path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/db/db_dup.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/db/db_dup.c')
1 files changed, 977 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/db/db_dup.c b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/db/db_dup.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8676f7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/db/db_dup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
+ * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "db_config.h"
+#ifndef lint
+static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)db_dup.c 11.11 (Sleepycat) 11/3/99";
+#endif /* not lint */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "db_int.h"
+#include "db_page.h"
+#include "db_shash.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "lock.h"
+#include "db_am.h"
+static int CDB___db_addpage __P((DBC *, PAGE **, db_indx_t *));
+static int CDB___db_dsplit __P((DBC *, PAGE **, db_indx_t *, u_int32_t));
+ * CDB___db_dput --
+ * Put a duplicate item onto a duplicate page at the given index.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_dput __P((DBC *, DBT *, PAGE **, db_indx_t *));
+ */
+CDB___db_dput(dbc, dbt, pp, indxp)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ DBT *dbt;
+ PAGE **pp;
+ db_indx_t *indxp;
+ DBT *data_dbtp, hdr_dbt, *hdr_dbtp;
+ PAGE *pagep;
+ db_indx_t size, isize;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * We need some access method independent threshold for when we put
+ * a duplicate item onto an overflow page.
+ */
+ if (dbt->size > 0.25 * dbc->dbp->pgsize) {
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_poff(dbc, dbt, &pgno)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ UMRW(bo.unused1);
+ B_TSET(bo.type, B_OVERFLOW, 0);
+ UMRW(bo.unused2);
+ bo.tlen = dbt->size;
+ bo.pgno = pgno;
+ = &bo;
+ hdr_dbt.size = isize = BOVERFLOW_SIZE;
+ hdr_dbtp = &hdr_dbt;
+ data_dbtp = NULL;
+ } else {
+ size = BKEYDATA_PSIZE(dbt->size);
+ isize = BKEYDATA_SIZE(dbt->size);
+ hdr_dbtp = NULL;
+ data_dbtp = dbt;
+ }
+ pagep = *pp;
+ if (size > P_FREESPACE(pagep)) {
+ if (*indxp == NUM_ENT(*pp) && NEXT_PGNO(*pp) == PGNO_INVALID)
+ ret = CDB___db_addpage(dbc, pp, indxp);
+ else
+ ret = CDB___db_dsplit(dbc, pp, indxp, isize);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ /*
+ * XXX
+ * Pages not returned to free list.
+ */
+ return (ret);
+ pagep = *pp;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now, pagep references the page on which to insert and indx is the
+ * the location to insert.
+ */
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_pitem(dbc,
+ pagep, (u_int32_t)*indxp, isize, hdr_dbtp, data_dbtp)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ (void)CDB_memp_fset(dbc->dbp->mpf, pagep, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_drem --
+ * Remove a duplicate at the given index on the given page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_drem __P((DBC *, PAGE **, u_int32_t));
+ */
+CDB___db_drem(dbc, pp, indx)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ PAGE **pp;
+ u_int32_t indx;
+ PAGE *pagep;
+ int ret;
+ pagep = *pp;
+ /* Check if we are freeing a big item. */
+ if (B_TYPE(GET_BKEYDATA(pagep, indx)->type) == B_OVERFLOW) {
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_doff(dbc,
+ GET_BOVERFLOW(pagep, indx)->pgno)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ ret = CDB___db_ditem(dbc, pagep, indx, BOVERFLOW_SIZE);
+ } else
+ ret = CDB___db_ditem(dbc, pagep, indx,
+ BKEYDATA_SIZE(GET_BKEYDATA(pagep, indx)->len));
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if (NUM_ENT(pagep) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * If the page is emptied, then the page is freed and the pp
+ * parameter is set to reference the next, locked page in the
+ * duplicate chain, if one exists. If there was no such page,
+ * then it is set to NULL.
+ *
+ * !!!
+ * CDB___db_relink will set the dirty bit for us.
