path: root/umbrello/umbrello/umllistview.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/umllistview.cpp')
1 files changed, 2703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/umllistview.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/umllistview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d12fed58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/umllistview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2703 @@
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2002-2007 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// own header
+#include "umllistview.h"
+// qt/kde includes
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+// app includes
+#include "actor.h"
+#include "classifier.h"
+#include "package.h"
+#include "folder.h"
+#include "component.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include "artifact.h"
+#include "enum.h"
+#include "enumliteral.h"
+#include "entity.h"
+#include "docwindow.h"
+#include "listpopupmenu.h"
+#include "template.h"
+#include "operation.h"
+#include "attribute.h"
+#include "entityattribute.h"
+#include "uml.h"
+#include "umldoc.h"
+#include "umllistviewitemlist.h"
+#include "umllistviewitem.h"
+#include "umlview.h"
+#include "umlviewimageexporter.h"
+#include "usecase.h"
+#include "model_utils.h"
+#include "uniqueid.h"
+#include "clipboard/idchangelog.h"
+#include "clipboard/umldrag.h"
+#include "dialogs/classpropdlg.h"
+#include "dialogs/umlattributedialog.h"
+#include "dialogs/umlentityattributedialog.h"
+#include "dialogs/umloperationdialog.h"
+#include "dialogs/umltemplatedialog.h"
+class LVToolTip : public QToolTip
+ LVToolTip (QWidget* parent) : QToolTip (parent) {}
+ virtual ~LVToolTip () {}
+ /**
+ * Reimplemented from QToolTip for internal reasons.
+ * At classifiers, only the method names are shown in the list view -
+ * we use a tooltip for the full signature display.
+ * Once KListView's tooltip overriding mechanism works, we can kick
+ * this class out.
+ */
+ virtual void maybeTip (const QPoint& pos) {
+ UMLListView *lv = UMLApp::app()->getListView();
+ UMLListViewItem * item = (UMLListViewItem*)lv->itemAt(pos);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ return;
+ UMLObject *obj = item->getUMLObject();
+ if (obj == NULL || obj->getBaseType() != Uml::ot_Operation)
+ return;
+ UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
+ QString text = op->toString(Uml::st_ShowSig);
+ QRect rect = lv->itemRect(item);
+ tip(rect, text);
+ }
+UMLListView::UMLListView(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ : KListView(parent,name), m_pMenu(0), m_doc(UMLApp::app()->getDocument())
+ loadPixmaps();
+ //setup list view
+ setBackgroundColor(Qt::white);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setDropVisualizer(false);
+ setItemsMovable(true);
+ setItemsRenameable( true );
+ setSelectionModeExt(FileManager);
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
+ setDragEnabled(true);
+ setColumnWidthMode( 0, Manual );
+ setDefaultRenameAction( Accept );
+ setResizeMode( LastColumn );
+ header()->setClickEnabled(true);
+ //add columns and initial items
+ addColumn(m_doc->getName());
+ /* In KDE-3.3, we cannot use KListView's builtin mechanism for
+ overriding the tooltips. Instead, see the above class LVToolTip.
+ setShowToolTips( true );
+ setTooltipColumn( 0 );
+ */
+ (void) new LVToolTip(viewport());
+ m_pMenu = NULL;
+ m_bStartedCut = m_bStartedCopy = false;
+ m_bIgnoreCancelRename = true;
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ m_rv = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Uml::N_MODELTYPES; i++)
+ m_lv[i] = NULL;
+ m_datatypeFolder = NULL;
+ //setup slots/signals
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(dropped(QDropEvent *, QListViewItem *, QListViewItem *)),
+ this, SLOT(slotDropped(QDropEvent *, QListViewItem *, QListViewItem *)));
+ connect( this, SIGNAL( collapsed( QListViewItem * ) ),
+ this, SLOT( slotCollapsed( QListViewItem * ) ) );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( slotExpanded( QListViewItem * ) ) );
+ connect( UMLApp::app(), SIGNAL( sigCutSuccessful() ), this, SLOT( slotCutSuccessful() ) );
+UMLListView::~UMLListView() {}
+bool UMLListView::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) {
+ if (e->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress || !o->isA("QHeader"))
+ return QListView::eventFilter(o, e);
+ QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
+ if (me->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
+ if (m_pMenu) {
+ m_pMenu->hide();
+ disconnect(m_pMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(popupMenuSel(int)));
+ delete m_pMenu;
+ }
+ m_pMenu = new ListPopupMenu(this, Uml::lvt_Model);
+ m_pMenu->popup(me->globalPos());
+ connect(m_pMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(popupMenuSel(int)));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return QListView::eventFilter(o, e);
+void UMLListView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me) {
+ UMLView *currentView = UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView();
+ if (currentView)
+ currentView->clearSelected();
+ if( me -> state() != Qt::ShiftButton )
+ clearSelection();
+ QPoint pt = this->QScrollView::contentsToViewport( me->pos() );
+ UMLListViewItem * item = (UMLListViewItem*)itemAt(pt);
+ const Qt::ButtonState button = me->button();
+ if (!item || (button != Qt::RightButton && button != Qt::LeftButton)) {
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->updateDocumentation(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (button == Qt::LeftButton) {
+ UMLObject *o = item->getUMLObject();
+ if (o)
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(o, false);
+ else
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->updateDocumentation(true);
+ }
+ if (button == Qt::RightButton) {
+ if(m_pMenu != 0) {
+ m_pMenu->hide();
+ disconnect(m_pMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(popupMenuSel(int)));
+ delete m_pMenu;
+ m_pMenu = 0;
+ }
+ const Uml::ListView_Type type = item->getType();
+ m_pMenu = new ListPopupMenu(this, type);
+ m_pMenu->popup(me->globalPos());
+ connect(m_pMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(popupMenuSel(int)));
+ }//end if right button
+ this->KListView::contentsMousePressEvent(me);
+void UMLListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me) {
+ if (me->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
+ this->KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(me);
+ return;
+ }
+ const QPoint pt = this->QScrollView::contentsToViewport( me->pos() );
+ UMLListViewItem *item = dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(itemAt(pt));
+ if (item == NULL || !Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(item->getType())) {
+ this->KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(me);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Switch to diagram on mouse release - not on mouse press
+ // because the user might intend a drag-to-note.
+ m_doc->changeCurrentView( item->getID() );
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(m_doc->findView(item->getID()), false);
+ this->KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(me);
+void UMLListView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ke) {
+ UMLView *view = UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView();
+ if (view && view->getSelectCount()) {
+ // Widgets have been selected in the diagram area,
+ // assume they handle the keypress.
+ ke->accept(); // munge and do nothing
+ } else {
+ const int k = ke->key();
+ if (k == Qt::Key_Delete || k == Qt::Key_Backspace) {
+ // delete every selected item
+ UMLListViewItemList selecteditems;
+ getSelectedItemsRoot(selecteditems);
+ UMLListViewItemListIt it(selecteditems);
+ for (UMLListViewItem *item = 0; (item = it.current()); ++it) {
+ deleteItem(dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item));
+ }
+ } else {
+ QListView::keyPressEvent(ke); // let parent handle it
+ }
+ }
+void UMLListView::popupMenuSel(int sel) {
+ UMLListViewItem * temp = (UMLListViewItem*)currentItem();
+ if ( !temp ) {
+ kDebug() << "popupMenuSel invoked without currently selectedItem" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLObject * object = temp -> getUMLObject();
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = temp -> getType();
+ Uml::Object_Type umlType = Uml::ot_UMLObject;
+ ListPopupMenu::Menu_Type menuType = (ListPopupMenu::Menu_Type)sel;
+ QString name;
+ switch (menuType) {
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Class:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_Class );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Package:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Package);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Subsystem:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Subsystem);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Component:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Component);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Node:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Node);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Artifact:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Artifact);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Interface:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Interface);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Enum:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Enum);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_EnumLiteral:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Template:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Template);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Entity:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Entity);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Datatype:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Datatype);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Actor:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_Actor );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_UseCase:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_UseCase );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Attribute:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_Attribute );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_EntityAttribute:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Operation:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_Operation );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Import_Classes:
+ UMLApp::app()->slotImportClasses();
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Expand_All:
+ expandAll(temp);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Collapse_All:
+ collapseAll(temp);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Export_Image:
+ m_doc->findView(temp->getID())->getImageExporter()->exportView();
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Externalize_Folder:
+ {
+ UMLListViewItem *current = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(currentItem());
+ UMLFolder *modelFolder = dynamic_cast<UMLFolder*>(current->getUMLObject());
+ if (modelFolder == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::popupMenuSel: modelFolder is NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // configure & show the file dialog
+ const QString rootDir(m_doc->URL().directory());
+ KFileDialog fileDialog(rootDir, "*.xml", this, ":externalize-folder", true);
+ fileDialog.setCaption(i18n("Externalize Folder"));
+ fileDialog.setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Other);
+ // set a sensible default filename
+ QString defaultFilename = current->getText().lower();
+ defaultFilename.replace(QRegExp("\\W+"), "_");
+ defaultFilename.append(".xml"); // default extension
+ fileDialog.setSelection(defaultFilename);
+ fileDialog.exec();
+ KURL selURL = fileDialog.selectedURL();
+ if (selURL.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QString path = selURL.path();
+ QString fileName = path;
+ if (fileName.startsWith(rootDir)) {
+ fileName.remove(rootDir);
+ } else {
+ // This should be done using a KMessageBox but we currently
+ // cannot add new i18n strings.
