path: root/umbrello/umbrello/association.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/association.cpp')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/association.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/association.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eacc8d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/association.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2003-2006 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// own header
+#include "association.h"
+// qt/kde includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+// app includes
+#include "classifier.h"
+#include "folder.h"
+#include "uml.h"
+#include "umldoc.h"
+#include "umlrole.h"
+#include "uniqueid.h"
+#include "model_utils.h"
+using namespace Uml;
+// static members
+const Uml::Association_Type UMLAssociation::atypeFirst = Uml::at_Generalization;
+const Uml::Association_Type UMLAssociation::atypeLast = Uml::at_Relationship;
+const unsigned UMLAssociation::nAssocTypes = (unsigned)atypeLast -
+ (unsigned)atypeFirst + 1;
+// constructor
+UMLAssociation::UMLAssociation( Uml::Association_Type type,
+ UMLObject * roleA, UMLObject * roleB )
+ : UMLObject("")
+ init(type, roleA, roleB);
+ m_pRole[Uml::A]->setID( UniqueID::gen() );
+ m_pRole[Uml::B]->setID( UniqueID::gen() );
+UMLAssociation::UMLAssociation( Uml::Association_Type type /* = Uml::at_Unknown */)
+ : UMLObject("", Uml::id_Reserved)
+ init(type, NULL, NULL);
+// destructor
+UMLAssociation::~UMLAssociation( ) {
+ if (m_pRole[A] == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLAssociation destructor: m_pRole[A] is NULL already"
+ << endl;
+ } else {
+ delete m_pRole[A];
+ m_pRole[A] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pRole[B] == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLAssociation destructor: m_pRole[B] is NULL already"
+ << endl;
+ } else {
+ delete m_pRole[B];
+ m_pRole[B] = NULL;
+ }
+bool UMLAssociation::operator==(UMLAssociation &rhs) {
+ if (this == &rhs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return ( UMLObject::operator== ( rhs ) &&
+ m_AssocType == rhs.m_AssocType &&
+ m_Name == rhs.m_Name &&
+ m_pRole[A] == rhs.m_pRole[A] &&
+ m_pRole[B] == rhs.m_pRole[B] );
+const QString UMLAssociation::assocTypeStr[UMLAssociation::nAssocTypes] = {
+ /* The elements must be listed in the same order as in the
+ Uml::Association_Type. */
+ i18n("Generalization"), // at_Generalization
+ i18n("Aggregation"), // at_Aggregation
+ i18n("Dependency"), // at_Dependency
+ i18n("Association"), // at_Association
+ i18n("Self Association"), // at_Association_Self
+ i18n("Collaboration Message"), // at_Coll_Message
+ i18n("Sequence Message"), // at_Seq_Message
+ i18n("Collaboration Self Message"), // at_Coll_Message_Self
+ i18n("Sequence Self Message"), // at_Seq_Message_Self
+ i18n("Containment"), // at_Containment
+ i18n("Composition"), // at_Composition
+ i18n("Realization"), // at_Realization
+ i18n("Uni Association"), // at_UniAssociation
+ i18n("Anchor"), // at_Anchor
+ i18n("State Transition"), // at_State
+ i18n("Activity"), // at_Activity
+ };
+Uml::Association_Type UMLAssociation::getAssocType() const {
+ return m_AssocType;
+QString UMLAssociation::toString ( ) const
+ QString string;
+ if(m_pRole[A])
+ {
+ string += m_pRole[A]->getObject()->getName();
+ string += ':';
+ string += m_pRole[A]->getName();
+ }
+ string += ':' + typeAsString(m_AssocType) + ':';
+ if(m_pRole[B])
+ {
+ string += m_pRole[B]->getObject( )->getName();
+ string += ':';
+ string += m_pRole[B]->getName();
+ }
+ return string;
+QString UMLAssociation::typeAsString (Uml::Association_Type atype)
+ if (atype < atypeFirst || atype > atypeLast)
+ return "";
+ return assocTypeStr[(unsigned)atype - (unsigned)atypeFirst];
+bool UMLAssociation::assocTypeHasUMLRepresentation(Uml::Association_Type atype)
+ return (atype == Uml::at_Generalization ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Realization ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Association ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Association_Self ||
+ atype == Uml::at_UniAssociation ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Aggregation ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Relationship ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Composition ||
+ atype == Uml::at_Dependency);
+bool UMLAssociation::resolveRef() {
+ bool successA = getUMLRole(A)->resolveRef();
+ bool successB = getUMLRole(B)->resolveRef();
+ if (successA && successB) {
+ UMLObject *objA = getUMLRole(A)->getObject();
+ UMLObject *objB = getUMLRole(B)->getObject();
+ // Check if need to change the assoc type to Realization
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Generalization &&
+ (objA && objA->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Interface ||
+ objB && objB->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Interface))
+ m_AssocType = Uml::at_Realization;
+ m_pUMLPackage->addAssocToConcepts(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void UMLAssociation::saveToXMI( QDomDocument & qDoc, QDomElement & qElement ) {
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Generalization) {