+ */
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_relink(dbc, DB_REM_PAGE, pagep, pp, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_free(dbc, pagep)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ } else
+ (void)CDB_memp_fset(dbc->dbp->mpf, pagep, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_dend --
+ * Find the last page in a set of offpage duplicates.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_dend __P((DBC *, db_pgno_t, PAGE **));
+ */
+CDB___db_dend(dbc, pgno, pp)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ PAGE **pp;
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *h;
+ int ret;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ /*
+ * This implements DB_KEYLAST. The last page is returned in pp; pgno
+ * should be the page number of the first page of the duplicate chain.
+ *
+ * *pp may be non-NULL -- if given a valid page use it.
+ */
+ if (*pp != NULL)
+ goto started;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, pp)) != 0) {
+ (void)CDB___db_pgerr(dbp, pgno);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+started: h = *pp;
+ if ((pgno = NEXT_PGNO(h)) == PGNO_INVALID)
+ break;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_dsplit --
+ * Split a page of duplicates, calculating the split point based
+ * on an element of size "size" being added at "*indxp".
+ * On entry hp contains a pointer to the page-pointer of the original
+ * page. On exit, it returns a pointer to the page containing "*indxp"
+ * and "indxp" has been modified to reflect the index on the new page
+ * where the element should be added. The function returns with
+ * the page on which the insert should happen, not yet put.
+ */
+static int
+CDB___db_dsplit(dbc, hp, indxp, size)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ PAGE **hp;
+ db_indx_t *indxp;
+ u_int32_t size;
+ PAGE *h, *np, *tp;
+ DBT page_dbt;
+ DB *dbp;
+ size_t pgsize;
+ db_indx_t halfbytes, i, indx, lastsum, nindex, oindex, s, sum;
+ int did_indx, ret, t_ret;
+ h = *hp;
+ indx = *indxp;
+ ret = 0;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ pgsize = dbp->pgsize;
+ /* Create a temporary page to do compaction onto. */
+ if ((ret = CDB___os_malloc(pgsize, NULL, &tp)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ /* Create new page for the split. */
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_new(dbc, P_DUPLICATE, &np)) != 0) {
+ CDB___os_free(tp, pgsize);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ P_INIT(np, pgsize, PGNO(np), PGNO(h), NEXT_PGNO(h), 0, P_DUPLICATE);
+ P_INIT(tp, pgsize, PGNO(h), PREV_PGNO(h), PGNO(np), 0, P_DUPLICATE);
+ /* Figure out the split point */
+ halfbytes = (pgsize - HOFFSET(h)) / 2;
+ did_indx = 0;
+ for (sum = 0, lastsum = 0, i = 0; i < NUM_ENT(h); i++) {
+ if (i == indx) {
+ sum += size;
+ did_indx = 1;
+ if (lastsum < halfbytes && sum >= halfbytes) {
+ /* We've crossed the halfway point. */
+ if ((db_indx_t)(halfbytes - lastsum) <
+ (db_indx_t)(sum - halfbytes)) {
+ *hp = np;
+ *indxp = 0;
+ } else
+ *indxp = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ *indxp = i;
+ lastsum = sum;
+ }
+ if (B_TYPE(GET_BKEYDATA(h, i)->type) == B_KEYDATA)
+ sum += BKEYDATA_SIZE(GET_BKEYDATA(h, i)->len);
+ else
+ if (lastsum < halfbytes && sum >= halfbytes) {
+ /* We've crossed the halfway point. */
+ if ((db_indx_t)(sum - halfbytes) <
+ (db_indx_t)(halfbytes - lastsum))
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check if we have set the return values of the index pointer and
+ * page pointer.
+ */
+ if (!did_indx) {
+ *hp = np;
+ *indxp = indx - i;
+ }
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ page_dbt.size = dbp->pgsize;
+ = h;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_split_log(dbp->dbenv,
+ dbc->txn, &LSN(h), 0, DB_SPLITOLD, dbp->log_fileid,
+ PGNO(h), &page_dbt, &LSN(h))) != 0) {
+ CDB___os_free(tp, pgsize);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ LSN(tp) = LSN(h);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If it's a btree, adjust the cursors.
