path: root/umbrello/umbrello/refactoring/refactoringassistant.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/refactoring/refactoringassistant.cpp')
1 files changed, 701 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/refactoring/refactoringassistant.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/refactoring/refactoringassistant.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cbcf6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/refactoring/refactoringassistant.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2003 Luis De la Parra <> *
+ * copyright (C) 2004-2007 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "refactoringassistant.h"
+#include "../umlnamespace.h"
+#include "../umldoc.h"
+#include "../classifier.h"
+#include "../attribute.h"
+#include "../operation.h"
+#include "../dialogs/classpropdlg.h"
+#include "../dialogs/umloperationdialog.h"
+#include "../dialogs/umlattributedialog.h"
+#include "../object_factory.h"
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+using std::type_info;
+RefactoringAssistant::RefactoringAssistant( UMLDoc *doc, UMLClassifier *obj, QWidget *parent, const char *name ):
+ KListView( parent, name ), m_doc( doc )
+ loadPixmaps();
+ setRootIsDecorated( true );
+ setAcceptDrops( true );
+ setDropVisualizer( false );
+ setItemsMovable( true );
+ setSelectionModeExt( Single );
+ setShowToolTips( true );
+ setTooltipColumn( 0 );
+ setDragEnabled( true );
+ setDropHighlighter( true );
+ setFullWidth( true );
+ setSorting( -1 );
+ addColumn("Name ");
+ m_menu = new QPopupMenu(this);
+ connect(this,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem*)),this,SLOT(itemExecuted(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this,SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)),
+ this,SLOT(showContextMenu(KListView*,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&)));
+ resize(300,400);
+ refactor( obj );
+ m_umlObjectMap.clear();
+ clear();
+void RefactoringAssistant::refactor( UMLClassifier *obj )
+ clear();
+ m_umlObjectMap.clear();
+ m_umlObject = obj;
+ if (! m_umlObject )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ addClassifier( obj, 0, true, true, true );
+ QListViewItem *item = firstChild();
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ for( item = item->firstChild(); item ; item = item->nextSibling() )
+ item->setOpen(true);
+UMLObject* RefactoringAssistant::findUMLObject( const QListViewItem *item )
+ QListViewItem *i = const_cast<QListViewItem*>(item);
+ if( m_umlObjectMap.find(i) == m_umlObjectMap.end() )
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::findUMLObject( QListViewItem *item )"
+ <<"item with text "<<item->text(0)<<"not found in uml map!"<<endl;
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ return m_umlObjectMap[i];
+QListViewItem* RefactoringAssistant::findListViewItem( const UMLObject *obj )
+ UMLObjectMap::iterator end(m_umlObjectMap.end());
+ for( UMLObjectMap::iterator it(m_umlObjectMap.begin()) ; it != end ; ++it )
+ if( (*it).second == obj )
+ return (*it).first;
+ kWarning() << "RefactoringAssistant::findListViewItem:"
+ << "object id " << ID2STR(obj->getID())
+ << "does not have a ListItem" << endl;
+ return 0L;
+void RefactoringAssistant::itemExecuted( QListViewItem *item )
+ UMLObject *o = findUMLObject( item );
+ if(o) editProperties( );
+void RefactoringAssistant::setVisibilityIcon( QListViewItem *item , const UMLObject *obj )
+ switch(obj->getVisibility())
+ {
+ case Uml::Visibility::Public:
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Public);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Protected:
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Protected);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Private:
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Private);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Implementation:
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Implementation);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+void RefactoringAssistant::umlObjectModified( const UMLObject *obj )
+ if( !obj )
+ obj = dynamic_cast<const UMLObject*>(sender());
+ QListViewItem *item = findListViewItem( obj );
+ if( !item )
+ return;
+ item->setText( 0, obj->getName() );
+ if( typeid(*obj) == typeid(UMLOperation) ||
+ typeid(*obj) == typeid(UMLAttribute) )
+ {
+ setVisibilityIcon( item, obj );
+ }
+void RefactoringAssistant::operationAdded( UMLClassifierListItem *o )
+ UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(o);
+ UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(op->parent());
+ if(!c)
+ {
+ kWarning() << "RefactoringAssistant::operationAdded(" << op->getName()
+ << ") - Parent of operation is not a classifier!" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QListViewItem *item = findListViewItem( c );
+ if( !item )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for( QListViewItem *folder = item->firstChild(); folder; folder = folder->nextSibling() )
+ {
+ if( folder->text(1) == "operations" )
+ {
+ item = new KListViewItem( folder, op->getName() );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = op;
+ connect( op, SIGNAL( modified() ), this, SLOT( umlObjectModified() ) );
+ setVisibilityIcon( item, op );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void RefactoringAssistant::operationRemoved( UMLClassifierListItem *o )
+ UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(o);
+ QListViewItem *item = findListViewItem( op );
+ if( !item )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ disconnect( op, SIGNAL( modified() ), this, SLOT( umlObjectModified() ) );
+ m_umlObjectMap.erase(item);
+ delete item;
+void RefactoringAssistant::attributeAdded( UMLClassifierListItem *a )
+ UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(a);
+ UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(att->parent());
+ if(!c)
+ {
+ kWarning() << "RefactoringAssistant::attributeAdded(" << att->getName()
+ << ") - Parent is not a class!" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QListViewItem *item = findListViewItem( c );
+ if( !item )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for( QListViewItem *folder = item->firstChild(); folder; folder = folder->nextSibling() )
+ {
+ if( folder->text(1) == "attributes" )
+ {
+ item = new KListViewItem( folder, att->getName() );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = att;
+ connect( att, SIGNAL( modified() ), this, SLOT( umlObjectModified() ) );
+ setVisibilityIcon( item, att );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void RefactoringAssistant::attributeRemoved( UMLClassifierListItem *a )
+ UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(a);
+ QListViewItem *item = findListViewItem( att );
+ if( !item )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ disconnect( att, SIGNAL( modified() ), this, SLOT( umlObjectModified() ) );
+ m_umlObjectMap.erase(item);
+ delete item;
+void RefactoringAssistant::editProperties( )
+ QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
+ if( item )
+ {
+ UMLObject *o = findUMLObject( item );
+ if( o ) editProperties( o );
+ }
+void RefactoringAssistant::editProperties( UMLObject *obj )
+ KDialogBase *dia(0);
+ Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
+ if (t == Uml::ot_Class || t == Uml::ot_Interface)
+ {
+ dia = new ClassPropDlg(this,obj,0,true);
+ }
+ else if (t == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ {
+ dia = new UMLOperationDialog(this,static_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj));
+ }
+ else if (t == Uml::ot_Attribute)
+ {
+ dia = new UMLAttributeDialog(this,static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(obj));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::editProperties( UMLObject *o ) caled for unknown type "<<typeid(*obj).name()<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( dia && dia->exec() )
+ {
+ // need to update something?
+ }
+ delete dia;
+void RefactoringAssistant::showContextMenu(KListView* ,QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &p)
+ m_menu->clear();
+ UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
+ if(obj)
+ {// Menu for UMLObjects
+ Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
+ if (t == Uml::ot_Class)
+ {
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Base Class"),this,SLOT(addBaseClassifier()));
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Derived Class"),this,SLOT(addDerivedClassifier()));
+ // m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Interface Implementation"),this,SLOT(addInterfaceImplementation()));
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Attribute"),this,SLOT(createAttribute()));
+ }
+ else if (t == Uml::ot_Interface)
+ {
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Base Interface"),this,SLOT(addSuperClassifier()));
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Derived Interface"),this,SLOT(addDerivedClassifier()));
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
+ }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // kDebug()<<"No context menu for objects of type "<<typeid(*obj).name()<<endl;
+ // return;
+ // }
+ m_menu->insertSeparator();
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Properties"),this,SLOT(editProperties()));
+ }
+ else
+ {//menu for other ViewItems
+ if( item->text(1) == "operations" )
+ {
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
+ }
+ else if( item->text(1) == "attributes" )
+ {
+ m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Attribute"),this,SLOT(createAttribute()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::showContextMenu() "
+ <<"called for extraneous item"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_menu->exec(p);
+void RefactoringAssistant::addBaseClassifier()
+ QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
+ if(!item)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addBaseClassifier() "
+ <<"called with no item selected"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
+ if( !dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(obj) )
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addBaseClassifier() "
+ <<"called for a non-classifier object"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //classes have classes and interfaces interfaces as super/derived classifiers
+ Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
+ UMLClassifier *super = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(Object_Factory::createUMLObject(t));
+ if(!super)
+ return;
+ m_doc->createUMLAssociation( obj, super, Uml::at_Generalization );
+ ////////////////////// Manually add the classifier to the assitant - would be nicer to do it with
+ ///////////////////// a signal, like operations and attributes
+ QListViewItem *baseFolder = item->firstChild();
+ while( baseFolder->text(0) != i18n("Base Classifiers") )
+ baseFolder = baseFolder->nextSibling();
+ if(!baseFolder)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"Cannot find Base Folder"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ item = new KListViewItem( baseFolder, super->getName() );
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Generalization);
+ item->setExpandable( true );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = super;
+ addClassifier( super, item, true, false, true);
+ /////////////////////////
+void RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier()
+ QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
