinity Desktop project.


TQt strives to be a lightweight toolkit for developing graphical desktop applications based on the Window-Icon-Menu-Pointer model.

Compared to Qt, which has become a framework with lots of features not necessarily related to desktop computing, resulting in unnecessary bloat, TQt strives for a different approach by avoiding feature creep and unnecessary complexity.


If you are interested in contributing, please contact us. You can find a list of issues and wish list features to work on here.

If you wish to contribute to TQt3, you might do so:

Translations status


Translations status

TQt3 Assistant

Translations status

TQt3 Designer

Translations status

TQt3 Linguist

Translations status

The TQt toolkit is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL.

Qt is a trademark of The Qt Company Ltd.