+ *
+ * i is the index of the first element to move onto the new page.
+ */
+ if (dbp->type == DB_BTREE)
+ CDB___bam_ca_split(dbp, PGNO(h), PGNO(h), PGNO(np), i, 0);
+ if (dbp->type == DB_HASH)
+ CDB___ham_ca_split(dbp, PGNO(h), PGNO(h), PGNO(np), i, 0);
+ for (nindex = 0, oindex = i; oindex < NUM_ENT(h); oindex++) {
+ bk = GET_BKEYDATA(h, oindex);
+ if (B_TYPE(bk->type) == B_KEYDATA)
+ s = BKEYDATA_SIZE(bk->len);
+ else
+ np->inp[nindex++] = HOFFSET(np) -= s;
+ memcpy((u_int8_t *)np + HOFFSET(np), bk, s);
+ NUM_ENT(np)++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now do data compaction by copying the remaining stuff onto the
+ * temporary page and then copying it back to the real page.
+ */
+ for (nindex = 0, oindex = 0; oindex < i; oindex++) {
+ bk = GET_BKEYDATA(h, oindex);
+ if (B_TYPE(bk->type) == B_KEYDATA)
+ s = BKEYDATA_SIZE(bk->len);
+ else
+ tp->inp[nindex++] = HOFFSET(tp) -= s;
+ memcpy((u_int8_t *)tp + HOFFSET(tp), bk, s);
+ NUM_ENT(tp)++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This page (the temporary) should be only half full, so we do two
+ * memcpy's, one for the top of the page and one for the bottom of
+ * the page. This way we avoid copying the middle which should be
+ * about half a page.
+ */
+ memcpy(h, tp, LOFFSET(tp));
+ memcpy((u_int8_t *)h + HOFFSET(tp),
+ (u_int8_t *)tp + HOFFSET(tp), pgsize - HOFFSET(tp));
+ CDB___os_free(tp, pgsize);
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ /*
+ * XXX
+ * If either of these fails, are we leaving pages pinned?
+ * Yes, but it seems like this happens in error case.
+ */
+ page_dbt.size = pgsize;
+ = h;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_split_log(dbp->dbenv,
+ dbc->txn, &LSN(h), 0, DB_SPLITNEW, dbp->log_fileid,
+ PGNO(h), &page_dbt, &LSN(h))) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ page_dbt.size = pgsize;
+ = np;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_split_log(dbp->dbenv,
+ dbc->txn, &LSN(np), 0, DB_SPLITNEW, dbp->log_fileid,
+ PGNO(np), &page_dbt, &LSN(np))) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Finally, if there was a next page after the page being
+ * split, fix its prev pointer.
+ */
+ if (np->next_pgno != PGNO_INVALID)
+ ret = CDB___db_relink(dbc, DB_ADD_PAGE, np, NULL, 1);
+ /*
+ * Figure out if the location we're interested in is on the new
+ * page, and if so, reset the callers' pointer. Push the other
+ * page back to the store.
+ */
+ if (*hp == h)
+ t_ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, np, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ else
+ t_ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ return (ret != 0 ? ret : t_ret);
+ * CDB___db_ditem --
+ * Remove an item from a page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_ditem __P((DBC *, PAGE *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
+ */
+CDB___db_ditem(dbc, pagep, indx, nbytes)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ PAGE *pagep;
+ u_int32_t indx, nbytes;
+ DB *dbp;
+ DBT ldbt;
+ db_indx_t cnt, offset;
+ int ret;
+ u_int8_t *from;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ = P_ENTRY(pagep, indx);
+ ldbt.size = nbytes;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_addrem_log(dbp->dbenv, dbc->txn,
+ &LSN(pagep), 0, DB_REM_DUP, dbp->log_fileid, PGNO(pagep),
+ (u_int32_t)indx, nbytes, &ldbt, NULL, &LSN(pagep))) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If there's only a single item on the page, we don't have to
+ * work hard.