+ QDomElement assocElement = UMLObject::save("UML:Generalization", qDoc);
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "discriminator", "" );
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "child", ID2STR(getObjectId(A)) );
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "parent", ID2STR(getObjectId(B)) );
+ qElement.appendChild( assocElement );
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Realization) {
+ QDomElement assocElement = UMLObject::save("UML:Abstraction", qDoc);
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "client", ID2STR(getObjectId(A)) );
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "supplier", ID2STR(getObjectId(B)) );
+ qElement.appendChild( assocElement );
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Dependency) {
+ QDomElement assocElement = UMLObject::save("UML:Dependency", qDoc);
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "client", ID2STR(getObjectId(A)) );
+ assocElement.setAttribute( "supplier", ID2STR(getObjectId(B)) );
+ qElement.appendChild( assocElement );
+ return;
+ }
+ QDomElement associationElement = UMLObject::save("UML:Association", qDoc);
+ QDomElement connElement = qDoc.createElement("UML:Association.connection");
+ getUMLRole(A)->saveToXMI (qDoc, connElement);
+ getUMLRole(B)->saveToXMI (qDoc, connElement);
+ associationElement.appendChild (connElement);
+ qElement.appendChild( associationElement );
+bool UMLAssociation::load( QDomElement & element ) {
+ if (getID() == Uml::id_None)
+ return false; // old style XMI file. No real info in this association.
+ UMLDoc * doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
+ UMLObject * obj[2] = { NULL, NULL };
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Generalization ||
+ m_AssocType == Uml::at_Realization ||
+ m_AssocType == Uml::at_Dependency) {
+ for (unsigned r = Uml::A; r <= Uml::B; r++) {
+ const QString fetch = (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Generalization ?
+ r == Uml::A ? "child" : "parent"
+ : r == Uml::A ? "client" : "supplier");
+ QString roleIdStr = element.attribute(fetch, "");
+ if (roleIdStr.isEmpty()) {
+ // Might be given as a child node instead - see below.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // set umlobject of role if possible (else defer resolution)
+ obj[r] = doc->findObjectById(STR2ID(roleIdStr));
+ Uml::Role_Type role = (Uml::Role_Type)r;
+ if (obj[r] == NULL) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setSecondaryId(roleIdStr); // defer to resolveRef()
+ } else {
+ m_pRole[role]->setObject(obj[r]);
+ if (m_pUMLPackage == NULL) {
+ Uml::Model_Type mt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_MT(obj[r]->getBaseType());
+ m_pUMLPackage = doc->getRootFolder(mt);
+ kDebug() << "UMLAssociation::load(assoctype " << m_AssocType
+ << "): setting model type " << mt << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (obj[A] == NULL || obj[B] == NULL) {
+ for (QDomNode node = element.firstChild(); !node.isNull();
+ node = node.nextSibling()) {
+ if (node.isComment())
+ continue;
+ QDomElement tempElement = node.toElement();
+ QString tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (Model_Utils::isCommonXMIAttribute(tag))
+ continue;
+ // Permitted tag names:
+ // roleA: "child" "subtype" "client"
+ // roleB: "parent" "supertype" "supplier"
+ QString idStr = tempElement.attribute( "", "" );
+ if (idStr.isEmpty())
+ idStr = tempElement.attribute( "xmi.idref", "" );
+ if (idStr.isEmpty()) {
+ QDomNode inner = node.firstChild();
+ QDomElement tmpElem = inner.toElement();
+ idStr = tmpElem.attribute( "", "" );
+ if (idStr.isEmpty())
+ idStr = tmpElem.attribute( "xmi.idref", "" );
+ }
+ if (idStr.isEmpty()) {
+ kError() << "UMLAssociation::load (type " << m_AssocType
+ << ", id " << ID2STR(getID()) << "): "
+ << "xmi id not given for " << tag << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Since we know for sure that we're dealing with a non
+ // umbrello file, use deferred resolution unconditionally.
+ if (tagEq(tag, "child") || tagEq(tag, "subtype") || tagEq(tag, "client")) {
+ getUMLRole(A)->setSecondaryId(idStr);
+ } else {
+ getUMLRole(B)->setSecondaryId(idStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // its a realization if either endpoint is an interface
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Generalization &&
+ (obj[A] && obj[A]->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Interface ||
+ obj[B] && obj[B]->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Interface))
+ m_AssocType = Uml::at_Realization;
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (QDomNode node = element.firstChild(); !node.isNull();
+ node = node.nextSibling()) {
+ // uml13.dtd compliant format (new style)
+ if (node.isComment())
+ continue;
+ QDomElement tempElement = node.toElement();
+ QString tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (Model_Utils::isCommonXMIAttribute(tag))
+ continue;
+ if (!tagEq(tag, "Association.connection") &&
+ !tagEq(tag, "Namespace.ownedElement") &&
+ !tagEq(tag, "Namespace.contents")) {
+ kWarning() << "UMLAssociation::load: "
+ << "unknown child node " << tag << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Load role A.