+ if(!item)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier() "
+ <<"called with no item selected"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
+ if( !dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(obj) )
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier() "
+ <<"called for a non-classifier object"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //classes have classes and interfaces interfaces as super/derived classifiers
+ Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
+ UMLClassifier *derived = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(Object_Factory::createUMLObject(t));
+ if(!derived)
+ return;
+ m_doc->createUMLAssociation( derived, obj, Uml::at_Generalization );
+ ////////////////////// Manually add the classifier to the assitant - would be nicer to do it with
+ ///////////////////// a signal, like operations and attributes
+ QListViewItem *derivedFolder = item->firstChild();
+ while( derivedFolder->text(0) != i18n("Derived Classifiers") )
+ derivedFolder = derivedFolder->nextSibling();
+ if(!derivedFolder)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"Cannot find Derived Folder"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ item = new KListViewItem( derivedFolder, derived->getName() );
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Subclass);
+ item->setExpandable( true );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = derived;
+ addClassifier( derived, item, false, true, true);
+ /////////////////////////
+void RefactoringAssistant::addInterfaceImplementation()
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addInterfaceImplementation()"
+ <<"not implemented... finish addSuperClassifier() first!!"<<endl;
+ return;
+ // QListViewItem *item = selectedListViewItem( );
+ // UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
+ // if( !dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(obj) )
+ // return;
+ // UMLObject *n = Object_Factory::createUMLObject( Uml::ot_Interface) );
+ // if(!n)
+ // return;
+ // m_doc->createUMLAssociation( n, obj, Uml::at_Realization );
+ // //refresh, add classifier to assistant
+void RefactoringAssistant::createOperation()
+ QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
+ if(!item)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::createOperation() "
+ <<"called with no item selected"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(findUMLObject( item ));
+ if( !c )
+ return;
+ c->createOperation();
+void RefactoringAssistant::createAttribute()
+ QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
+ if(!item)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::createAttribute() "
+ <<"called with no item selected"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(findUMLObject( item ));
+ if( !c )
+ return;
+ c->createAttribute();
+void RefactoringAssistant::addClassifier( UMLClassifier *classifier, QListViewItem *parent, bool addSuper, bool addSub, bool recurse)
+ QListViewItem *classifierItem, *item;
+ if( parent )
+ {
+ classifierItem = parent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ classifierItem= new KListViewItem( this, classifier->getName() );
+ m_umlObjectMap[classifierItem] = classifier;
+ }
+ connect( classifier, SIGNAL( modified() ), this, SLOT( umlObjectModified() ) );
+ UMLClassifier *klass = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(classifier);
+ if( klass )
+ {// only Classes have attributes...
+ connect( classifier, SIGNAL(attributeAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(attributeAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect( classifier, SIGNAL(attributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(attributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ QListViewItem *attsFolder = new KListViewItem( classifierItem, i18n("Attributes"), "attributes" );
+ attsFolder->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("folder_green_open"));
+ attsFolder->setExpandable( true );
+ UMLAttributeList atts = klass->getAttributeList();
+ for( UMLAttribute *att = atts.first(); att; att = )
+ {
+ attributeAdded( att );
+ }
+ }
+ // add operations
+ connect( classifier, SIGNAL(operationAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(operationAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect( classifier, SIGNAL(operationRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(operationRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ QListViewItem *opsFolder = new KListViewItem( classifierItem, i18n("Operations"), "operations" );
+ opsFolder->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("folder_blue_open"));
+ opsFolder->setExpandable( true );
+ UMLOperationList ops(classifier->getOpList());
+ for( UMLOperation *op = ops.first(); op ; op = )
+ {
+ operationAdded( op );
+ }
+ //if add parents
+ if(addSuper)
+ {
+ QListViewItem *superFolder = new KListViewItem( classifierItem, i18n("Base Classifiers") );
+ superFolder->setExpandable( true );
+ UMLClassifierList super = classifier->findSuperClassConcepts();
+ for( UMLClassifier *cl = super.first(); cl ; cl = )
+ {
+ item = new KListViewItem( superFolder, cl->getName() );
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Generalization);
+ item->setExpandable( true );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = cl;
+ if( recurse )
+ {
+ addClassifier( cl, item, true, false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(addSub)
+ {
+ //add derived classifiers
+ QListViewItem *derivedFolder = new KListViewItem( classifierItem, i18n("Derived Classifiers") );
+ derivedFolder->setExpandable( true );
+ UMLClassifierList derived = classifier->findSubClassConcepts();
+ for( UMLClassifier *d = derived.first(); d ; d = )
