path: root/umbrello/umbrello/umlrole.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/umlrole.cpp')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/umlrole.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/umlrole.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b4449fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/umlrole.cpp
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+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2003-2007 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// own header
+#include "umlrole.h"
+// qt/kde includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+// local includes
+#include "association.h"
+#include "umldoc.h"
+#include "uml.h"
+// constructor
+UMLRole::UMLRole(UMLAssociation * parent, UMLObject * parentObj, Uml::Role_Type role)
+ : UMLObject(const_cast<UMLAssociation*>(parent))
+ init(parent, parentObj, role);
+UMLRole::~UMLRole() { }
+bool UMLRole::operator==(UMLRole &rhs) {
+ if (this == &rhs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return ( UMLObject::operator==( rhs ) &&
+ m_Changeability == rhs.m_Changeability &&
+ m_Multi == rhs.m_Multi &&
+ m_Name == rhs.m_Name
+ );
+UMLAssociation * UMLRole::getParentAssociation () {
+ return m_pAssoc;
+UMLObject* UMLRole::getObject() {
+ return m_pSecondary;
+Uml::Changeability_Type UMLRole::getChangeability() const {
+ return m_Changeability;
+QString UMLRole::getMultiplicity() const {
+ return m_Multi;
+void UMLRole::setObject (UMLObject *obj) {
+ // because we will get the id of this role from the parent
+ // object, we CANT allow UMLRoles to take other UMLRoles as
+ // parent objects. In fact, there is probably good reason
+ // to only take UMLClassifiers here, but I'll leave it more open
+ // for the time being. -b.t.
+ if (obj && dynamic_cast<UMLRole*>(obj)) {
+ kError() << "UMLRole(" << ID2STR(m_nId) << ") cannot setObject() to another UMLRole("
+ << ID2STR(obj->getID()) << ")" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_pSecondary = obj;
+ UMLObject::emitModified();
+void UMLRole::setChangeability (Uml::Changeability_Type value) {
+ m_Changeability = value;
+ UMLObject::emitModified();
+void UMLRole::setMultiplicity ( const QString &multi ) {
+ m_Multi = multi;
+ UMLObject::emitModified();
+Uml::Role_Type UMLRole::getRole() {
+ return m_role;
+void UMLRole::init(UMLAssociation * parent, UMLObject * parentObj, Uml::Role_Type r) {
+ m_BaseType = Uml::ot_Role;
+ m_role = r;
+ m_pAssoc = parent;
+ m_pSecondary = parentObj;
+ m_Multi = "";
+ m_Name = "";
+ m_Changeability = Uml::chg_Changeable;
+ // connect this up to parent
+ connect(this,SIGNAL(modified()),parent,SIGNAL(modified()));
+void UMLRole::saveToXMI( QDomDocument & qDoc, QDomElement & qElement ) {
+ QDomElement roleElement = UMLObject::save("UML:AssociationEnd", qDoc);
+ if (m_pSecondary)
+ roleElement.setAttribute( "type", ID2STR(m_pSecondary->getID()) );
+ else
+ kError() << "UMLRole::saveToXMI(id " << ID2STR(m_nId)
+ << "): m_pSecondary is NULL" << endl;
+ if (!m_Multi.isEmpty())
+ roleElement.setAttribute("multiplicity", m_Multi);
+ if (m_role == Uml::A) { // role aggregation based on parent type
+ // role A
+ switch (m_pAssoc->getAssocType()) {
+ case Uml::at_Composition:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("aggregation", "composite");
+ break;
+ case Uml::at_Aggregation:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("aggregation", "aggregate");
+ break;
+ default:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("aggregation", "none");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_pAssoc->getAssocType() == Uml::at_UniAssociation) {
+ // Normally the isNavigable attribute is "true".
+ // We set it to false on role A to indicate that
+ // role B gets an explicit arrowhead.
+ roleElement.setAttribute("isNavigable", "false");
+ } else {
+ roleElement.setAttribute("isNavigable", "true");
+ }
+ } else {
+ roleElement.setAttribute("aggregation", "none");
+ roleElement.setAttribute("isNavigable", "true");
+ //FIXME obviously this isn't standard XMI
+ if (m_pAssoc->getAssocType() == Uml::at_Relationship) {
+ roleElement.setAttribute("relationship", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ roleElement.setAttribute("visibility", getVisibility().toString(false));
+ switch (m_Changeability) {
+ case Uml::chg_Frozen:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("changeability", "frozen");
+ break;
+ case Uml::chg_AddOnly:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("changeability", "addOnly");
+ break;
+ case Uml::chg_Changeable:
+ roleElement.setAttribute("changeability", "changeable");
+ break;
+ }
+ qElement.appendChild( roleElement );
+bool UMLRole::load( QDomElement & element ) {
+ UMLDoc * doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
+ QString type = element.attribute("type", "");
+ if (!type.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!m_SecondaryId.isEmpty())
+ kWarning() << "UMLRole::load: overwriting old m_SecondaryId \""
+ << m_SecondaryId << " with new value \""
+ << type << "\"" << endl;
+ m_SecondaryId = type;
+ }
+ // Inspect child nodes - for multiplicity (and type if not set above.)
