path: root/kopete/protocols/jabber/libiris/iris/include/xmpp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/protocols/jabber/libiris/iris/include/xmpp.h')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/protocols/jabber/libiris/iris/include/xmpp.h b/kopete/protocols/jabber/libiris/iris/include/xmpp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5636f963
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+++ b/kopete/protocols/jabber/libiris/iris/include/xmpp.h
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+ * xmpp.h - XMPP "core" library API
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef XMPP_H
+#define XMPP_H
+namespace QCA
+ class TLS;
+#ifndef CS_XMPP
+class ByteStream;
+namespace XMPP
+ // CS_IMPORT_BEGIN cutestuff/bytestream.h
+#ifdef CS_XMPP
+ class ByteStream;
+ class Debug
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Debug();
+ virtual void msg(const QString &)=0;
+ virtual void outgoingTag(const QString &)=0;
+ virtual void incomingTag(const QString &)=0;
+ virtual void outgoingXml(const QDomElement &)=0;
+ virtual void incomingXml(const QDomElement &)=0;
+ };
+ void setDebug(Debug *);
+ class Connector : public QObject
+ {
+ public:
+ Connector(QObject *parent=0);
+ virtual ~Connector();
+ virtual void connectToServer(const QString &server)=0;
+ virtual ByteStream *stream() const=0;
+ virtual void done()=0;
+ bool useSSL() const;
+ bool havePeerAddress() const;
+ QHostAddress peerAddress() const;
+ Q_UINT16 peerPort() const;
+ signals:
+ void connected();
+ void error();
+ protected:
+ void setUseSSL(bool b);
+ void setPeerAddressNone();
+ void setPeerAddress(const QHostAddress &addr, Q_UINT16 port);
+ private:
+ bool ssl;
+ bool haveaddr;
+ QHostAddress addr;
+ Q_UINT16 port;
+ };
+ class AdvancedConnector : public Connector
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Error { ErrConnectionRefused, ErrHostNotFound, ErrProxyConnect, ErrProxyNeg, ErrProxyAuth, ErrStream };
+ AdvancedConnector(QObject *parent=0);
+ virtual ~AdvancedConnector();
+ class Proxy
+ {
+ public:
+ enum { None, HttpConnect, HttpPoll, Socks };
+ Proxy();
+ ~Proxy();
+ int type() const;
+ QString host() const;
+ Q_UINT16 port() const;
+ QString url() const;
+ QString user() const;
+ QString pass() const;
+ int pollInterval() const;
+ void setHttpConnect(const QString &host, Q_UINT16 port);
+ void setHttpPoll(const QString &host, Q_UINT16 port, const QString &url);
+ void setSocks(const QString &host, Q_UINT16 port);
+ void setUserPass(const QString &user, const QString &pass);
+ void setPollInterval(int secs);
+ private:
+ int t;
+ QString v_host, v_url;
+ Q_UINT16 v_port;
+ QString v_user, v_pass;
+ int v_poll;
+ };
+ void setProxy(const Proxy &proxy);
+ void setOptHostPort(const QString &host, Q_UINT16 port);
+ void setOptProbe(bool);
+ void setOptSSL(bool);
+ void changePollInterval(int secs);
+ void connectToServer(const QString &server);
+ ByteStream *stream() const;
+ void done();
+ int errorCode() const;
+ signals:
+ void srvLookup(const QString &server);
+ void srvResult(bool success);
+ void httpSyncStarted();
+ void httpSyncFinished();
+ private slots:
+ void dns_done();
+ void srv_done();
+ void bs_connected();
+ void bs_error(int);
+ void http_syncStarted();
+ void http_syncFinished();
+ private:
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ void cleanup();
+ void do_resolve();
+ void do_connect();
+ void tryNextSrv();
+ };
+ class TLSHandler : public QObject
+ {
+ public:
+ TLSHandler(QObject *parent=0);
+ virtual ~TLSHandler();
+ virtual void reset()=0;
+ virtual void startClient(const QString &host)=0;
+ virtual void write(const QByteArray &a)=0;
+ virtual void writeIncoming(const QByteArray &a)=0;
+ signals:
+ void success();
+ void fail();
+ void closed();
+ void readyRead(const QByteArray &a);
+ void readyReadOutgoing(const QByteArray &a, int plainBytes);
+ };
+ class QCATLSHandler : public TLSHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ QCATLSHandler(QCA::TLS *parent);
+ ~QCATLSHandler();
+ QCA::TLS *tls() const;
+ int tlsError() const;
+ void reset();
+ void startClient(const QString &host);
+ void write(const QByteArray &a);
+ void writeIncoming(const QByteArray &a);
+ signals:
+ void tlsHandshaken();
+ public slots:
+ void continueAfterHandshake();
+ private slots:
+ void tls_handshaken();
+ void tls_readyRead();