+ {
+ item = new KListViewItem( derivedFolder, d->getName() );
+ item->setPixmap(0,m_pixmaps.Subclass);
+ item->setExpandable( true );
+ m_umlObjectMap[item] = d;
+ if( recurse )
+ {
+ addClassifier( d, item, false, true, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool RefactoringAssistant::acceptDrag(QDropEvent *event) const
+ //first check if we can accept drops at all, and if the operation
+ // is a move within the list itself
+ if( !acceptDrops() || !itemsMovable() || (event->source()!=viewport()))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ RefactoringAssistant *me = const_cast<RefactoringAssistant*>(this);
+ //ok, check if the move is valid
+ QListViewItem *movingItem = 0, *afterme = 0, *parentItem = 0;
+ me->findDrop(event->pos(), parentItem, afterme);
+ for( movingItem = firstChild(); movingItem != 0; movingItem = movingItem->itemBelow() )
+ {
+ if( movingItem->isSelected() )
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!movingItem || !parentItem)
+ { kDebug()<<"moving/parent items not found - can't accept drag!"<<endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UMLObject *movingObject;
+ if( !(movingObject = me->findUMLObject(movingItem)) )
+ {
+ kDebug()<<"Moving object not found in uml map!"<<movingItem->text(0)<<endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Uml::Object_Type t = movingObject->getBaseType();
+ if (t != Uml::ot_Attribute && t != Uml::ot_Operation)
+ {
+ kDebug()<<"only operations and attributes are movable! - return false"<<endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ kDebug()<<"parent item is "<<parentItem->text(0)<<endl;
+ UMLObject *parentObject = me->findUMLObject(parentItem);
+ if( parentObject && dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentObject) )
+ {
+ //droping to a classifier, ok
+ }
+ else
+ {//parent is not a classifier, so maybe it's a folder.. check types
+ if( (parentItem->text(1) == "operations" && t == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ || (parentItem->text(1) == "attributes" && t == Uml::ot_Attribute))
+ {
+ parentObject = me->findUMLObject( parentItem->parent() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kDebug()<<"moving to item "<<parentItem->text(0)<<" -- "<<parentItem->text(1)<<" not valid"<<endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentObject) &&
+ (t == Uml::ot_Attribute || t == Uml::ot_Operation))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ kDebug()<<"how did I get here? return false!!"<<endl;
+ return false;
+void RefactoringAssistant::movableDropEvent (QListViewItem* parentItem, QListViewItem* afterme)
+ //when dropping on a class, we have to put the item in the appropriate folder!
+ UMLObject *movingObject;
+ UMLClassifier *newClassifier;
+ QListViewItem *movingItem;
+ for( movingItem = firstChild(); movingItem != 0; movingItem = movingItem->itemBelow() )
+ {
+ if( movingItem->isSelected() )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !movingItem || (movingItem == afterme) || !(movingObject = findUMLObject(movingItem)) )
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"Moving item not found or dropping after itself or item not found in uml obj map. aborting. (drop had already been accepted)"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ Uml::Object_Type t = movingObject->getBaseType();
+ newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem ) );
+ if(!newClassifier)
+ {
+ if ((parentItem->text(1) == "operations" && t == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ || (parentItem->text(1) == "attributes" && t == Uml::ot_Attribute))
+ {
+ newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem->parent() ) );
+ }
+ if(!newClassifier)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<"New parent of object is not a Classifier - Drop had already been accepted - check!"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ {kDebug()<<"moving operation"<<endl;
+ UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(movingObject);
+ if(newClassifier->checkOperationSignature(op->getName(), op->getParmList()))
+ {
+ QString msg = QString(i18n("An operation with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
+ +
+ QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
+ KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLClassifier *oldClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(op->parent());
+ if(oldClassifier)
+ oldClassifier->removeOperation( op );
+ newClassifier->addOperation( op );
+ }
+ else if (t == Uml::ot_Attribute)
+ {kDebug()<<"moving attribute - not implemented"<<endl;
+ // UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(movingObject);
+ // if(!newClassifier->checkAttributeSignature(att))
+ // {
+ // QString msg = QString(i18n("An attribute with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
+ // +
+ // QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
+ // KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // oldClassifier->removeAttribute( att );
+ // newClassifier->addAttribute( att );
+ }
+ //emit moved(moving, afterFirst, afterme);
+ emit moved();
+void RefactoringAssistant::loadPixmaps()
+ KStandardDirs *dirs = KGlobal::dirs();
+ QString dataDir = dirs -> findResourceDir( "data", "umbrello/pics/object.png" );
+ dataDir += "/umbrello/pics/";
+ m_pixmaps.Public.load( dataDir + "CVpublic_var.png" );
+ m_pixmaps.Protected.load( dataDir + "CVprotected_var.png" );
+ m_pixmaps.Private.load( dataDir + "CVprivate_var.png" );
+ m_pixmaps.Implementation.load( dataDir + "CVimplementation_var.png" );
+ m_pixmaps.Generalization.load( dataDir + "generalisation.png" );
+ m_pixmaps.Subclass.load( dataDir + "uniassociation.png" );
+#include "refactoringassistant.moc"