+ kError() << "Folder " << path
+ << " must be relative to the main model directory, "
+ << rootDir << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QFile file(path);
+ // Warn if file exists.
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ // This should be done using a KMessageBox but we currently
+ // cannot add new i18n strings.
+ kWarning() << "file " << fileName << " already exists!" << endl;
+ kWarning() << "The existing file will be overwritten." << endl;
+ }
+ // Test if file is writable.
+ if ( {
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("There was a problem saving file: %1").arg(fileName),
+ i18n("Save Error"));
+ return;
+ }
+ modelFolder->setFolderFile(fileName);
+ // Recompute text of the folder
+ QString folderText = current->getText();
+ folderText.remove( QRegExp("\\s*\\(.*$") );
+ folderText.append( " (" + fileName + ')' );
+ current->setText(folderText);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Internalize_Folder:
+ {
+ UMLListViewItem *current = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(currentItem());
+ UMLFolder *modelFolder = dynamic_cast<UMLFolder*>(current->getUMLObject());
+ if (modelFolder == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::popupMenuSel: modelFolder is NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ modelFolder->setFolderFile(QString::null);
+ // Recompute text of the folder
+ QString folderText = current->getText();
+ folderText.remove( QRegExp("\\s*\\(.*$") );
+ current->setText(folderText);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Model:
+ {
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString name = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Enter Model Name"),
+ i18n("Enter the new name of the model:"),
+ m_doc->getName(), &ok, UMLApp::app() );
+ if (ok) {
+ setColumnText(0, name);
+ m_doc->setName(name);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename:
+ temp-> startRename(0);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete:
+ deleteItem(temp);
+ return;
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Properties:
+ /* first check if we are on a diagram */
+ if( Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(lvt) ) {
+ UMLView * pView = m_doc->findView( temp->getID() );
+ if( !pView ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->updateDocumentation(false);
+ pView->showPropDialog();
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(pView, true);
+ temp->cancelRename(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* ok, we are on another object, so find out on which one */
+ umlType = object->getBaseType();
+ if ( Model_Utils::typeIsCanvasWidget(lvt) ) {
+ object->showProperties(ClassPropDlg::page_gen);
+ } else if(umlType == Uml::ot_Attribute) {
+ // show the attribute dialog
+ UMLAttribute* selectedAttribute = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(object);
+ UMLAttributeDialog dialog( this, selectedAttribute );
+ dialog.exec();
+ } else if(umlType == Uml::ot_EntityAttribute) {
+ // show the attribute dialog
+ UMLEntityAttribute* selectedAttribute = static_cast<UMLEntityAttribute*>(object);
+ UMLEntityAttributeDialog dialog( this, selectedAttribute );
+ dialog.exec();
+ } else if(umlType == Uml::ot_Operation) {
+ // show the operation dialog
+ UMLOperation* selectedOperation = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(object);
+ UMLOperationDialog dialog( this, selectedOperation );
+ dialog.exec();
+ } else if(umlType == Uml::ot_Template) {
+ // show the template dialog
+ UMLTemplate* selectedTemplate = static_cast<UMLTemplate*>(object);
+ UMLTemplateDialog dialog( this, selectedTemplate );
+ dialog.exec();
+ } else {
+ kWarning() << "calling properties on unknown type" << endl;
+ }
+ temp -> cancelRename( 0 );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Logical_Folder:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_UseCase_Folder:
+ addNewItem( temp, Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder );
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Component_Folder:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Component_Folder);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Deployment_Folder:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ addNewItem(temp, Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder);
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Cut:
+ m_bStartedCut = true;
+ m_bStartedCopy = false;
+ UMLApp::app() -> slotEditCut();
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Copy:
+ m_bStartedCut = false;
+ m_bStartedCopy = true;
+ UMLApp::app() -> slotEditCopy();
+ break;
+ case ListPopupMenu::mt_Paste:
+ UMLApp::app() -> slotEditPaste();
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ Uml::Diagram_Type dt = ListPopupMenu::convert_MT_DT(menuType);
+ if (dt == Uml::dt_Undefined) {
+ kWarning() << "UMLListView::popupMenuSel: unknown type"
+ << sel << endl;
+ } else {
+ UMLFolder *f = dynamic_cast<UMLFolder*>(object);
+ if (f == NULL)
+ kError() << "UMLListView::popupMenuSel(" << menuType
+ << "): current item's UMLObject is not a UMLFolder" << endl;
+ else
+ m_doc->createDiagram(f, dt);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }//end switch
+UMLListViewItem *UMLListView::findFolderForDiagram(Uml::Diagram_Type dt) {
+ UMLListViewItem *p = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(currentItem());
+ if (p && Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(p->getType())
+ && !Model_Utils::typeIsRootView(p->getType())) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ switch (dt) {
+ case Uml::dt_UseCase:
+ p = m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase];
+ break;
+ case Uml::dt_Component:
+ p = m_lv[Uml::mt_Component];
+ break;
+ case Uml::dt_Deployment:
+ p = m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment];
+ break;
+ case Uml::dt_EntityRelationship:
+ p = m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship];
+ break;
+ default:
+ p = m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical];
+ break;
+ }
+ return p;
+void UMLListView::slotDiagramCreated( Uml::IDType id ) {
+ if( m_doc->loading() )
+ return;
+ UMLView *v = m_doc -> findView( id );
+ if (!v)
+ return;
+ const Uml::Diagram_Type dt = v->getType();
+ UMLListViewItem * temp = 0, *p = findFolderForDiagram(dt);
+ temp = new UMLListViewItem(p, v->getName(), Model_Utils::convert_DT_LVT(dt), id);
+ setSelected( temp, true );
+ UMLApp::app() -> getDocWindow() -> showDocumentation( v , false );
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::determineParentItem(UMLObject* object) const {
+ UMLListViewItem* parentItem = NULL;
+ UMLListViewItem* current = (UMLListViewItem*) currentItem();
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Uml::lvt_Unknown;
+ if (current)
+ lvt = current->getType();
+ Uml::Object_Type t = object->getBaseType();
+ switch (t) {
+ case Uml::ot_Attribute:
+ case Uml::ot_Operation:
+ case Uml::ot_Template:
+ case Uml::ot_EnumLiteral:
+ case Uml::ot_EntityAttribute:
+ //this will be handled by childObjectAdded
+ return NULL;
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Association:
+ case Uml::ot_Role:
+ case Uml::ot_Stereotype:
+ return NULL; // currently no representation in list view
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ UMLPackage *pkg = object->getUMLPackage();
+ if (pkg) {
+ UMLListViewItem* pkgItem = findUMLObject(pkg);
+ if (pkgItem == NULL)
+ kError() << "UMLListView::determineParentItem: could not find "
+ << "parent package " << pkg->getName() << endl;
+ else
+ parentItem = pkgItem;
+ } else if ((lvt == Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder &&
+ (t == Uml::ot_Actor || t == Uml::ot_UseCase))
+ || (lvt == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder && t == Uml::ot_Component)
+ || (lvt == Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder && t == Uml::ot_Node)
+ || (lvt == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder && t == Uml::ot_Entity)) {
+ parentItem = current;
+ } else if (t == Uml::ot_Datatype) {
+ parentItem = m_datatypeFolder;
+ } else {
+ Uml::Model_Type guess = Model_Utils::guessContainer(object);
+ parentItem = m_lv[guess];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return parentItem;
+bool UMLListView::mayHaveChildItems(Uml::Object_Type type) {
+ bool retval = false;
+ switch (type) {
+ case Uml::ot_Class:
+ case Uml::ot_Interface:
+ case Uml::ot_Enum:
+ case Uml::ot_Entity: // CHECK: more?