+ */
+ if (NUM_ENT(pagep) == 1) {
+ NUM_ENT(pagep) = 0;
+ HOFFSET(pagep) = dbp->pgsize;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pack the remaining key/data items at the end of the page. Use
+ * memmove(3), the regions may overlap.
+ */
+ from = (u_int8_t *)pagep + HOFFSET(pagep);
+ memmove(from + nbytes, from, pagep->inp[indx] - HOFFSET(pagep));
+ HOFFSET(pagep) += nbytes;
+ /* Adjust the indices' offsets. */
+ offset = pagep->inp[indx];
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < NUM_ENT(pagep); ++cnt)
+ if (pagep->inp[cnt] < offset)
+ pagep->inp[cnt] += nbytes;
+ /* Shift the indices down. */
+ --NUM_ENT(pagep);
+ if (indx != NUM_ENT(pagep))
+ memmove(&pagep->inp[indx], &pagep->inp[indx + 1],
+ sizeof(db_indx_t) * (NUM_ENT(pagep) - indx));
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_pitem --
+ * Put an item on a page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_pitem
+ * PUBLIC: __P((DBC *, PAGE *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, DBT *, DBT *));
+ */
+CDB___db_pitem(dbc, pagep, indx, nbytes, hdr, data)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ PAGE *pagep;
+ u_int32_t indx;
+ u_int32_t nbytes;
+ DBT *hdr, *data;
+ DB *dbp;
+ DBT thdr;
+ int ret;
+ u_int8_t *p;
+ /*
+ * Put a single item onto a page. The logic figuring out where to
+ * insert and whether it fits is handled in the caller. All we do
+ * here is manage the page shuffling. We cheat a little bit in that
+ * we don't want to copy the dbt on a normal put twice. If hdr is
+ * NULL, we create a BKEYDATA structure on the page, otherwise, just
+ * copy the caller's information onto the page.
+ *
+ * This routine is also used to put entries onto the page where the
+ * entry is pre-built, e.g., during recovery. In this case, the hdr
+ * will point to the entry, and the data argument will be NULL.
+ *
+ * !!!
+ * There's a tremendous potential for off-by-one errors here, since
+ * the passed in header sizes must be adjusted for the structure's
+ * placeholder for the trailing variable-length data field.
+ */
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc))
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_addrem_log(dbp->dbenv, dbc->txn,
+ &LSN(pagep), 0, DB_ADD_DUP, dbp->log_fileid, PGNO(pagep),
+ (u_int32_t)indx, nbytes, hdr, data, &LSN(pagep))) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if (hdr == NULL) {
+ B_TSET(bk.type, B_KEYDATA, 0);
+ bk.len = data == NULL ? 0 : data->size;
+ = &bk;
+ thdr.size = SSZA(BKEYDATA, data);
+ hdr = &thdr;
+ }
+ /* Adjust the index table, then put the item on the page. */
+ if (indx != NUM_ENT(pagep))
+ memmove(&pagep->inp[indx + 1], &pagep->inp[indx],
+ sizeof(db_indx_t) * (NUM_ENT(pagep) - indx));
+ HOFFSET(pagep) -= nbytes;
+ pagep->inp[indx] = HOFFSET(pagep);
+ ++NUM_ENT(pagep);
+ p = P_ENTRY(pagep, indx);
+ memcpy(p, hdr->data, hdr->size);
+ if (data != NULL)
+ memcpy(p + hdr->size, data->data, data->size);
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_relink --
+ * Relink around a deleted page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_relink __P((DBC *, u_int32_t, PAGE *, PAGE **, int));
+ */
+CDB___db_relink(dbc, add_rem, pagep, new_next, needlock)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ u_int32_t add_rem;
+ PAGE *pagep, **new_next;
+ int needlock;
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *np, *pp;
+ DB_LOCK npl, ppl;
+ DB_LSN *nlsnp, *plsnp;
+ int ret;
+ ret = 0;
+ np = pp = NULL;
+ nlsnp = plsnp = NULL;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ /*
+ * Retrieve and lock the one/two pages. For a remove, we may need
+ * two pages (the before and after). For an add, we only need one
+ * because, the split took care of the prev.