+ for (QDomNode node = element.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
+ if (node.isComment())
+ continue;
+ QDomElement tempElement = node.toElement();
+ QString tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "name")) {
+ m_Name = tempElement.text();
+ } else if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "AssociationEnd.multiplicity")) {
+ /**
+ * There are different ways in which the multiplicity might be given:
+ * - direct value in the <AssociationEnd.multiplicity> tag,
+ * - attributes "lower" and "upper" of a subordinate <MultiplicityRange>,
+ * - direct value in subordinate <MultiplicityRange.lower> and
+ * <MultiplicityRange.upper> tags
+ */
+ QDomNode n = tempElement.firstChild();
+ if (node.isNull() || tempElement.isNull() || n.isNull() ||
+ n.toElement().isNull()) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ continue;
+ }
+ tempElement = n.toElement();
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (!Uml::tagEq(tag, "Multiplicity")) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ continue;
+ }
+ n = tempElement.firstChild();
+ tempElement = n.toElement();
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (!Uml::tagEq(tag, "Multiplicity.range")) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ continue;
+ }
+ n = tempElement.firstChild();
+ tempElement = n.toElement();
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (!Uml::tagEq(tag, "MultiplicityRange")) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString multiUpper;
+ if (tempElement.hasAttribute("lower")) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.attribute("lower", "");
+ multiUpper = tempElement.attribute("upper", "");
+ if (!multiUpper.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!m_Multi.isEmpty())
+ m_Multi.append("..");
+ m_Multi.append(multiUpper);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ n = tempElement.firstChild();
+ while (!n.isNull()) {
+ tempElement = n.toElement();
+ tag = tempElement.tagName();
+ if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "MultiplicityRange.lower")) {
+ m_Multi = tempElement.text();
+ } else if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "MultiplicityRange.upper")) {
+ multiUpper = tempElement.text();
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (!multiUpper.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!m_Multi.isEmpty())
+ m_Multi.append("..");
+ m_Multi.append(multiUpper);
+ }
+ } else if (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty() &&
+ (Uml::tagEq(tag, "type") ||
+ Uml::tagEq(tag, "participant"))) {
+ m_SecondaryId = tempElement.attribute("", "");
+ if (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty())
+ m_SecondaryId = tempElement.attribute("xmi.idref", "");
+ if (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty()) {
+ QDomNode inner = tempElement.firstChild();
+ QDomElement innerElem = inner.toElement();
+ m_SecondaryId = innerElem.attribute("", "");
+ if (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty())
+ m_SecondaryId = innerElem.attribute("xmi.idref", "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_Multi.isEmpty())
+ kDebug() << "UMLRole::load(" << m_Name << "): m_Multi is " << m_Multi << endl;
+ if (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty()) {
+ kError() << "UMLRole::load(" << m_Name << "): type not given or illegal" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UMLObject * obj;
+ obj = doc->findObjectById(STR2ID(m_SecondaryId));
+ if (obj) {
+ m_pSecondary = obj;
+ m_SecondaryId = "";
+ }
+ // block signals to prevent needless updating
+ blockSignals(true);
+ // Here comes the handling of the association type.
+ // This is open for discussion - I'm pretty sure there are better ways..
+ // Yeah, for one, setting the *parent* object parameters from here is sucky
+ // as hell. Why are we using roleA to store what is essentially a parent (association)
+ // parameter, eh? The UML13.dtd is pretty silly, but since that is what
+ // is driving us to that point, we have to go with it. Some analysis of
+ // the component roles/linked items needs to be done in order to get things
+ // right. *sigh* -b.t.
+ // Setting association type from the role (A)
+ // Determination of the "aggregation" attribute used to be done only
+ // when (m_role == Uml::A) but some XMI writers (e.g. StarUML) place
+ // the aggregation attribute at role B.
+ // The role end with the aggregation unequal to "none" wins.
+ QString aggregation = element.attribute("aggregation", "none");
+ if (aggregation == "composite")
+ m_pAssoc->setAssocType(Uml::at_Composition);
+ else if (aggregation == "shared" // UML1.3
+ || aggregation == "aggregate") // UML1.4
+ m_pAssoc->setAssocType(Uml::at_Aggregation);
+ if (!element.hasAttribute("isNavigable")) {
+ /* Backward compatibility mode: In Umbrello version 1.3.x the
+ logic for saving the isNavigable flag was wrong.
+ May happen on loading role A.
+ */
+ m_pAssoc->setOldLoadMode(true);
+ } else if (m_pAssoc->getOldLoadMode() == true) {
+ /* Here is the original logic:
+ " Role B:
+ If isNavigable is not given, we make no change to the
+ association type.
+ If isNavigable is given, and is "true", then we assume that
+ the association's other end (role A) is not navigable, and
+ therefore we change the association type to UniAssociation.
+ The case that isNavigable is given as "false" is ignored.
+ Combined with the association type logic for role A, this
+ allows us to support at_Association and at_UniAssociation. "
+ */
+ if (element.attribute("isNavigable") == "true")
+ m_pAssoc->setAssocType(Uml::at_UniAssociation);
+ } else if (element.attribute("isNavigable") == "false") {
+ m_pAssoc->setAssocType(Uml::at_UniAssociation);
+ }
+ //FIXME not standard XMI
+ if (element.hasAttribute("relationship")) {
+ if (element.attribute("relationship") == "true") {
+ m_pAssoc->setAssocType(Uml::at_Relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_Multi.isEmpty())
+ m_Multi = element.attribute("multiplicity", "");
+ // Changeability defaults to Changeable if it cant set it here..
+ m_Changeability = Uml::chg_Changeable;
+ QString changeability = element.attribute("changeability", "");
+ if (changeability.isEmpty())
+ element.attribute("changeable", ""); // for backward compatibility
+ if (changeability == "frozen")
+ m_Changeability = Uml::chg_Frozen;
+ else if (changeability == "addOnly")
+ m_Changeability = Uml::chg_AddOnly;
+ // finished config, now unblock
+ blockSignals(false);
+ return true;
+#include "umlrole.moc"