+ retval = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+void UMLListView::slotObjectCreated(UMLObject* object) {
+ if (m_bCreatingChildObject) {
+ // @todo eliminate futile signal traffic
+ // e.g. we get here thru various indirections from
+ // ClassifierListPage::slot{Up,Down}Clicked()
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem* newItem = findUMLObject(object);
+ if (newItem) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::slotObjectCreated(" << object->getName()
+ << ", id= " << ID2STR(object->getID())
+ << "): item already exists." << endl;
+ Uml::Icon_Type icon = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_IT(newItem->getType());
+ newItem->setIcon(icon);
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem* parentItem = determineParentItem(object);
+ if (parentItem == NULL)
+ return;
+ Uml::Object_Type type = object->getBaseType();
+ connectNewObjectsSlots(object);
+ const Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_LVT(object);
+ QString name = object->getName();
+ if (type == Uml::ot_Folder) {
+ UMLFolder *f = static_cast<UMLFolder*>(object);
+ QString folderFile = f->getFolderFile();
+ if (!folderFile.isEmpty())
+ name.append(" (" + folderFile + ')');
+ }
+ newItem = new UMLListViewItem(parentItem, name, lvt, object);
+ if (mayHaveChildItems(type)) {
+ UMLClassifier *c = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(object);
+ UMLClassifierListItemList cListItems = c->getFilteredList(Uml::ot_UMLObject);
+ UMLClassifierListItem *cli;
+ for (UMLClassifierListItemListIt it(cListItems); (cli = it.current()) != NULL; ++it)
+ childObjectAdded(cli, c);
+ }
+ if (m_doc->loading())
+ return;
+ ensureItemVisible(newItem);
+ newItem->setOpen(true);
+ clearSelection();
+ setSelected(newItem, true);
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(object, false);
+void UMLListView::connectNewObjectsSlots(UMLObject* object) {
+ Uml::Object_Type type = object->getBaseType();
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ case Uml::ot_Class:
+ case Uml::ot_Interface:
+ {
+ UMLClassifier *c = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(object);
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(attributeAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(attributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(operationAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(operationRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(templateAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(c, SIGNAL(templateRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(object,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(slotObjectChanged()));
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Enum:
+ {
+ UMLEnum *e = static_cast<UMLEnum*>(object);
+ connect(e, SIGNAL(enumLiteralAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(e, SIGNAL(enumLiteralRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ }
+ connect(object,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(slotObjectChanged()));
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Entity:
+ {
+ UMLEntity *ent = static_cast<UMLEntity*>(object);
+ connect(ent, SIGNAL(entityAttributeAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ connect(ent, SIGNAL(entityAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
+ }
+ connect(object,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(slotObjectChanged()));
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Datatype:
+ case Uml::ot_Attribute:
+ case Uml::ot_Operation:
+ case Uml::ot_Template:
+ case Uml::ot_EnumLiteral:
+ case Uml::ot_EntityAttribute:
+ case Uml::ot_Package:
+ case Uml::ot_Actor:
+ case Uml::ot_UseCase:
+ case Uml::ot_Component:
+ case Uml::ot_Artifact:
+ case Uml::ot_Node:
+ case Uml::ot_Folder:
+ connect(object,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(slotObjectChanged()));
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_UMLObject:
+ case Uml::ot_Association:
+ case Uml::ot_Stereotype:
+ break;
+ default:
+ kWarning() << "unknown type in connectNewObjectsSlots" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+void UMLListView::slotObjectChanged() {
+ if (m_doc->loading()) { //needed for class wizard
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLObject* obj = const_cast<UMLObject*>( dynamic_cast<const UMLObject*>(sender()) );
+ UMLListViewItem* item = findUMLObject(obj);
+ if(item) {
+ item->updateObject();
+ }
+void UMLListView::childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem* obj) {
+ UMLClassifier *parent = const_cast<UMLClassifier*>(dynamic_cast<const UMLClassifier*>(sender()));
+ childObjectAdded(obj, parent);
+void UMLListView::childObjectAdded(UMLClassifierListItem* child, UMLClassifier* parent) {
+ if (m_bCreatingChildObject)
+ return;
+ const QString text = child->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis);
+ UMLListViewItem *childItem = NULL;
+ UMLListViewItem *parentItem = findUMLObject(parent);
+ if (parentItem == NULL) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::childObjectAdded(" << child->getName()
+ << "): parent " << parent->getName()
+ << " does not yet exist, creating it now." << endl;
+ const Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_LVT(parent);
+ parentItem = new UMLListViewItem(m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical], parent->getName(), lvt, parent);
+ } else {
+ childItem = parentItem->findChildObject(child);
+ }
+ if (childItem) {
+ childItem->setText(text);
+ } else {
+ const Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_LVT(child);
+ childItem = new UMLListViewItem(parentItem, text, lvt, child);
+ if (! m_doc->loading()) {
+ ensureItemVisible(childItem);
+ clearSelection();
+ setSelected(childItem, true);
+ }
+ connectNewObjectsSlots(child);
+ }
+void UMLListView::childObjectRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem* obj) {
+ UMLClassifier *parent = const_cast<UMLClassifier*>(dynamic_cast<const UMLClassifier*>(sender()));
+ UMLListViewItem *parentItem = findUMLObject(parent);
+ if (parentItem == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::childObjectRemoved(" << obj->getName()
+ << "): cannot find parent UMLListViewItem" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ parentItem->deleteChildItem(obj);
+void UMLListView::slotDiagramRenamed(Uml::IDType id) {
+ UMLListViewItem* temp;
+ UMLView* v = m_doc->findView(id);
+ if ((temp = findView(v)) == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::slotDiagramRenamed: UMLDoc::findView("
+ << ID2STR(id) << ") returns NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ temp->setText( v->getName() );
+void UMLListView::setDocument(UMLDoc *d) {
+ if( m_doc && m_doc != d)
+ {
+ //disconnect signals from old doc and reset view
+ }
+ m_doc = d;
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(sigDiagramCreated(Uml::IDType)), this, SLOT(slotDiagramCreated(Uml::IDType)));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(sigDiagramRemoved(Uml::IDType)), this, SLOT(slotDiagramRemoved(Uml::IDType)));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(sigDiagramRenamed(Uml::IDType)), this, SLOT(slotDiagramRenamed(Uml::IDType)));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(sigObjectCreated(UMLObject *)), this, SLOT(slotObjectCreated(UMLObject *)));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(sigObjectRemoved(UMLObject *)), this, SLOT(slotObjectRemoved(UMLObject *)));
+void UMLListView::slotObjectRemoved(UMLObject* object) {
+ if (m_doc->loading()) { //needed for class wizard
+ return;
+ }
+ disconnect(object,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(slotObjectChanged()));
+ UMLListViewItem* item = findItem(object->getID());
+ delete item;
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->updateDocumentation(true);
+void UMLListView::slotDiagramRemoved(Uml::IDType id) {
+ UMLListViewItem* item = findItem(id);
+ delete item;
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->updateDocumentation(true);
+QDragObject* UMLListView::dragObject() {
+ UMLListViewItemList selecteditems;
+ getSelectedItems(selecteditems);
+ selecteditems.setAutoDelete( false );
+ UMLListViewItemListIt it(selecteditems);
+ UMLListViewItem * item = 0;
+ UMLListViewItemList list;
+ list.setAutoDelete( false );
+ while((item=it.current()) != 0) {
+ ++it;
+ Uml::ListView_Type type = item->getType();
+ if (!Model_Utils::typeIsCanvasWidget(type) && !Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(type)
+ && !Model_Utils::typeIsClassifierList(type)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ list.append(item);
+ }
+ UMLDrag *t = new UMLDrag(list, this);
+ return t;
+void UMLListView::startDrag() {
+ QDragObject *o = dragObject();
+ if (o)
+ o->dragCopy();
+UMLListViewItem * UMLListView::findUMLObjectInFolder(UMLListViewItem* folder, UMLObject* obj) {
+ UMLListViewItem *item = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>(folder->firstChild());
+ while(item)
+ {
+ switch(item->getType())
+ {
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor :
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase :
+ case Uml::lvt_Class :
+ case Uml::lvt_Package :
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem :
+ case Uml::lvt_Component :
+ case Uml::lvt_Node :
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact :
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface :
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype :
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum :
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity :
+ if(item->getUMLObject() == obj)
+ return item;
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder :
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder :
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder :
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder :
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder :
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder :
+ {
+ UMLListViewItem *temp = findUMLObjectInFolder(item, obj);
+ if (temp)
+ return temp;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ item = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>(item->nextSibling());
+ }
+ return 0;
+UMLListViewItem * UMLListView::findUMLObject(const UMLObject *p) const {
+ UMLListViewItem *item = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(firstChild());
+ while (item) {
+ UMLListViewItem *testItem = item->findUMLObject(p);
+ if (testItem)
+ return testItem;
+ item = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item->nextSibling());
+ }
+ return item;
+void UMLListView::changeIconOf(UMLObject *o, Uml::Icon_Type to) {
+ UMLListViewItem *item = findUMLObject(o);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ return;
+ item->setIcon(to);
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::findView(UMLView* v) {
+ if (!v) {
+ kWarning() << "returning 0 from UMLListView::findView()" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem* item;
+ Uml::Diagram_Type dType = v->getType();
+ Uml::ListView_Type type = Model_Utils::convert_DT_LVT( dType );
+ Uml::IDType id = v->getID();
+ if (dType == Uml::dt_UseCase) {
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase];
+ } else if (dType == Uml::dt_Component) {
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Component];
+ } else if (dType == Uml::dt_Deployment) {
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment];
+ } else if (dType == Uml::dt_EntityRelationship) {
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship];
+ } else {
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical];
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem* searchStartItem = (UMLListViewItem *)item->firstChild();
+ UMLListViewItem* foundItem = recursiveSearchForView(searchStartItem, type, id);
+ if (!foundItem) {
+ kWarning() << "returning 0 at UMLListView::findView" << endl;
+ }
+ return foundItem;
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::recursiveSearchForView(UMLListViewItem* listViewItem,
+ Uml::ListView_Type type, Uml::IDType id) {
+ while (listViewItem) {
+ if ( Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(listViewItem->getType()) ) {
+ UMLListViewItem* child = (UMLListViewItem *)listViewItem->firstChild();
+ UMLListViewItem* resultListViewItem = recursiveSearchForView(child, type, id);
+ if (resultListViewItem) {
+ return resultListViewItem;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(listViewItem->getType() == type && listViewItem->getID() == id) {
+ return listViewItem;
+ }
+ }
+ listViewItem = (UMLListViewItem*)listViewItem->nextSibling();
+ }
+ return 0;
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::findItem(Uml::IDType id) {
+ UMLListViewItem *temp;
+ QListViewItemIterator it(this);
+ for( ; (temp = (UMLListViewItem*)it.current()); ++it ) {
+ UMLListViewItem * item = temp->findItem(id);
+ if (item)
+ return item;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// This method is called more than once during an instance's lifetime (by UMLDoc)!