+ */
+ if (pagep->next_pgno != PGNO_INVALID) {
+ if (needlock && (ret = CDB___db_lget(dbc,
+ 0, pagep->next_pgno, DB_LOCK_WRITE, 0, &npl)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf,
+ &pagep->next_pgno, 0, &np)) != 0) {
+ (void)CDB___db_pgerr(dbp, pagep->next_pgno);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ nlsnp = &np->lsn;
+ }
+ if (add_rem == DB_REM_PAGE && pagep->prev_pgno != PGNO_INVALID) {
+ if (needlock && (ret = CDB___db_lget(dbc,
+ 0, pagep->prev_pgno, DB_LOCK_WRITE, 0, &ppl)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf,
+ &pagep->prev_pgno, 0, &pp)) != 0) {
+ (void)CDB___db_pgerr(dbp, pagep->next_pgno);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ plsnp = &pp->lsn;
+ }
+ /* Log the change. */
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_relink_log(dbp->dbenv, dbc->txn,
+ &pagep->lsn, 0, add_rem, dbp->log_fileid,
+ pagep->pgno, &pagep->lsn,
+ pagep->prev_pgno, plsnp, pagep->next_pgno, nlsnp)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (np != NULL)
+ np->lsn = pagep->lsn;
+ if (pp != NULL)
+ pp->lsn = pagep->lsn;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Modify and release the two pages.
+ *
+ * !!!
+ * The parameter new_next gets set to the page following the page we
+ * are removing. If there is no following page, then new_next gets
+ * set to NULL.
+ */
+ if (np != NULL) {
+ if (add_rem == DB_ADD_PAGE)
+ np->prev_pgno = pagep->pgno;
+ else
+ np->prev_pgno = pagep->prev_pgno;
+ if (new_next == NULL)
+ ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, np, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ else {
+ *new_next = np;
+ ret = CDB_memp_fset(dbp->mpf, np, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY);
+ }
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (needlock)
+ (void)__TLPUT(dbc, npl);
+ } else if (new_next != NULL)
+ *new_next = NULL;
+ if (pp != NULL) {
+ pp->next_pgno = pagep->next_pgno;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, pp, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (needlock)
+ (void)__TLPUT(dbc, ppl);
+ }
+ return (0);
+err: if (np != NULL)
+ (void)CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, np, 0);
+ if (needlock && != LOCK_INVALID)
+ (void)__TLPUT(dbc, npl);
+ if (pp != NULL)
+ (void)CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, pp, 0);
+ if (needlock && != LOCK_INVALID)
+ (void)__TLPUT(dbc, ppl);
+ return (ret);
+ * CDB___db_ddup --
+ * Delete an offpage chain of duplicates.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_ddup __P((DBC *, db_pgno_t));
+ */
+CDB___db_ddup(dbc, pgno)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *pagep;
+ DBT tmp_dbt;
+ int ret;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ do {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, &pagep)) != 0) {
+ (void)CDB___db_pgerr(dbp, pgno);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ = pagep;
+ tmp_dbt.size = dbp->pgsize;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_split_log(dbp->dbenv,
+ dbc->txn, &LSN(pagep), 0, DB_SPLITOLD,
+ dbp->log_fileid, PGNO(pagep), &tmp_dbt,
+ &LSN(pagep))) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ pgno = pagep->next_pgno;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_free(dbc, pagep)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ } while (pgno != PGNO_INVALID);
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_addpage --
+ * Create a new page and link it onto the next_pgno field of the
+ * current page.
