path: root/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerator.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/codegenerator.h')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerator.h b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0928dbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2004-2006 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* This code generated by:
+ * Author : thomas
+ * Date : Thu Jun 19 2003
+ * Bugs and comments to or
+ */
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include "codegenerators/codegenpolicyext.h"
+#include "codegenerationpolicy.h"
+#include "umlpackagelist.h"
+#include "umlclassifierlist.h"
+#include "codedocumentlist.h"
+#include "codeviewerstate.h"
+#include "umlnamespace.h"
+class UMLAttribute;
+class UMLDoc;
+class UMLObject;
+class UMLRole;
+class UMLOperation;
+class ClassifierCodeDocument;
+class CodeAccessorMethod;
+class CodeBlock;
+class CodeBlockWithComments;
+class CodeClassField;
+class CodeClassFieldDeclarationBlock;
+class CodeComment;
+class CodeDocument;
+class CodeOperation;
+class CodeViewerDialog;
+class KConfig;
+ * class CodeGenerator
+ * This class collects together all of the code documents which form this project,
+ * and generates code for them in a given language.
+ */
+ * CodeGenerator is the base class for all CodeGenerators. It
+ * provides the interface through which all Generators are invoked and
+ * the all the basic functionality. The only thing it doesn't do is to
+ * generate code =)
+ *
+ * If you want to implement a CodeGenerator for some language follow
+ * these steps:
+ *
+ * Create a class which inherits CodeGenerator. This class can have
+ * any name, I use names like CppCodeGenerator for the Cpp Generator,
+ * JavaCodeGenerator for the Java Generator and so on, but you can use what
+ * you want.
+ *
+ * The code you generate should be output to "outputDirectory" and you
+ * should respect the OverwritePolicy specified. You should call
+ * findFileName(..) to get an appropriate file name, and then you can
+ * call openFile if you want, but if you want to do it yourself you
+ *
+ * Finally put your generator in a library which can be dlopened
+ * together with a factory class (see below) and you are ready to go.
+ */
+class CodeGenerator : public QObject {
+ // Constructors/Destructors
+ //
+ /**
+ * Constructors
+ */
+ /**
+ * Build a code generator.
+ * @return CodeGenerator
+ */
+ CodeGenerator ();
+ /**
+ * Build a code generator and then initialize it from an XMI element.
+ * @return CodeGenerator
+ * @param element an element from an XMI document
+ */
+ CodeGenerator (QDomElement & element );
+ /**
+ * Empty Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~CodeGenerator ( );
+ // Public attribute accessor methods
+ //
+ /**
+ * Add a CodeDocument object to the m_codedocumentVector List
+ * @return boolean - will return false if it couldnt add a document.
+ */
+ bool addCodeDocument ( CodeDocument * add_object );
+ /**
+ * Replace (or possibly add a new) CodeDocument object to the m_codedocumentVector List.
+ * As names must be unique and each code document must have a name.
+ * @return boolean value which will be true if the passed document was able to replace some
+ * other document OR was added(no prior document existed..only when addIfPriorDocumentNotPresent is true).
+ * The document which was replaced will be deleted IF deleteReplacedDocument is true.
+ */
+ // bool replaceCodeDocument ( CodeDocument * replace_doc=0, bool addIfPriorDocumentNotPresent=true,
+ // bool deleteReplacedDocument=true );
+ /**
+ * Remove a CodeDocument object from m_codedocumentVector List
+ * @return boolean - will return false if it couldnt remove a document.
+ */
+ bool removeCodeDocument ( CodeDocument * remove_object );
+ /**
+ * Get the list of CodeDocument objects held by m_codedocumentVector
+ * @return CodeDocumentList list of CodeDocument objects held by
+ * m_codedocumentVector
+ */
+ CodeDocumentList * getCodeDocumentList ( );
+ // get a unique id for this codedocument
+ QString getUniqueID ( CodeDocument * codeDoc );
+ /**
+ * Save the XMI representation of this object
+ */
+ virtual void saveToXMI ( QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & root );
+ /**
+ * Find a code document by the given id string.