+// So we must not allocate any memory before freeing the previously allocated one
+// or do connect()s.
+void UMLListView::init() {
+ if (m_rv == NULL) {
+ m_rv = new UMLListViewItem(this, i18n("Views"), Uml::lvt_View);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Uml::N_MODELTYPES; i++) {
+ Uml::Model_Type mt = (Uml::Model_Type)i;
+ UMLFolder *sysFolder = m_doc->getRootFolder(mt);
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_MT_LVT(mt);
+ m_lv[i] = new UMLListViewItem(m_rv, sysFolder->getLocalName(), lvt, sysFolder);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < Uml::N_MODELTYPES; i++)
+ deleteChildrenOf(m_lv[i]);
+ }
+ UMLFolder *datatypeFolder = m_doc->getDatatypeFolder();
+ m_datatypeFolder = new UMLListViewItem(m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical], datatypeFolder->getLocalName(),
+ Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder, datatypeFolder);
+ m_rv->setOpen(true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Uml::N_MODELTYPES; i++)
+ m_lv[i]->setOpen(true);
+ m_datatypeFolder->setOpen(false);
+ //setup misc.
+ delete m_pMenu;
+ m_pMenu = 0;
+ m_bStartedCut = m_bStartedCopy = false;
+ m_bIgnoreCancelRename = true;
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+void UMLListView::setView(UMLView * v) {
+ if(!v)
+ return;
+ UMLListViewItem * temp = findView(v);
+ if(temp)
+ setSelected(temp, true);
+void UMLListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * me) {
+ UMLListViewItem * item = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>( currentItem() );
+ if( !item || me -> button() != Qt::LeftButton )
+ return;
+ //see if on view
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvType = item -> getType();
+ if( Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(lvType) ) {
+ UMLView * pView = m_doc -> findView( item -> getID() );
+ if( !pView )
+ return;
+ UMLApp::app() -> getDocWindow() -> updateDocumentation( false );
+ pView -> showPropDialog();
+ UMLApp::app() -> getDocWindow() -> showDocumentation( pView, true );
+ item -> cancelRename( 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ //else see if an object
+ UMLObject * object = item -> getUMLObject();
+ //continue only if we are on a UMLObject
+ if(!object)
+ return;
+ Uml::Object_Type type = object -> getBaseType();
+ int page = ClassPropDlg::page_gen;
+ if(type == Uml::ot_Attribute || type == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ object = (UMLObject *)object -> parent();
+ //set what page to show
+ if(type == Uml::ot_Attribute)
+ page = ClassPropDlg::page_att;
+ else if(type == Uml::ot_Operation)
+ page = ClassPropDlg::page_op;
+ //FIXME for entityattributes
+ if(object)
+ object->showProperties(page);
+ item -> cancelRename( 0 );//double click can cause it to go into rename mode.
+bool UMLListView::acceptDrag(QDropEvent* event) const {
+ QPoint mousePoint = ((UMLListView*)this)->contentsToViewport( event->pos() );
+ UMLListViewItem* item = (UMLListViewItem*)itemAt(mousePoint);
+ if(!item) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::acceptDrag: itemAt(mousePoint) returns NULL"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ((QListView*)this)->setCurrentItem( (QListViewItem*)item );
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID_List list;
+ if (! UMLDrag::getClip3TypeAndID(event, list)) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::acceptDrag: UMLDrag::getClip3TypeAndID returns false"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID_It it(list);
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID * data = 0;
+ Uml::ListView_Type dstType = item->getType();
+ bool accept = true;
+ while(accept && ((data = it.current()) != 0)) {
+ ++it;
+ Uml::ListView_Type srcType = data->type;
+ switch (srcType) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_View ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Class ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Package) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Class) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Entity) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Class ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Interface) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Class ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Interface ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Package);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_View);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Logical_View);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_View);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_View);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Deployment_View);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ if (dstType == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder) {
+ accept = !item->isOwnParent(data->id);
+ } else {
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Model);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_View);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Subsystem);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Component ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Subsystem);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ dstType == Uml::lvt_Component_View);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ accept = (dstType == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder);
+ break;
+ default:
+ accept = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //kDebug() << "UMLListView::acceptDrag: dstType = " << dstType
+ // << ", accept=" << accept << endl;
+ return accept;
+void UMLListView::addAtContainer(UMLListViewItem *item, UMLListViewItem *parent) {
+ UMLCanvasObject *o = static_cast<UMLCanvasObject*>(item->getUMLObject());
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::addAtContainer(" << item->getText()
+ << "): item's UMLObject is NULL" << endl;
+ } else if (Model_Utils::typeIsContainer(parent->getType())) {
+ /**** TBC: Do this here?
+ If yes then remove that logic at the callers
+ and rename this method to moveAtContainer()
+ UMLPackage *oldPkg = o->getUMLPackage();
+ if (oldPkg)
+ oldPkg->removeObject(o);
+ *********/
+ UMLPackage *pkg = static_cast<UMLPackage*>(parent->getUMLObject());
+ o->setUMLPackage(pkg);
+ pkg->addObject(o);
+ } else {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::addAtContainer(" << item->getText()
+ << "): parent type is " << parent->getType() << endl;
+ }
+ UMLView *currentView = UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView();
+ if (currentView)
+ currentView->updateContainment(o);
+UMLListViewItem * UMLListView::moveObject(Uml::IDType srcId, Uml::ListView_Type srcType,
+ UMLListViewItem *newParent) {
+ if (newParent == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ UMLListViewItem * move = findItem( srcId );
+ if (move == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ UMLObject *newParentObj = NULL;
+ // Remove the source object at the old parent package.
+ UMLObject *srcObj = m_doc->findObjectById(srcId);
+ if (srcObj) {
+ newParentObj = newParent->getUMLObject();
+ if (srcObj == newParentObj) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::moveObject(" << srcObj->getName()
+ << "): Cannot move onto self" << endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ UMLPackage *srcPkg = srcObj->getUMLPackage();
+ if (srcPkg) {
+ if (srcPkg == newParentObj) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::moveObject(" << srcObj->getName()
+ << "): Object is already in target package" << endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ srcPkg->removeObject(srcObj);
+ }
+ }
+ Uml::ListView_Type newParentType = newParent->getType();
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::moveObject: newParentType is " << newParentType << endl;
+ UMLListViewItem *newItem = NULL;
+ //make sure trying to place in correct location
+ switch (srcType) {
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_UseCase_View) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_View) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_View ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Subsystem) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component_View ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Component ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Subsystem) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Deployment_View) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Model) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Logical_View) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ addAtContainer(newItem, newParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Logical_View ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Class ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Interface ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Package) {
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ if (m_doc->loading()) // deletion is not safe while loading
+ move->setVisible(false); // (the <listview> XMI may be corrupted)
+ else
+ delete move;
+ UMLCanvasObject *o = static_cast<UMLCanvasObject*>(newItem->getUMLObject());
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ kDebug() << "moveObject: newItem's UMLObject is NULL" << endl;
+ } else if (newParentObj == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::moveObject(" << o->getName()
+ << "): newParentObj is NULL" << endl;
+ } else {
+ UMLPackage *pkg = static_cast<UMLPackage*>(newParentObj);
+ o->setUMLPackage( pkg );
+ pkg->addObject( o );
+ }
+ UMLView *currentView = UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView();
+ if (currentView)
+ currentView->updateContainment(o);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ if (newParentType == Uml::lvt_Class ||
+ newParentType == Uml::lvt_Interface) {
+ // update list view
+ newItem = move->deepCopy(newParent);
+ // we don't delete move right away, it will be deleted in slots,
+ // called by subsequent steps
+ //delete move;
+ // update model objects
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = true;
+ UMLClassifier *oldParentClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(srcObj->parent());
+ UMLClassifier *newParentClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(newParentObj);
+ if (srcType == Uml::lvt_Attribute) {
+ UMLAttribute *att = dynamic_cast<UMLAttribute*>(srcObj);
+ // We can't use the existing 'att' directly
+ // because its parent is fixed to the old classifier
+ // and we have no way of changing that:
+ // QObject does not permit changing the parent().
