path: root/tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c b/tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c
index 8b3a1d5..f591754 100644
--- a/tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c
+++ b/tdegtk/tdegtk-cairo-support.c
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "gtkroundedboxprivate.h"
-#include "raico-blur.h"
#include "tdegtk-cairo-support.h"
#include "tdegtk-support.h"
#include "tdegtk-types.h"
@@ -332,76 +331,6 @@ draw_glow (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
guint hidden_side,
GtkJunctionSides junction)
- GdkRGBA *glow_color;
- GtkBorder border;
- GtkRoundedBox border_box, padding_box;
- GtkStateFlags state;
- cairo_t *cr_surface;
- cairo_surface_t *surface;
- gint bradius = 0;
- raico_blur_t* blur = NULL;
- state = gtk_theming_engine_get_state (engine);
- gtk_theming_engine_get (engine, state,
- "-tdegtk-glow-radius", &bradius,
- "-tdegtk-glow-color", &glow_color,
- NULL);
- if (bradius <= 0)
- goto end_draw_glow;
- gtk_theming_engine_get_border (engine, state, &border);
- hide_border_sides (&border, hidden_side);
- cairo_save (cr);
- cairo_translate (cr, x, y);
- /* create the path to clip */
- _gtk_rounded_box_init_rect (&border_box, 0, 0, width, height);
- _gtk_rounded_box_apply_border_radius (&border_box, engine, state, junction);
- _gtk_rounded_box_shrink (&border_box,, border.right, border.bottom, border.left);
- _gtk_rounded_box_path (&border_box, cr);
- cairo_clip (cr);
- /* create the surface to blur */
- surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
- width + bradius * 2,
- height + bradius * 2);
- cr_surface = cairo_create (surface);
- /* create the path on the surface to blur */
- _gtk_rounded_box_move (&border_box, bradius, bradius);
- padding_box = border_box;
- _gtk_rounded_box_shrink (&padding_box, * 2, border.right * 2, border.bottom * 2, border.left * 2);
- cairo_set_fill_rule (cr_surface, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
- gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr_surface, glow_color);
- _gtk_rounded_box_path (&border_box, cr_surface);
- _gtk_rounded_box_path (&padding_box, cr_surface);
- cairo_fill (cr_surface);
- /* create and apply raico blur */
- blur = raico_blur_create ();
- raico_blur_set_radius (blur, bradius);
- raico_blur_apply (blur, surface);
- /* paint the blurred surface to cr */
- cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, - bradius, - bradius);
- cairo_paint (cr);
- cairo_restore (cr);
- cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
- cairo_destroy (cr_surface);
- gdk_rgba_free (glow_color);
/* draw a repeated texture */
@@ -1364,7 +1293,6 @@ tdegtk_cairo_set_source_border (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
gtk_theming_engine_get (engine, state,
"border-style", &border_style,
- "-tdegtk-border-gradient", &border_pat,
gtk_theming_engine_get_border_color (engine, state, &border_color);