+ */
+static int
+CDB___db_addpage(dbc, hp, indxp)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ PAGE **hp;
+ db_indx_t *indxp;
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *newpage;
+ int ret;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_new(dbc, P_DUPLICATE, &newpage)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if (DB_LOGGING(dbc)) {
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_addpage_log(dbp->dbenv,
+ dbc->txn, &LSN(*hp), 0, dbp->log_fileid,
+ PGNO(*hp), &LSN(*hp), PGNO(newpage), &LSN(newpage))) != 0) {
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ LSN(newpage) = LSN(*hp);
+ }
+ PREV_PGNO(newpage) = PGNO(*hp);
+ NEXT_PGNO(*hp) = PGNO(newpage);
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, *hp, DB_MPOOL_DIRTY)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ *hp = newpage;
+ *indxp = 0;
+ return (0);
+ * CDB___db_dsearch --
+ * Search a set of duplicates for the proper position for a new duplicate.
+ *
+ * + pgno is the page number of the page on which to begin searching.
+ * Since we can continue duplicate searches, it might not be the first
+ * page.
+ *
+ * + If we are continuing a search, then *pp may be non-NULL in which
+ * case we do not have to retrieve the page.
+ *
+ * + If we are continuing a search, then *indxp contains the first
+ * on pgno of where we should begin the search.
+ *
+ * NOTE: if there is no comparison function, then continuing is
+ * meaningless, and *pp should always be NULL and *indxp will be
+ * ignored.
+ *
+ * 3 return values::
+ *
+ * + pp is the returned page pointer of where this element should go.
+ * + indxp is the returned index on that page
+ * + cmpp is the returned final comparison result.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_dsearch __P((DBC *,
+ * PUBLIC: int, DBT *, db_pgno_t, db_indx_t *, PAGE **, int *));
+ */
+CDB___db_dsearch(dbc, is_insert, dbt, pgno, indxp, pp, cmpp)
+ DBC *dbc;
+ int is_insert, *cmpp;
+ DBT *dbt;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ db_indx_t *indxp;
+ PAGE **pp;
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *h;
+ db_indx_t base, indx, lim;
+ db_pgno_t save_pgno;
+ int ret, firstpg;
+ dbp = dbc->dbp;
+ if (dbp->dup_compare == NULL) {
+ /*
+ * We may have been given a valid page, but we may not be
+ * able to use it. The problem is that the application is
+ * doing a join and we're trying to continue the search,
+ * but since the items aren't sorted, we can't. Discard
+ * the page if it's not the one we're going to start with
+ * anyway.
+ */
+ if (*pp != NULL && (*pp)->pgno != pgno) {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, *pp, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ *pp = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If no duplicate function is specified, just go to the end
+ * of the duplicate set.
+ */
+ if (is_insert) {
+ if ((ret = CDB___db_dend(dbc, pgno, pp)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ *indxp = NUM_ENT(*pp);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We are looking for a specific duplicate, so do a linear
+ * search.
+ */
+ firstpg = 1; /* Is this the first page we're searching? */
+ if (*pp != NULL)
+ goto nocmp_started;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, pp)) != 0)
+ goto pg_err;
+nocmp_started: h = *pp;
+ base = (F_ISSET(dbc, DBC_CONTINUE) && (firstpg == 1)) ?
+ *indxp : 0;
+ for (*indxp = base; *indxp < NUM_ENT(h); ++*indxp) {
+ if ((*cmpp = CDB___bam_cmp(dbp,
+ dbt, h, *indxp, CDB___bam_defcmp)) != 0)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * The duplicate may have already been deleted,
+ * if it's a btree page, in which case we skip
+ * it.
+ */
+ if (dbp->type == DB_BTREE &&
+ B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, *indxp)->type))
+ continue;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if ((pgno = h->next_pgno) == PGNO_INVALID)
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Moving on to another page; make sure we
+ * search from the beginning rather than *indxp.
+ */
+ firstpg = 0;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ *cmpp = 1; /* We didn't succeed... */
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We have a comparison routine, i.e., the duplicates are sorted.
+ * Walk through the chain of duplicates, checking the last entry
+ * on each page to decide if it's the page we want to search.
+ *
+ * *pp may be non-NULL -- if we were given a valid page (e.g., are
+ * in mid-search), then use the provided page.