+ if (att == NULL) {
+ kError() << "moveObject internal error: srcObj "
+ << srcObj->getName() << " is not a UMLAttribute" << endl;
+ } else if (oldParentClassifier->takeItem(att) == -1) {
+ kError() << "moveObject: oldParentClassifier->takeItem(att "
+ << att->getName() << ") returns NULL" << endl;
+ } else {
+ const QString& nm = att->getName();
+ UMLAttribute *newAtt = newParentClassifier->createAttribute(nm,
+ att->getType(),
+ att->getVisibility(),
+ att->getInitialValue());
+ newItem->setUMLObject(newAtt);
+ newParent->addClassifierListItem( newAtt, newItem );
+ connectNewObjectsSlots( newAtt );
+ // Let's not forget to update the DocWindow::m_pObject
+ // because the old one is about to be physically deleted !
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(newAtt, true);
+ delete att;
+ }
+ } else {
+ UMLOperation *op = dynamic_cast<UMLOperation*>(srcObj);
+ // We can't use the existing 'op' directly
+ // because its parent is fixed to the old classifier
+ // and we have no way of changing that:
+ // QObject does not permit changing the parent().
+ if (op && oldParentClassifier->takeItem(op) != -1) {
+ bool isExistingOp;
+ Model_Utils::NameAndType_List ntDummyList;
+ // We need to provide a dummy NameAndType_List
+ // else UMLClassifier::createOperation will
+ // bring up an operation dialog.
+ UMLOperation *newOp = newParentClassifier->createOperation(
+ op->getName(), &isExistingOp, &ntDummyList);
+ newOp->setType(op->getType());
+ newOp->setVisibility(op->getVisibility());
+ UMLAttributeList parmList = op->getParmList();
+ for (UMLAttributeListIt plit(parmList); plit.current(); ++plit) {
+ UMLAttribute *parm = plit.current();
+ UMLAttribute *newParm = new UMLAttribute(newParentClassifier,
+ parm->getName(),
+ Uml::id_None,
+ parm->getVisibility(),
+ parm->getType(),
+ parm->getInitialValue());
+ newParm->setParmKind(parm->getParmKind());
+ newOp->addParm(newParm);
+ }
+ newItem->setUMLObject(newOp);
+ newParent->addClassifierListItem( newOp, newItem );
+ connectNewObjectsSlots( newOp );
+ // Let's not forget to update the DocWindow::m_pObject
+ // because the old one is about to be physically deleted !
+ UMLApp::app()->getDocWindow()->showDocumentation(newOp, true);
+ delete op;
+ } else {
+ kError() << "moveObject: oldParentClassifier->takeItem(op) returns NULL"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return newItem;
+void UMLListView::slotDropped(QDropEvent* de, QListViewItem* /* parent */, QListViewItem* item) {
+ item = (UMLListViewItem *)currentItem();
+ if(!item) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::slotDropped: item is NULL - doing nothing" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID_List srcList;
+ if (! UMLDrag::getClip3TypeAndID(de, srcList)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem *newParent = (UMLListViewItem*)item;
+ kDebug() << "slotDropped: newParent->getText() is " << newParent->getText() << endl;
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID_It it(srcList);
+ UMLDrag::LvTypeAndID * src = 0;
+ while((src = it.current()) != 0) {
+ ++it;
+ moveObject(src->id, src->type, newParent);
+ }
+int UMLListView::getSelectedItems(UMLListViewItemList &ItemList) {
+ ItemList.setAutoDelete( false );
+ QListViewItemIterator it(this);
+ // iterate through all items of the list view
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) {
+ UMLListViewItem *item = (UMLListViewItem*)it.current();
+ ItemList.append(item);
+ }
+ }
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::getSelectedItems: selItems = " << ItemList.count() << endl;
+ return (int)ItemList.count();
+int UMLListView::getSelectedItemsRoot(UMLListViewItemList &ItemList) {
+ ItemList.setAutoDelete( false );
+ QListViewItemIterator it(this);
+ // iterate through all items of the list view
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) {
+ UMLListViewItem *item = (UMLListViewItem*)it.current();
+ // this is the trick, we select only the item with a parent unselected
+ // since we can't select a child and its grandfather without its parent
+ // we would be able to delete each item individually, without an invalid iterator
+ if (item && item->parent() && item->parent()->isSelected()==false) {
+ ItemList.append(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::getSelectedItemsRoot: selItems = " << ItemList.count() << endl;
+ return (int)ItemList.count();
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::createDiagramItem(UMLView *v) {
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_DT_LVT(v->getType());
+ UMLListViewItem *parent = NULL;
+ UMLFolder *f = v->getFolder();
+ if (f) {
+ parent = findUMLObject(f);
+ if (parent == NULL)
+ kError() << "UMLListView::createDiagramItem(" << v->getName()
+ << "): findUMLObject(" << f->getName() << ") returns NULL"
+ << endl;
+ } else {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::createDiagramItem(" << v->getName()
+ << "): no parent folder set, using predefined folder" << endl;
+ }
+ if (parent == NULL) {
+ parent = determineParentItem(lvt);
+ lvt = Model_Utils::convert_DT_LVT(v->getType());
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem *item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, v->getName(), lvt, v->getID());
+ return item;
+/** Creates a new UMLListViewItem from a UMLListViewItem,
+ if parent is null the ListView Decides who is going to be
+ the parent */
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::createItem(UMLListViewItem& Data, IDChangeLog& IDChanges,
+ UMLListViewItem* parent /*= 0*/) {
+ UMLObject* pObject = 0;
+ UMLListViewItem* item = 0;
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Data.getType();
+ if(!parent) {
+ parent = determineParentItem(lvt);
+ if (!parent)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch(lvt) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ /***
+ int newID = IDChanges.findNewID(Data.getID());
+ //if there is no ListViewItem associated with the new ID,
+ //it could exist an Item already asocciated if the user chose to reuse an uml object
+ if(!(item = findItem(newID))) {
+ pObject = m_doc->findObjectById( IDChanges.findNewID(Data.getID()) );
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, Data.getText(), lvt, pObject);
+ } ***/
+ pObject = m_doc->findObjectById( Data.getID() );
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, Data.getText(), lvt, pObject);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder:
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, Data.getText(), lvt);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ case Uml::lvt_Template:
+ case Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral:
+ {
+ UMLClassifier *pClass = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parent->getUMLObject());
+ Uml::IDType newID = IDChanges.findNewID( Data.getID() );
+ pObject = pClass->findChildObjectById(newID);
+ if (pObject) {
+ item = new UMLListViewItem( parent, Data.getText(), lvt, pObject );
+ } else {
+ item = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ {
+ Uml::IDType newID = IDChanges.findNewID(Data.getID());
+ UMLView* v = m_doc->findView(newID);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_DT_LVT(v->getType());
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, v->getName(), lvt, newID);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ kWarning() << "createItem() called on unknown type" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ return item;
+UMLListViewItem* UMLListView::determineParentItem(Uml::ListView_Type lvt) const {
+ UMLListViewItem* parent = 0;
+ switch (lvt) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ parent = m_datatypeFolder;
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ parent = m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ parent = m_lv[Uml::mt_Component];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ parent = m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ parent = m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship];
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(lvt) || !Model_Utils::typeIsClassifierList(lvt))
+ parent = m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical];
+ break;
+ }
+ return parent;
+int UMLListView::getSelectedCount() {
+ QListViewItemIterator it(this);
+ int count = 0;
+ // iterate through all items of the list view
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+void UMLListView::focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * fe) {
+ QFocusEvent::Reason reason = fe->reason();
+ if (reason != QFocusEvent::Popup) {
+ clearSelection();
+ triggerUpdate();
+ }
+ //repaint();
+ QListView::focusOutEvent(fe);
+Uml::ListView_Type UMLListView::rootViewType(UMLListViewItem *item) {
+ if (item == m_rv)
+ return Uml::lvt_View;
+ if (item == m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical])
+ return Uml::lvt_Logical_View;
+ if (item == m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase])
+ return Uml::lvt_UseCase_View;
+ if (item == m_lv[Uml::mt_Component])
+ return Uml::lvt_Component_View;
+ if (item == m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment])
+ return Uml::lvt_Deployment_View;
+ if (item == m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship])
+ return Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Model;
+ UMLListViewItem *parent = dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item->parent());
+ if (parent)
+ return rootViewType(parent);
+ return Uml::lvt_Unknown;
+QPixmap & UMLListView::getPixmap(Uml::Icon_Type type) {
+ if (type < Uml::it_Home || type >= Uml::N_ICONTYPES) {
+ kWarning() << "getPixmap() called on unknown icon " << type << endl;
+ // you'll know you have a problem if this shows up in the list
+ type = Uml::it_Home;
+ }
+ return m_Pixmaps[type];
+void UMLListView::loadPixmaps() {
+ KStandardDirs * dirs = KGlobal::dirs();
+ QString dataDir = dirs -> findResourceDir("data", "umbrello/pics/object.png");
+ dataDir += "/umbrello/pics/";
+#define makeBarIcon(iconType, barIcon) m_Pixmaps[iconType] = BarIcon(barIcon)