+ * @return CodeDocument
+ */
+ CodeDocument * findCodeDocumentByID (const QString &id );
+ /**
+ * Write out all code documents to file as appropriate.
+ */
+ virtual void writeCodeToFile ( );
+ // this method is here to provide class wizard the
+ // ability to write out only those classes which
+ // are selected by the user.
+ virtual void writeCodeToFile(UMLClassifierList &list);
+ // these are utility methods for accessing the default
+ // code gen policy object and *perhaps* should go away when we
+ // finally implement the CodeGenDialog class -b.t.
+ void setModifyNamePolicy(CodeGenerationPolicy::ModifyNamePolicy p);
+ CodeGenerationPolicy::ModifyNamePolicy modifyNamePolicy()const;
+ void setIncludeHeadings(bool i);
+ bool includeHeadings() const;
+ void setHeadingFileDir(const QString &);
+ QString headingFileDir() const;
+ void setForceDoc(bool f);
+ bool forceDoc() const;
+ void setForceSections(bool f);
+ bool forceSections() const;
+ /**
+ * Gets the heading file (as a string) to be inserted at the
+ * beginning of the generated file. you give the file type as
+ * parameter and get the string. if fileName starts with a
+ * period (.) then fileName is the extension (.cpp, .h,
+ * .java) if fileName starts with another character you are
+ * requesting a specific file (mylicensefile.txt). The files
+ * can have parameters which are denoted by %parameter%.
+ *
+ * current parameters are
+ * %author%
+ * %date%
+ * %time%
+ * %filepath%
+ *
+ * @return QString
+ * @param file
+ */
+ virtual QString getHeadingFile (const QString &file );
+ /**
+ * Finds an appropriate file name for the given CodeDocument, taking into
+ * account the Overwrite Policy and asking the user what to do if need be
+ * (if policy == Ask).
+ *
+ * @param doc the CodeDocument for which an output file name is desired.
+ * @return the file name that should be used. (with extension) or
+ * NULL if none to be used
+ */
+ virtual QString findFileName(CodeDocument * doc);
+ /**
+ * Replaces spaces with underscores and capitalises as defined in m_modname
+ * @return QString
+ * @param name
+ */
+ static QString cleanName ( const QString &name );
+ /** Format documentation for output in source files
+ *
+ * @param text the documentation which has to be formatted
+ * @param linePrefix the prefix which has to be added in the beginnig of each line
+ * @param lineWidth the line width used for word-wrapping the documentation
+ *
+ * @return the formatted documentation text
+ */
+ QString formatDoc (const QString & text, const QString & linePrefix = " *", int lineWidth = 80 );
+ /**
+ * Finds all classes in the current document to which objects of class c
+ * are in some way related. Possible relations are Associations (generalization,
+ * composition, etc) as well as parameters to methods and return values
+ * this is useful in deciding which classes/files to import/include in code generation
+ * @param c the class for which relations are to be found
+ * @param cList a reference to the list into which return the result
+ */
+ static void findObjectsRelated(UMLClassifier *c, UMLPackageList &cList);
+ // a series of accessor method constructors that we need to define
+ // for any particular language.
+ virtual CodeDocument * newClassifierCodeDocument (UMLClassifier * classifier ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @param element
+ */
+ virtual void loadFromXMI (QDomElement & element );
+ /**
+ * Create a new Code document belonging to this package.
+ * @return CodeDocument pointer to new code document.
+ */
+ virtual CodeDocument * newCodeDocument ( );
+ /**
+ * Return the unique language enum that identifies this type of code generator
+ */
+ virtual Uml::Programming_Language getLanguage() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Find a code document by the given classifier.
+ * @return CodeDocument
+ * @param classifier
+ */
+ //FIX
+ // NOTE: this should be 'protected' or we could have problems with CPP code generator
+ CodeDocument * findCodeDocumentByClassifier (UMLClassifier * classifier );
+ /**
+ * Return the default datatypes for your language (bool, int etc)
+ * Default implementation returns empty list.