+ void tls_readyReadOutgoing(int);
+ void tls_closed();
+ void tls_error(int);
+ private:
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ };
+ class Jid
+ {
+ public:
+ Jid();
+ ~Jid();
+ Jid(const QString &s);
+ Jid(const char *s);
+ Jid & operator=(const QString &s);
+ Jid & operator=(const char *s);
+ void set(const QString &s);
+ void set(const QString &domain, const QString &node, const QString &resource="");
+ void setDomain(const QString &s);
+ void setNode(const QString &s);
+ void setResource(const QString &s);
+ const QString & domain() const { return d; }
+ const QString & node() const { return n; }
+ const QString & resource() const { return r; }
+ const QString & bare() const { return b; }
+ const QString & full() const { return f; }
+ Jid withNode(const QString &s) const;
+ Jid withResource(const QString &s) const;
+ bool isValid() const;
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ bool compare(const Jid &a, bool compareRes=true) const;
+ static bool validDomain(const QString &s, QString *norm=0);
+ static bool validNode(const QString &s, QString *norm=0);
+ static bool validResource(const QString &s, QString *norm=0);
+ // TODO: kill these later
+ const QString & host() const { return d; }
+ const QString & user() const { return n; }
+ const QString & userHost() const { return b; }
+ private:
+ void reset();
+ void update();
+ QString f, b, d, n, r;
+ bool valid;
+ };
+ class Stream;
+ class Stanza
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Kind { Message, Presence, IQ };
+ enum ErrorType { Cancel, Continue, Modify, Auth, Wait };
+ enum ErrorCond
+ {
+ BadRequest,
+ Conflict,
+ FeatureNotImplemented,
+ Forbidden,
+ InternalServerError,
+ ItemNotFound,
+ JidMalformed,
+ NotAllowed,
+ PaymentRequired,
+ RecipientUnavailable,
+ RegistrationRequired,
+ ServerNotFound,
+ ServerTimeout,
+ ResourceConstraint,
+ ServiceUnavailable,
+ SubscriptionRequired,
+ UndefinedCondition,
+ UnexpectedRequest
+ };
+ Stanza();
+ Stanza(const Stanza &from);
+ Stanza & operator=(const Stanza &from);
+ virtual ~Stanza();
+ class Error
+ {
+ public:
+ Error(int type=Cancel, int condition=UndefinedCondition, const QString &text="", const QDomElement &appSpec=QDomElement());
+ int type;
+ int condition;
+ QString text;
+ QDomElement appSpec;
+ };
+ bool isNull() const;
+ QDomElement element() const;
+ QString toString() const;
+ QDomDocument & doc() const;
+ QString baseNS() const;
+ QString xhtmlImNS() const;
+ QString xhtmlNS() const;
+ QDomElement createElement(const QString &ns, const QString &tagName);
+ QDomElement createTextElement(const QString &ns, const QString &tagName, const QString &text);
+ QDomElement createXHTMLElement(const QString &xHTML);
+ void appendChild(const QDomElement &e);
+ Kind kind() const;
+ void setKind(Kind k);
+ Jid to() const;
+ Jid from() const;
+ QString id() const;
+ QString type() const;
+ QString lang() const;
+ void setTo(const Jid &j);
+ void setFrom(const Jid &j);
+ void setId(const QString &id);
+ void setType(const QString &type);
+ void setLang(const QString &lang);
+ Error error() const;
+ void setError(const Error &err);
+ void clearError();
+ private:
+ friend class Stream;
+ Stanza(Stream *s, Kind k, const Jid &to, const QString &type, const QString &id);
+ Stanza(Stream *s, const QDomElement &e);
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ };
+ class Stream : public QObject
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Error { ErrParse, ErrProtocol, ErrStream, ErrCustom = 10 };
+ enum StreamCond {
+ GenericStreamError,
+ Conflict,
+ ConnectionTimeout,
+ InternalServerError,
+ InvalidFrom,
+ InvalidXml,
+ PolicyViolation,
+ ResourceConstraint,
+ SystemShutdown
+ };
+ Stream(QObject *parent=0);
+ virtual ~Stream();
+ virtual QDomDocument & doc() const=0;
+ virtual QString baseNS() const=0;
+ virtual QString xhtmlImNS() const=0;
+ virtual QString xhtmlNS() const=0;
+ virtual bool old() const=0;
+ virtual void close()=0;
+ virtual bool stanzaAvailable() const=0;
+ virtual Stanza read()=0;
+ virtual void write(const Stanza &s)=0;
+ virtual int errorCondition() const=0;
+ virtual QString errorText() const=0;
+ virtual QDomElement errorAppSpec() const=0;
+ Stanza createStanza(Stanza::Kind k, const Jid &to="", const QString &type="", const QString &id="");
+ Stanza createStanza(const QDomElement &e);