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Home, "folder_home");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Cyan, "folder");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Cyan_Open, "folder_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Green, "folder_green");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Green_Open, "folder_green_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Orange, "folder_orange");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Orange_Open, "folder_orange_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Grey, "folder_grey");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Grey_Open, "folder_grey_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Red, "folder_red");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Red_Open, "folder_red_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Violet, "folder_violet");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Folder_Violet_Open, "folder_violet_open");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Activity, "umbrello_diagram_activity");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Class, "umbrello_diagram_class");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Component, "umbrello_diagram_component");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_State, "umbrello_diagram_state");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Sequence, "umbrello_diagram_sequence");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Deployment, "umbrello_diagram_deployment");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_EntityRelationship, "umbrello_diagram_deployment");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Usecase, "umbrello_diagram_usecase");
+ makeBarIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Collaboration, "umbrello_diagram_collaboration");
+#undef makeBarIcon
+#define loadPixmap(iconType, pngName) m_Pixmaps[iconType].load(dataDir + pngName)
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Diagram, "CVnamespace.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Class, "class.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Template, "template.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Package, "package.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Subsystem, "subsystem.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Component, "component.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Node, "node.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Artifact, "artifact.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Interface, "interface.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Datatype, "datatype.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Enum, "enum.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Entity, "entity.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Actor, "actor.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_UseCase, "usecase.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Public_Method, "CVpublic_meth.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Private_Method, "CVprivate_meth.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Protected_Method, "CVprotected_meth.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Public_Attribute, "CVpublic_var.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Private_Attribute, "CVprivate_var.png");
+ loadPixmap(Uml::it_Protected_Attribute, "CVprotected_var.png");
+#undef loadPixmap
+bool UMLListView::isExpandable(Uml::ListView_Type lvt) {
+ if (Model_Utils::typeIsRootView(lvt) || Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(lvt))
+ return true;
+ switch (lvt) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+void UMLListView::slotExpanded( QListViewItem * item ) {
+ UMLListViewItem * myItem= static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item);
+ if (isExpandable(myItem->getType()))
+ myItem->updateFolder();
+void UMLListView::slotCollapsed( QListViewItem * item ) {
+ UMLListViewItem * myItem = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item);
+ if (isExpandable(myItem->getType()))
+ myItem->updateFolder();
+void UMLListView::slotCutSuccessful() {
+ if( m_bStartedCut ) {
+ popupMenuSel( ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete );
+ //deletion code here
+ m_bStartedCut = false;
+ }
+void UMLListView::addNewItem(UMLListViewItem *parentItem, Uml::ListView_Type type) {
+ if (type == Uml::lvt_Datatype) {
+ parentItem = m_datatypeFolder;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem * newItem = NULL;
+ parentItem->setOpen( true );
+ Uml::Icon_Type icon = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_IT(type);
+ QString name;
+ if (Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(type)) {
+ Uml::Diagram_Type dt = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_DT(type);
+ name = getUniqueDiagramName(dt);
+ newItem = new UMLListViewItem(parentItem, name, type, Uml::id_None);
+ } else {
+ Uml::Object_Type ot = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_OT(type);
+ if (ot == Uml::ot_UMLObject) {
+ kDebug() << "UMLListView::addNewItem: no UMLObject for listview type "
+ << type << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLPackage *parentPkg =
+ dynamic_cast<UMLPackage*>(parentItem->getUMLObject());
+ if (parentPkg == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::addNewItem(type " << type
+ << "): parentPkg is NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Model_Utils::typeIsClassifierList(type)) {
+ UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentPkg);
+ name = parent->uniqChildName(ot);
+ } else {
+ name = Model_Utils::uniqObjectName(ot, parentPkg);
+ }
+ newItem = new UMLListViewItem(parentItem, name, type, (UMLObject*)0);
+ }
+ m_bIgnoreCancelRename = false;
+ newItem->setIcon( icon );
+ newItem->setOpen( true );
+ newItem->setCreating( true );
+ newItem->startRename( 0 ); // calls QListView::ensureItemVisible()
+ // When the user accepts the rename operation, UMLListViewItem::okRename()
+ // is called (automatically by QListViewItem.)
+bool UMLListView::itemRenamed( QListViewItem * item , int /*col*/ ) {
+ //if true the item was cancel before this message
+ if( m_bIgnoreCancelRename ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_bIgnoreCancelRename = true;
+ UMLListViewItem * renamedItem = static_cast< UMLListViewItem *>( item ) ;
+ Uml::ListView_Type type = renamedItem -> getType();
+ QString newText = renamedItem -> text( 0 );
+ renamedItem -> setCreating( false );
+ // If the type is empty then delete it.
+ if (newText.isEmpty() || newText.contains(QRegExp("^\\s+$"))) {
+ KMessageBox::error(
+ kapp -> mainWidget(),
+ i18n( "The name you entered was invalid.\nCreation process has been canceled." ),
+ i18n( "Name Not Valid" ) );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !isUnique( renamedItem, newText ) ) {
+ //if operation ask if ok not to be unique i.e overloading
+ if( type == Uml::lvt_Operation ) {
+ if( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(
+ kapp -> mainWidget(),
+ i18n( "The name you entered was not unique.\nIs this what you wanted?" ),
+ i18n( "Name Not Unique" ), i18n("Use Name"), i18n("Enter New Name") ) == KMessageBox::No ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ KMessageBox::error(
+ kapp -> mainWidget(),
+ i18n( "The name you entered was not unique!\nCreation process has been canceled." ),
+ i18n( "Name Not Unique" ) );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ switch( type ) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ {
+ Uml::Object_Type ot = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_OT(type);
+ if (! ot) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::itemRenamed() internal" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UMLObject *o = createUMLObject( renamedItem, ot );
+ if (type == Uml::lvt_Subsystem)
+ o->setStereotype("subsystem");
+ else if (Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(type))
+ o->setStereotype("folder");
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ case Uml::lvt_Template:
+ case Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral:
+ return createChildUMLObject( renamedItem, Model_Utils::convert_LVT_OT(type) );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Class );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_UseCase );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Sequence );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Collaboration );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_State );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Activity );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Component );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_Deployment );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ createDiagram( renamedItem, Uml::dt_EntityRelationship );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+UMLObject *UMLListView::createUMLObject( UMLListViewItem * item, Uml::Object_Type type ) {
+ QString name = item -> text( 0 );
+ UMLObject * object = NULL;
+ switch( type ) {
+ case Uml::ot_UseCase:
+ object = new UMLUseCase( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Actor:
+ object = new UMLActor( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Class:
+ object = new UMLClassifier( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Package:
+ object = new UMLPackage( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Folder:
+ object = new UMLFolder( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Component:
+ object = new UMLComponent( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Node:
+ object = new UMLNode( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Artifact:
+ object = new UMLArtifact( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Interface:
+ {
+ UMLClassifier *c = new UMLClassifier(name);
+ c->setBaseType(Uml::ot_Interface);
+ object = c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Datatype:
+ {
+ UMLClassifier *c = new UMLClassifier(name);
+ c->setBaseType(Uml::ot_Datatype);
+ object = c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Enum:
+ object = new UMLEnum( name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::ot_Entity:
+ object = new UMLEntity( name );
+ break;
+ default:
+ kWarning() << "creating UML Object of unknown type" << endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem * parentItem = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>(item->parent());
+ const Uml::ListView_Type lvt = parentItem->getType();
+ if (! Model_Utils::typeIsContainer(lvt)) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::createUMLObject(" << object->getName()
+ << "): parentItem (" << lvt << " is not a container" << endl;
+ delete object;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ UMLPackage *pkg = static_cast<UMLPackage*>(parentItem->getUMLObject());
+ object->setUMLPackage(pkg);
+ pkg->addObject(object);
+ connectNewObjectsSlots(object);
+ item -> setUMLObject( object );
+ item -> setText( name );
+ return object;
+bool UMLListView::createChildUMLObject( UMLListViewItem * item, Uml::Object_Type type ) {