+ */
+ virtual QStringList defaultDatatypes();
+ /** Get the editing dialog for this code document
+ */
+ virtual CodeViewerDialog * getCodeViewerDialog( QWidget* parent, CodeDocument * doc,
+ Settings::CodeViewerState state);
+ /**
+ * Check whether the given string is a reserved word for the
+ * language of this code generator
+ *
+ * @param rPossiblyReservedKeyword is the string to check
+ *
+ */
+ virtual bool isReservedKeyword(const QString & rPossiblyReservedKeyword);
+ /**
+ * get list of reserved keywords
+ */
+ virtual const QStringList reservedKeywords() const;
+ /**
+ * Create the default stereotypes for your language (constructor, int etc)
+ */
+ virtual void createDefaultStereotypes ();
+ /**
+ * Initialize this code generator from its parent UMLDoc. When this is called,
+ * it will (re-)generate the list of code documents for this project (generator)
+ * by checking for new objects/attributes which have been added or changed in the
+ * document. One or more CodeDocuments will be created/overwritten/amended as is
+ * appropriate for the given language.
+ */
+ virtual void initFromParentDocument( );
+ /**
+ * Connect additional slots.
+ * Only required for Advanced Code Generators.
+ * To be called after constructing the code generator (see CodeGenFactory)
+ */
+ void connect_newcodegen_slots();
+ /**
+ * Remove (and possibly delete) all AutoGenerated content type CodeDocuments but leave
+ * the UserGenerated (and any other type) documents in this generator alone.
+ */
+ // void removeAndDeleteAllAutoGeneratedCodeDocuments ( bool deleteRemovedDocs=true );
+ /**
+ * Returns a name that can be written to in the output directory,
+ * respecting the overwrite policy.
+ * If a file of the given name and extension does not exist,
+ * then just returns the name.
+ * If a file of the given name and extension does exist,
+ * then opens an overwrite dialog. In this case the name returned
+ * may be a modification of the input name.
+ * This method is invoked by findFileName().
+ *
+ * @param name the proposed output file name
+ * @param extension the extension to use
+ * @return the real file name that should be used (including extension) or
+ * QString::null if none to be used
+ */
+ QString overwritableName (const QString& name, const QString &extension );
+ /** Opens a file named "name" for writing in the outputDirectory.
+ * If something goes wrong, it informs the user
+ * if this function returns true, you know you can write to the file
+ * @return bool
+ * @param file
+ * @param name
+ */
+ bool openFile (QFile& file, const QString &name);
+ /** the actual internal routine which writes code documents
+ */
+ void writeListedCodeDocsToFile(CodeDocumentList * docs);
+ static const char * hierarchicalCodeBlockNodeName;
+ // map of what code documents we currently have in this generator.
+ QDict<CodeDocument> m_codeDocumentDictionary;
+ /**
+ * used by overwriteDialogue to know if the apply to all
+ * remaining files checkbox should be checked (is by default)
+ */
+ bool m_applyToAllRemaining;
+ /**
+ * The document object
+ */
+ UMLDoc* m_document;
+ /**
+ * Maps CodeDocuments to filenames. Used for finding out which file
+ * each class was written to.
+ */
+ // this seems silly and overkill now. -b.t.
+ // QMap<CodeDocument*,QString> *m_fileMap;
+ CodeDocumentList m_codedocumentVector;
+ int lastIDIndex;
+ void initFields() ;
+public slots:
+ /** These 2 functions check for adding or removing objects to the UMLDocument */
+ virtual void checkAddUMLObject (UMLObject * obj);
+ virtual void checkRemoveUMLObject (UMLObject * obj);
+ /**
+ * Force a synchronize of this code generator, and its present contents, to that of the parent UMLDocument.
+ * "UserGenerated" code will be preserved, but Autogenerated contents will be updated/replaced
+ * or removed as is apppropriate.
+ */
+ virtual void syncCodeToDocument ( );
+ /**
+ * This signal is emitted when code for a UMLClassifier has been
+ * generated. Its only really used by the codegenerationwizard to
+ * update its progress.
+ * @param concept The concept which was processed
+ * @param generated Flag, set to true if generation was successful
+ */
+ void codeGenerated(UMLClassifier* concept, bool generated);