+ */
+ if (*pp != NULL)
+ goto cmp_started;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, pp)) != 0)
+ goto pg_err;
+cmp_started: h = *pp;
+ if ((pgno = h->next_pgno) == PGNO_INVALID || CDB___bam_cmp(dbp,
+ dbt, h, h->entries - 1, dbp->dup_compare) <= 0)
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Even when continuing a search, make sure we don't skip
+ * entries on a new page
+ */
+ *indxp = 0;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ /* Next, do a binary search on the page. */
+ base = F_ISSET(dbc, DBC_CONTINUE) ? *indxp : 0;
+ for (lim = NUM_ENT(h) - base; lim != 0; lim >>= 1) {
+ indx = base + (lim >> 1);
+ if ((*cmpp = CDB___bam_cmp(dbp,
+ dbt, h, indx, dbp->dup_compare)) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * If DBC_CONTINUE is set, we want to make sure
+ * we return the first duplicate duplicate
+ * with index larger than *indxp. Search
+ * backwards until we're sure we have such.
+ *
+ * XXX: For the various uses of CDB___db_dsearch
+ * outside of joins, what's the correct behavior
+ * in the presence of duplicate duplicates? Someone
+ * should ponder this, and perhaps remove the
+ * following check and/or add different ones.
+ */
+ if (F_ISSET(dbc, DBC_CONTINUE)) {
+ if (indx != 0) {
+ for (indx--; indx >= *indxp; indx--) {
+ if (CDB___bam_cmp(dbp, dbt, h, indx,
+ dbp->dup_compare) != 0)
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Check for exit; if indx
+ * == 0 here, we know we
+ * want to return 0 without
+ * decrementing into an
+ * overflow condition (indx
+ * is unsigned), so jump out.
+ */
+ if (indx == 0)
+ goto postinc;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We've decremented one too far;
+ * either indx is now less than
+ * *indxp, or it's pointing at a dup
+ * that doesn't match.
+ */
+ indx++;
+ }
+ }
+ *indxp = indx;
+ if (dbp->type != DB_BTREE ||
+ !B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, *indxp)->type))
+ return (0);
+ goto check_delete;
+ }
+ if (*cmpp > 0) {
+ base = indx + 1;
+ lim--;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Base references the smallest index larger than the supplied DBT's
+ * data item, potentially both 0 and NUM_ENT.
+ */
+ *indxp = base;
+ return (0);
+ /*
+ * The duplicate may have already been deleted, if it's a btree page,
+ * in which case we wander around, hoping to find an entry that hasn't
+ * been deleted. First, wander in a forwardly direction.
+ */
+ save_pgno = (*pp)->pgno;
+ for (++*indxp;;) {
+ for (; *indxp < NUM_ENT(h); ++*indxp) {
+ if ((*cmpp = CDB___bam_cmp(dbp,
+ dbt, h, *indxp, dbp->dup_compare)) != 0)
+ goto check_delete_rev;
+ if (!B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, *indxp)->type))
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if ((pgno = h->next_pgno) == PGNO_INVALID)
+ break;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, pp)) != 0)
+ goto pg_err;
+ h = *pp;
+ *indxp = 0;
+ }
+ /* Go back to where we started, and wander in a backwardly direction. */
+ if (h->pgno != save_pgno) {
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &save_pgno, 0, pp)) != 0)
+ goto pg_err;
+ h = *pp;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ while (*indxp > 0) {
+ --*indxp;
+ if ((*cmpp = CDB___bam_cmp(dbp,
+ dbt, h, *indxp, dbp->dup_compare)) != 0)
+ goto check_delete_fail;
+ if (!B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, *indxp)->type))
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if ((pgno = h->prev_pgno) == PGNO_INVALID)
+ break;
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if ((ret = CDB_memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, pp)) != 0)
+ goto pg_err;
+ h = *pp;
+ *indxp = NUM_ENT(h);
+ }
+ *cmpp = 1; /* We didn't succeed... */
+ return (0);
+pg_err: CDB___db_pgerr(dbp, pgno);
+ return (ret);