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = true;
+ QString text = item->text( 0 );
+ UMLObject* parent = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>( item->parent() )->getUMLObject();
+ if( !parent ) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::createChildUMLObject: parent UMLObject is NULL" << endl;
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //kDebug() << "UMLListView::createChildUMLObject (" << text << ")" << endl;
+ UMLObject* newObject = NULL;
+ if ( type == Uml::ot_EnumLiteral ) {
+ UMLEnum *owningEnum = static_cast<UMLEnum*>(parent);
+ newObject = owningEnum->createEnumLiteral(text);
+ UMLEnumLiteral* enumLiteral = static_cast<UMLEnumLiteral*>(newObject);
+ text = enumLiteral->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis);
+ } else if ( type == Uml::ot_Template ) {
+ UMLClassifier *owningClassifier = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parent);
+ Model_Utils::NameAndType nt;
+ Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseTemplate(text, nt, owningClassifier);
+ if (st) {
+ KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(),
+ Model_Utils::psText(st),
+ i18n("Creation canceled") );
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ newObject = owningClassifier->createTemplate(nt.m_name);
+ UMLTemplate *tmplParm = static_cast<UMLTemplate*>(newObject);
+ tmplParm->setType(nt.m_type);
+ text = tmplParm->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis);
+ } else if (type == Uml::ot_Attribute || type == Uml::ot_EntityAttribute) {
+ UMLClassifier *owningClass = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parent);
+ Model_Utils::NameAndType nt;
+ Uml::Visibility vis;
+ Model_Utils::Parse_Status st;
+ st = Model_Utils::parseAttribute(text, nt, owningClass, &vis);
+ if (st) {
+ KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(),
+ Model_Utils::psText(st),
+ i18n("Creation canceled") );
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ newObject = owningClass->createAttribute(nt.m_name, nt.m_type, vis, nt.m_initialValue);
+ UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(newObject);
+ att->setParmKind(nt.m_direction);
+ text = att->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis);
+ } else if ( type == Uml::ot_Operation ) {
+ UMLClassifier *owningClassifier = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parent);
+ Model_Utils::OpDescriptor od;
+ Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseOperation(text, od, owningClassifier);
+ if (st) {
+ KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(),
+ Model_Utils::psText(st),
+ i18n("Creation canceled") );
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isExistingOp = false;
+ newObject = owningClassifier->createOperation(od.m_name, &isExistingOp, &od.m_args);
+ if (newObject == NULL || isExistingOp) {
+ if (isExistingOp)
+ KMessageBox::error(
+ kapp -> mainWidget(),
+ i18n( "The name you entered was not unique!\nCreation process has been canceled." ),
+ i18n( "Name Not Unique" ) );
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(newObject);
+ if (od.m_pReturnType) {
+ op->setType(od.m_pReturnType);
+ }
+ text = op->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis);
+ } else {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::createChildUMLObject called for type "
+ << type << " (ignored)" << endl;
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // make changes to the object visible to this umllistviewitem
+ connectNewObjectsSlots( newObject );
+ item->setUMLObject( newObject );
+ item->setText( text );
+ ensureItemVisible(item);
+ // as it's a ClassifierListItem add it to the childObjectMap of the parent
+ UMLClassifierListItem* classifierListItem = static_cast<UMLClassifierListItem*>( newObject );
+ static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>( item->parent() )->addClassifierListItem(classifierListItem, item );
+ m_bCreatingChildObject = false;
+ if (! m_doc->loading())
+ m_doc->setModified();
+ return true;
+void UMLListView::createDiagram( UMLListViewItem * item, Uml::Diagram_Type type ) {
+ QString name = item -> text( 0 );
+ UMLView * view = m_doc -> findView( type, name );
+ if( view ) {
+ delete item;
+ return;
+ }
+ UMLListViewItem *parentItem = static_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item->parent());
+ UMLFolder *parentFolder = dynamic_cast<UMLFolder*>(parentItem->getUMLObject());
+ if (parentFolder == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::createDiagram(" << name
+ << "): parent UMLObject is not a UMLFolder" << endl;
+ delete item;
+ return;
+ }
+ view = new UMLView(parentFolder);
+ view->setName( name );
+ view->setType( type );
+ view->setID( UniqueID::gen() );
+ m_doc -> addView( view );
+ view -> setOptionState( Settings::getOptionState() );
+ item -> setID( view -> getID() );
+ item -> setText( name );
+ view->activate();
+ m_doc -> changeCurrentView( view -> getID() );
+QString UMLListView::getUniqueDiagramName(Uml::Diagram_Type type) {
+ return m_doc->uniqViewName(type);
+bool UMLListView::isUnique( UMLListViewItem * item, const QString &name ) {
+ UMLListViewItem * parentItem = static_cast<UMLListViewItem *>( item -> parent() );
+ Uml::ListView_Type type = item -> getType();
+ switch( type ) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_Class, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_Sequence, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_UseCase, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_Collaboration, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_State, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc -> findView( Uml::dt_Activity, name );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc->findView(Uml::dt_Component, name);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc->findView(Uml::dt_Deployment, name);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Diagram:
+ return !m_doc->findView(Uml::dt_EntityRelationship, name);
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ return !m_doc->findUMLObject( name, Model_Utils::convert_LVT_OT(type) );
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ {
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = parentItem->getType();
+ if (!Model_Utils::typeIsContainer(lvt))
+ return (m_doc->findUMLObject(name) == NULL);
+ UMLPackage *pkg = static_cast<UMLPackage*>(parentItem->getUMLObject());
+ if (pkg == NULL) {
+ kError() << "UMLListView::isUnique: internal error - "
+ << "parent listviewitem is package but has no UMLObject" << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (pkg->findObject(name) == NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Uml::lvt_Template:
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ case Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral:
+ {
+ UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentItem->getUMLObject());
+ return (parent->findChildObject(name) == NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+void UMLListView::cancelRename( QListViewItem * item ) {
+ if( !m_bIgnoreCancelRename ) {
+ delete item;
+ m_bIgnoreCancelRename = true;
+ }
+void UMLListView::saveToXMI( QDomDocument & qDoc, QDomElement & qElement) {
+ QDomElement listElement = qDoc.createElement( "listview" );
+ m_rv->saveToXMI(qDoc, listElement);
+ qElement.appendChild( listElement );
+bool UMLListView::loadFromXMI( QDomElement & element ) {
+ /*
+ deleteChildrenOf( m_ucv );
+ deleteChildrenOf( m_lv );
+ deleteChildrenOf( m_cmpv );
+ deleteChildrenOf( m_dplv );
+ */
+ QDomNode node = element.firstChild();
+ QDomElement domElement = node.toElement();
+ m_doc->writeToStatusBar( i18n("Loading listview...") );
+ while( !domElement.isNull() ) {
+ if( domElement.tagName() == "listitem" ) {
+ QString type = domElement.attribute( "type", "-1" );
+ if( type == "-1" )
+ return false;
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvType = (Uml::ListView_Type)type.toInt();
+ if( lvType == Uml::lvt_View ) {
+ if( !loadChildrenFromXMI( m_rv, domElement ) )
+ return false;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ domElement = node.toElement();
+ }//end while
+ return true;
+bool UMLListView::loadChildrenFromXMI( UMLListViewItem * parent, QDomElement & element ) {
+ QDomNode node = element.firstChild();
+ QDomElement domElement = node.toElement();
+ const QString pfx("UMLListView::loadChildrenFromXMI: ");
+ while( !domElement.isNull() ) {
+ node = domElement.nextSibling();
+ if( domElement.tagName() != "listitem" ) {
+ domElement = node.toElement();
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString id = domElement.attribute( "id", "-1" );
+ QString type = domElement.attribute( "type", "-1" );
+ QString label = domElement.attribute( "label", "" );
+ QString open = domElement.attribute( "open", "1" );
+ if( type == "-1" )
+ return false;
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvType = (Uml::ListView_Type)type.toInt();
+ bool bOpen = (bool)open.toInt();
+ Uml::IDType nID = STR2ID(id);
+ UMLObject * pObject = 0;
+ UMLListViewItem * item = 0;
+ if (nID != Uml::id_None) {
+ // The following is an ad hoc hack for the copy/paste code.
+ // The clip still contains the old children although new
+ // UMLCLassifierListItems have already been created.
+ // If the IDChangeLog finds new IDs this means we are in
+ // copy/paste and need to adjust the child listitems to the
+ // new UMLCLassifierListItems.
+ IDChangeLog *idchanges = m_doc->getChangeLog();
+ if (idchanges != NULL) {
+ Uml::IDType newID = idchanges->findNewID(nID);
+ if (newID != Uml::id_None) {
+ kDebug() << pfx << " using id " << ID2STR(newID)
+ << " instead of " << ID2STR(nID) << endl;
+ nID = newID;
+ }
+ }
+ /************ End of hack for copy/paste code ************/
+ pObject = m_doc->findObjectById(nID);
+ if (pObject) {
+ if (label.isEmpty())
+ label = pObject->getName();
+ } else if (Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(lvType)) {
+ // Synthesize the UMLFolder here
+ UMLObject *umlParent = parent->getUMLObject();
+ UMLPackage *parentPkg = dynamic_cast<UMLPackage*>(umlParent);
+ if (parentPkg == NULL) {
+ kError() << pfx << "umlParent(" << umlParent << ") is not a UMLPackage"
+ << endl;
+ domElement = node.toElement();
+ continue;
+ }
+ UMLFolder *f = new UMLFolder(label, nID);
+ f->setUMLPackage(parentPkg);
+ parentPkg->addObject(f);
+ pObject = f;
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, label, lvType, pObject);
+ // Moving all relevant UMLObjects to the new UMLFolder is done below,
+ // in the switch(lvType)
+ }
+ } else if (Model_Utils::typeIsRootView(lvType)) {
+ // Predefined folders did not have their ID set.