+ node = tempElement.firstChild();
+ while (node.isComment())
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ tempElement = node.toElement();
+ if (tempElement.isNull()) {
+ kWarning() << "UML:Association : element (A) is Null" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (!tagEq(tag, "AssociationEndRole") &&
+ !tagEq(tag, "AssociationEnd")) {
+ kWarning() << "UMLAssociation::load: "
+ << "unknown child (A) tag " << tag << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (! getUMLRole(A)->loadFromXMI(tempElement))
+ return false;
+ // Load role B.
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ while (node.isComment())
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ tempElement = node.toElement();
+ if (tempElement.isNull()) {
+ kWarning() << "UML:Association : element (B) is Null" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (!tagEq(tag, "AssociationEndRole") &&
+ !tagEq(tag, "AssociationEnd")) {
+ kWarning() << "UMLAssociation::load: "
+ << "unknown child (B) tag " << tag << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (! getUMLRole(B)->loadFromXMI(tempElement))
+ return false;
+ if (m_pUMLPackage == NULL) {
+ Uml::Model_Type mt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_MT(getObject(B)->getBaseType());
+ m_pUMLPackage = doc->getRootFolder(mt);
+ kDebug() << "UMLAssociation::load: setting model type " << mt << endl;
+ }
+ // setting the association type:
+ //
+ // In the old days, we could just record this on the association,
+ // and be done with it. But thats not how the UML13.dtd does things.
+ // As a result, we are checking roleA for information about the
+ // parent association (!) which by this point in the parse, should
+ // be set. However, the information that the roles are allowed to have
+ // is not complete, so we need to finish the analysis here.
+ // find self-associations
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Association && getObjectId(A) == getObjectId(B))
+ m_AssocType = Uml::at_Association_Self;
+ // fall-back default type
+ if (m_AssocType == Uml::at_Unknown) {
+ m_AssocType = Uml::at_Association;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // From here on it's old-style stuff.
+ QString assocTypeStr = element.attribute( "assoctype", "-1" );
+ Uml::Association_Type assocType = Uml::at_Unknown;
+ if (assocTypeStr[0] >= 'a' && assocTypeStr[0] <= 'z') {
+ // In an earlier version, the natural assoctype names were saved.
+ const QString assocTypeString[nAssocTypes] = {
+ "generalization", // at_Generalization
+ "aggregation", // at_Aggregation
+ "dependency", // at_Dependency
+ "association", // at_Association
+ "associationself", // at_Association_Self
+ "collmessage", // at_Coll_Message
+ "seqmessage", // at_Seq_Message
+ "collmessageself", // at_Coll_Message_Self
+ "seqmessageself", // at_Seq_Message_Self
+ "implementation", // at_Implementation
+ "composition", // at_Composition
+ "realization", // at_Realization
+ "uniassociation", // at_UniAssociation
+ "anchor", // at_Anchor
+ "state", // at_State
+ "activity", // at_Activity
+ "relationship" // at_Relationship
+ };
+ unsigned index;
+ for (index = 0; index < nAssocTypes; index++)
+ if (assocTypeStr == assocTypeString[index])
+ break;
+ if (index < nAssocTypes)
+ assocType = (Uml::Association_Type)index;
+ } else {
+ int assocTypeNum = assocTypeStr.toInt();
+ if (assocTypeNum < (int)atypeFirst || assocTypeNum > (int)atypeLast) {
+ kWarning() << "bad assoctype of UML:Association "
+ << ID2STR(getID()) << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ assocType = (Uml::Association_Type)assocTypeNum;
+ }
+ setAssocType( assocType );
+ Uml::IDType roleAObjID = STR2ID(element.attribute( "rolea", "-1" ));
+ Uml::IDType roleBObjID = STR2ID(element.attribute( "roleb", "-1" ));
+ if (assocType == at_Aggregation || assocType == at_Composition) {
+ // Flip roles to compensate for changed diamond logic in LinePath.
+ // For further explanations see AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI.