+ static QString xmlToString(const QDomElement &e, bool clip=false);
+ signals:
+ void connectionClosed();
+ void delayedCloseFinished();
+ void readyRead();
+ void stanzaWritten();
+ void error(int);
+ };
+ class ClientStream : public Stream
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Error {
+ ErrConnection = ErrCustom, // Connection error, ask Connector-subclass what's up
+ ErrNeg, // Negotiation error, see condition
+ ErrTLS, // TLS error, see condition
+ ErrAuth, // Auth error, see condition
+ ErrSecurityLayer, // broken SASL security layer
+ ErrBind // Resource binding error
+ };
+ enum Warning {
+ WarnOldVersion, // server uses older XMPP/Jabber "0.9" protocol
+ WarnNoTLS // there is no chance for TLS at this point
+ };
+ enum NegCond {
+ HostGone, // host no longer hosted
+ HostUnknown, // unknown host
+ RemoteConnectionFailed, // unable to connect to a required remote resource
+ SeeOtherHost, // a 'redirect', see errorText() for other host
+ UnsupportedVersion // unsupported XMPP version
+ };
+ enum TLSCond {
+ TLSStart, // server rejected STARTTLS
+ TLSFail // TLS failed, ask TLSHandler-subclass what's up
+ };
+ enum SecurityLayer {
+ LayerTLS,
+ LayerSASL
+ };
+ enum AuthCond {
+ GenericAuthError, // all-purpose "can't login" error
+ NoMech, // No appropriate auth mech available
+ BadProto, // Bad SASL auth protocol
+ BadServ, // Server failed mutual auth
+ EncryptionRequired, // can't use mech without TLS
+ InvalidAuthzid, // bad input JID
+ InvalidMech, // bad mechanism
+ InvalidRealm, // bad realm
+ MechTooWeak, // can't use mech with this authzid
+ NotAuthorized, // bad user, bad password, bad creditials
+ TemporaryAuthFailure // please try again later!
+ };
+ enum BindCond {
+ BindNotAllowed, // not allowed to bind a resource
+ BindConflict // resource in-use
+ };
+ ClientStream(Connector *conn, TLSHandler *tlsHandler=0, QObject *parent=0);
+ ClientStream(const QString &host, const QString &defRealm, ByteStream *bs, QCA::TLS *tls=0, QObject *parent=0); // server
+ ~ClientStream();
+ Jid jid() const;
+ void connectToServer(const Jid &jid, bool auth=true);
+ void accept(); // server
+ bool isActive() const;
+ bool isAuthenticated() const;
+ // login params
+ void setUsername(const QString &s);
+ void setPassword(const QString &s);
+ void setRealm(const QString &s);
+ void continueAfterParams();
+ // SASL information
+ QString saslMechanism() const;
+ int saslSSF() const;
+ // binding
+ void setResourceBinding(bool);
+ // security options (old protocol only uses the first !)
+ void setAllowPlain(bool);
+ void setRequireMutualAuth(bool);
+ void setSSFRange(int low, int high);
+ void setOldOnly(bool);
+ void setSASLMechanism(const QString &s);
+ void setLocalAddr(const QHostAddress &addr, Q_UINT16 port);
+ // reimplemented
+ QDomDocument & doc() const;
+ QString baseNS() const;
+ QString xhtmlImNS() const;
+ QString xhtmlNS() const;
+ bool old() const;
+ void close();
+ bool stanzaAvailable() const;
+ Stanza read();
+ void write(const Stanza &s);
+ int errorCondition() const;
+ QString errorText() const;
+ QDomElement errorAppSpec() const;
+ // extra
+ void writeDirect(const QString &s);
+ void setNoopTime(int mills);
+ signals:
+ void connected();
+ void securityLayerActivated(int);
+ void needAuthParams(bool user, bool pass, bool realm);
+ void authenticated();
+ void warning(int);
+ void incomingXml(const QString &s);
+ void outgoingXml(const QString &s);
+ public slots:
+ void continueAfterWarning();
+ private slots:
+ void cr_connected();
+ void cr_error();
+ void bs_connectionClosed();
+ void bs_delayedCloseFinished();
+ void bs_error(int); // server only
+ void ss_readyRead();
+ void ss_bytesWritten(int);
+ void ss_tlsHandshaken();
+ void ss_tlsClosed();
+ void ss_error(int);
+ void sasl_clientFirstStep(const QString &mech, const QByteArray *clientInit);
+ void sasl_nextStep(const QByteArray &stepData);
+ void sasl_needParams(bool user, bool authzid, bool pass, bool realm);
+ void sasl_authCheck(const QString &user, const QString &authzid);
+ void sasl_authenticated();
+ void sasl_error(int);
+ void doNoop();
+ void doReadyRead();
+ private:
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ void reset(bool all=false);
+ void processNext();
+ int convertedSASLCond() const;
+ bool handleNeed();
+ void handleError();
+ void srvProcessNext();
+ };