+ const Uml::Model_Type mt = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_MT(lvType);
+ nID = m_doc->getRootFolder(mt)->getID();
+ } else if (Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(lvType)) {
+ // Pre-1.2 format: Folders did not have their ID set.
+ // Pull a new ID now.
+ nID = UniqueID::get();
+ } else {
+ kError() << pfx << "item of type " << type << " has no ID, skipping." << endl;
+ domElement = node.toElement();
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch( lvType ) {
+ case Uml::lvt_Actor:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase:
+ case Uml::lvt_Class:
+ case Uml::lvt_Interface:
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype:
+ case Uml::lvt_Enum:
+ case Uml::lvt_Entity:
+ case Uml::lvt_Package:
+ case Uml::lvt_Subsystem:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component:
+ case Uml::lvt_Node:
+ case Uml::lvt_Artifact:
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder:
+ item = findItem(nID);
+ if (item == NULL) {
+ kError() << pfx << "INTERNAL ERROR: "
+ << "findItem(id " << ID2STR(nID) << ") returns NULL" << endl;
+ /*
+ if (pObject && pObject->getUMLPackage() &&
+ parent->getType() != Uml::lvt_Package) {
+ // Pre-1.2 file format:
+ // Objects were not nested in their packages.
+ // Synthesize the nesting here.
+ UMLPackage *umlpkg = pObject->getUMLPackage();
+ UMLListViewItem *pkgItem = findUMLObject(umlpkg);
+ if (pkgItem == NULL) {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "synthesizing ListViewItem for package "
+ << ID2STR(umlpkg->getID()) << endl;
+ pkgItem = new UMLListViewItem(parent, umlpkg->getName(),
+ Uml::lvt_Package, umlpkg);
+ pkgItem->setOpen(true);
+ }
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(pkgItem, label, lvType, pObject);
+ } else {
+ item = new UMLListViewItem(parent, label, lvType, pObject);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ else if (parent != item->parent()) {
+ // The existing item was created by the slot event triggered
+ // by the loading of the corresponding model object from the
+ // XMI file.
+ // This early creation is done in order to support the loading
+ // of foreign XMI files that do not have the umbrello specific
+ // <listview> tag.
+ // However, now that we encountered the real <listview> info,
+ // we need to delete the existing item: Its parent is always
+ // one of the default predefined folders, but the actual
+ // listview item might be located in a user created folder.
+ // Thanks to Achim Spangler for spotting the problem.
+ UMLListViewItem *itmParent = dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem*>(item->parent());
+ kDebug() << pfx << item->getText() << " parent "
+ << parent->getText() << " (" << parent << ") != "
+ << itmParent->getText() << " (" << itmParent << ")" << endl;
+ if (item == m_datatypeFolder && itmParent == m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical]) {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "Reparenting the Datatypes folder is prohibited" << endl;
+ } else {
+ UMLListViewItem *newItem = moveObject(nID, lvType, parent);
+ item = newItem;
+ if (item) {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "Attempted reparenting of " << item->getText()
+ << "(current parent: " << (itmParent ? itmParent->getText() : "NULL")
+ << ", new parent: " << parent->getText() << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Attribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute:
+ case Uml::lvt_Template:
+ case Uml::lvt_Operation:
+ case Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral:
+ item = findItem(nID);
+ if (item == NULL) {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "item " << ID2STR(nID) << " (of type "
+ << lvType << ") does not yet exist..." << endl;
+ UMLObject* umlObject = parent->getUMLObject();
+ if (!umlObject) {
+ kDebug() << "And also the parent->getUMLObject() does not exist" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (nID == Uml::id_None) {
+ kWarning() << pfx << "lvtype " << lvType << " has id -1" << endl;
+ } else {
+ UMLClassifier *classifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(umlObject);
+ if (classifier) {
+ umlObject = classifier->findChildObjectById(nID);
+ if (umlObject) {
+ connectNewObjectsSlots(umlObject);
+ label = umlObject->getName();
+ item = new UMLListViewItem( parent, label, lvType, umlObject);
+ } else {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "lvtype " << lvType << " child object "
+ << ID2STR(nID) << " not found" << endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kDebug() << pfx << "cast to classifier object failed" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_View:
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder:
+ item = m_datatypeFolder;
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_View:
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_View:
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Component];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_View:
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Model:
+ item = m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship];
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(lvType)) {
+ item = new UMLListViewItem( parent, label, lvType, nID );
+ } else {
+ kError() << pfx << "INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected listview type "
+ << lvType << " (ID " << ID2STR(nID) << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ break;
+ }//end switch
+ if (item) {
+ item->setOpen( (bool)bOpen );
+ if ( !loadChildrenFromXMI(item, domElement) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kWarning() << "unused list view item " << ID2STR(nID)
+ << " of lvtype " << lvType << endl;
+ }
+ domElement = node.toElement();
+ }//end while
+ return true;
+/** Open all items in the list view*/
+void UMLListView::expandAll(QListViewItem *item) {
+ if(!item) item = firstChild();
+ for (item = item->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) {
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ }
+/** Close all items in the list view*/
+void UMLListView::collapseAll(QListViewItem *item) {
+ if(!item) item = firstChild();
+ for( item = item->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling())
+ item->setOpen(false);
+void UMLListView::setStartedCut(bool startedCut) {
+ m_bStartedCut = startedCut;
+void UMLListView::setStartedCopy(bool startedCopy) {
+ m_bStartedCopy = startedCopy;
+bool UMLListView::startedCopy() const {
+ return m_bStartedCopy;
+UMLListViewItem *UMLListView::rootView(Uml::ListView_Type type) {
+ UMLListViewItem *theView = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ case Uml::lvt_View:
+ theView = m_rv;
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Logical_View:
+ theView = m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_UseCase_View:
+ theView = m_lv[Uml::mt_UseCase];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Component_View:
+ theView = m_lv[Uml::mt_Component];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Deployment_View:
+ theView = m_lv[Uml::mt_Deployment];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Model:
+ theView = m_lv[Uml::mt_EntityRelationship];
+ break;
+ case Uml::lvt_Datatype_Folder: // @todo fix asymmetric naming
+ theView = m_datatypeFolder;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return theView;
+void UMLListView::deleteChildrenOf(QListViewItem* parent) {
+ if ( !parent ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (parent == m_lv[Uml::mt_Logical])
+ m_datatypeFolder = NULL;
+ while ( parent->firstChild() ) {
+ delete parent->firstChild();
+ }
+void UMLListView::closeDatatypesFolder() {
+ m_datatypeFolder->setOpen(false);
+bool UMLListView::deleteItem(UMLListViewItem *temp) {
+ if (!temp)
+ return false;
+ UMLObject *object = temp->getUMLObject();
+ Uml::ListView_Type lvt = temp->getType();
+ if ( Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(lvt) ) {
+ m_doc->removeDiagram( temp->getID() );
+ } else if (temp == m_datatypeFolder) {
+ // we can't delete the datatypeFolder because umbrello will crash without a special handling
+ return false;
+ } else if (Model_Utils::typeIsCanvasWidget(lvt) || Model_Utils::typeIsClassifierList(lvt)) {
+ UMLPackage *nmSpc = dynamic_cast<UMLPackage*>(object);
+ if (nmSpc) {
+ UMLObjectList contained = nmSpc->containedObjects();
+ if (contained.count()) {
+ KMessageBox::error(
+ kapp->mainWidget(),
+ i18n("The folder must be emptied before it can be deleted."),
+ i18n("Folder Not Empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ UMLCanvasObject *canvasObj = dynamic_cast<UMLCanvasObject*>(object);
+ if (canvasObj) {
+ /**
+ * We cannot just delete canvasObj here: What if the object
+ * is still being used by others (for example, as a parameter
+ * or return type of an operation) ?
+ * Deletion should not have been permitted in the first place
+ * if the object still has users - but Umbrello is lacking
+ * that logic.
+ */
+ canvasObj->removeAllChildObjects();
+ }
+ if (object) {
+ m_doc->removeUMLObject(object);
+ // Physical deletion of `temp' will be done by Qt signal, see
+ // UMLDoc::removeUMLObject()
+ } else {
+ delete temp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kWarning() << "umllistview::listpopupmenu::mt_Delete called with unknown type"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+#include "umllistview.moc"