+ Uml::IDType tmp = roleAObjID;
+ roleAObjID = roleBObjID;
+ roleBObjID = tmp;
+ }
+ UMLObject * objA = doc->findObjectById(roleAObjID);
+ UMLObject * objB = doc->findObjectById(roleBObjID);
+ if(objA)
+ getUMLRole(A)->setObject(objA);
+ else
+ return false;
+ if(objB)
+ getUMLRole(B)->setObject(objB);
+ else
+ return false;
+ setMulti(element.attribute( "multia", "" ), A);
+ setMulti(element.attribute( "multib", "" ), B);
+ setRoleName(element.attribute( "namea", "" ), A);
+ setRoleName(element.attribute( "nameb", "" ), B);
+ setRoleDoc(element.attribute( "doca", "" ), A);
+ setRoleDoc(element.attribute( "docb", "" ), B);
+ // Visibility defaults to Public if it cant set it here..
+ QString visibilityA = element.attribute( "visibilitya", "0");
+ QString visibilityB = element.attribute( "visibilityb", "0");
+ if (visibilityA.toInt() > 0)
+ setVisibility((Uml::Visibility::Value)visibilityA.toInt(), A);
+ if (visibilityB.toInt() > 0)
+ setVisibility((Uml::Visibility::Value)visibilityB.toInt(), B);
+ // Changeability defaults to Changeable if it cant set it here..
+ QString changeabilityA = element.attribute( "changeabilitya", "0");
+ QString changeabilityB = element.attribute( "changeabilityb", "0");
+ if (changeabilityA.toInt() > 0)
+ setChangeability ( (Uml::Changeability_Type) changeabilityA.toInt(), A);
+ if (changeabilityB.toInt() > 0)
+ setChangeability ( (Uml::Changeability_Type) changeabilityB.toInt(), B);
+ return true;
+UMLObject* UMLAssociation::getObject(Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getObject();
+Uml::IDType UMLAssociation::getObjectId(Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ UMLRole *roleObj = m_pRole[role];
+ UMLObject *o = roleObj->getObject();
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ QString auxID = roleObj->getSecondaryId();
+ if (auxID.isEmpty()) {
+ kError() << "UMLAssociation::getObjectId(" << role
+ << "): getObject returns NULL" << endl;
+ return Uml::id_None;
+ } else {
+ kDebug() << "UMLAssociation::getObjectId(" << role
+ << "): using secondary ID " << auxID << endl;
+ return STR2ID(auxID);
+ }
+ }
+ return o->getID();
+Uml::IDType UMLAssociation::getRoleId(Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getID();
+ */
+Uml::Changeability_Type UMLAssociation::getChangeability(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getChangeability();
+Uml::Visibility UMLAssociation::getVisibility(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getVisibility();
+QString UMLAssociation::getMulti(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getMultiplicity();
+QString UMLAssociation::getRoleName(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getName();
+QString UMLAssociation::getRoleDoc(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
+ return m_pRole[role]->getDoc();
+UMLRole * UMLAssociation::getUMLRole(Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ return m_pRole[role];
+void UMLAssociation::setOldLoadMode(bool value /* = true */) {
+ m_bOldLoadMode = value;
+bool UMLAssociation::getOldLoadMode() const {
+ return m_bOldLoadMode;
+void UMLAssociation::setAssocType(Uml::Association_Type assocType) {
+ m_AssocType = assocType;
+ if(m_AssocType == at_UniAssociation)
+ {
+ // In this case we need to auto-set the multiplicity/rolenames
+ // of the roles
+ kDebug() << " A new uni-association has been created." << endl;
+ }
+ UMLDoc *umldoc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
+ if (! umldoc->loading())
+ emit modified();
+void UMLAssociation::setObject(UMLObject *obj, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setObject(obj);
+void UMLAssociation::setVisibility(Uml::Visibility value, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setVisibility(value);
+void UMLAssociation::setChangeability(Uml::Changeability_Type value, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setChangeability(value);
+void UMLAssociation::setMulti(const QString &value, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setMultiplicity(value);
+void UMLAssociation::setRoleName(const QString &value, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setName(value);
+void UMLAssociation::setRoleDoc(const QString &doc, Uml::Role_Type role) {
+ m_pRole[role]->setDoc(doc);
+QString UMLAssociation::ChangeabilityToString(Uml::Changeability_Type type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case Uml::chg_Frozen:
+ return "frozen";
+ break;
+ case Uml::chg_AddOnly:
+ return "addOnly";
+ break;
+ case Uml::chg_Changeable:
+ default:
+ return "changeable";
+ break;
+ }
+void UMLAssociation::init(Uml::Association_Type type, UMLObject *roleAObj, UMLObject *roleBObj) {
+ m_AssocType = type;
+ m_BaseType = ot_Association;
+ m_Name = "";
+ m_bOldLoadMode = false;
+ nrof_parent_widgets = -1;
+ if (!UMLApp::app()->getDocument()->loading())
+ m_pUMLPackage = UMLApp::app()->getDocument()->currentRoot();
+ m_pRole[Uml::A] = new UMLRole (this, roleAObj, Uml::A);
+ m_pRole[Uml::B] = new UMLRole (this, roleBObj, Uml::B);
+#include "association.moc"