path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htsearch/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htsearch/')
1 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htsearch/ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c410784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+// htsearch: The main search CGI. Parses the CGI input, reads the config files
+// and calls the necessary code to put together the result lists
+// and the final display.
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id:,v 1.72 2004/05/28 13:15:24 lha Exp $
+#include "htconfig.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include "htsearch.h"
+#include "WeightWord.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "Display.h"
+#include "../htfuzzy/Fuzzy.h"
+#include "cgi.h"
+#include "WordRecord.h"
+#include "HtWordList.h"
+#include "StringList.h"
+#include "IntObject.h"
+#include "HtURLCodec.h"
+#include "HtURLRewriter.h"
+#include "WordContext.h"
+#include "HtRegex.h"
+#include "Collection.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+// If we have this, we probably want it.
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <getopt_local.h>
+typedef void (*SIGNAL_HANDLER) (...);
+// ResultList *htsearch(const String&, List &, Parser *);
+void htsearch(Collection *, List &, Parser *);
+void setupWords(char *, List &, int, Parser *, String &);
+void createLogicalWords(List &, String &, String &);
+void reportError(char *);
+void convertToBoolean(List &words);
+void doFuzzy(WeightWord *, List &, List &);
+void addRequiredWords(List &, StringList &);
+void usage();
+int debug = 0;
+int minimum_word_length = 3;
+StringList boolean_keywords;
+StringList collectionList; // List of databases to search on
+// reconised word prefixes (for field-restricted search and per-word fuzzy
+// algorithms) in *descending* alphabetical order.
+// Don't use a dictionary structure, as setup time outweights saving.
+struct {char *name; unsigned int flag; } colonPrefix [] =
+ { "url", FLAG_URL },
+ { "title", FLAG_TITLE },
+ { "text", FLAG_PLAIN }, // FLAG_TEXT is 0, i.e. *no* flag...
+ { "link", FLAG_LINK_TEXT },
+ { "keyword", FLAG_KEYWORDS },
+ { "hidden", FLAG_HIDDEN },
+ { "heading", FLAG_HEADING },
+ { "exact", FLAG_EXACT },
+ { "descr", FLAG_DESCRIPTION },
+// { "cap", FLAG_CAPITAL },
+ { "author", FLAG_AUTHOR },
+ { "", 0 },
+// int main()
+main(int ac, char **av)
+ int c;
+ extern char *optarg;
+ int override_config=0;
+ // List searchWords;
+ List *searchWords = NULL;
+ String configFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
+ int pageNumber = 1;
+ HtRegex limit_to;
+ HtRegex exclude_these;
+ String logicalWords;
+ String origPattern;
+ String logicalPattern;
+ // StringMatch searchWordsPattern;
+ StringMatch *searchWordsPattern = NULL;
+ StringList requiredWords;
+ int i;
+ Dictionary selected_collections; // Multiple database support
+ //
+ // Parse command line arguments
+ //
+ while ((c = getopt(ac, av, "c:dv")) != -1)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ // The default is obviously to do this securely
+ // but if people want to shoot themselves in the foot...
+ if (!getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"))
+ {
+ configFile = optarg;
+ override_config=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ debug++;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ debug++;
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ usage();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // The total search can NEVER take more than 5 minutes.
+ //
+#ifndef _MSC_VER /* _WIN32 */
+ alarm(5 * 60);
+ //
+ // Parse the CGI parameters.
+ //
+ char none[] = "";
+ cgi input(optind < ac ? av[optind] : none);
+ // Multiple databases may be specified for search.
+ // Identify all databases specified with the "config=" parameter.
+ if (input.exists("config"))
+ {
+ collectionList.Create(input["config"], " \t\001|");
+ }
+ if (collectionList.Count() == 0)
+ collectionList.Add(""); // use default config
+ String errorMsg = "";
+ String originalWords = input["words"];
+ originalWords.chop(" \t\r\n");
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ // Iterate over all specified collections (databases)
+ for (int cInd=0; errorMsg.empty() && cInd < collectionList.Count(); cInd++)
+ {
+ // Each collection is handled in an iteration. Reset the following so
+ // that we start with a clean slate.
+ //
+ logicalWords = 0;
+ origPattern = 0;
+ logicalPattern = 0;
+ searchWords = new List;
+ searchWordsPattern = new StringMatch;
+ char *config_name = collectionList[cInd];
+ if (config_name && config_name[0] == '\0')
+ config_name = NULL; // use default config
+ //
+ // Setup the configuration database. First we read the compiled defaults.
+ // Then we override those with defaults read in from the configuration
+ // file, and finally we override some attributes with information we
+ // got from the HTML form.
+ //
+ config->Defaults(&defaults[0]);
+ // To allow . in filename while still being 'secure',
+ // e.g. htdig-f.q.d.n.conf
+ if (!override_config && config_name
+ && (strstr(config_name, "./") == NULL))
+ {
+ char *configDir = getenv("CONFIG_DIR");
+ if (configDir)
+ {
+ configFile = configDir;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ configFile = CONFIG_DIR;
+ }
+ if (strlen(config_name) == 0)
+ else
+ configFile << '/' << config_name << ".conf";
+ }
+ if (access((char*)configFile, R_OK) < 0)
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read configuration file '%s'",
+ configFile.get()));
+ }
+ config->Read(configFile);
+ // Initialize htword library (key description + wordtype...)
+ WordContext::Initialize(*config);
+ if (input.exists("method"))
+ config->Add("match_method", input["method"]);
+ if (input.exists("format"))
+ config->Add("template_name", input["format"]);
+ if (input.exists("matchesperpage"))
+ {
+ // minimum check for a valid int value of "matchesperpage" cgi variable
+ if (atoi(input["matchesperpage"]) > 0)
+ config->Add("matches_per_page", input["matchesperpage"]);
+ }
+ if (input.exists("page"))
+ pageNumber = atoi(input["page"]);
+ if (input.exists("config"))
+ config->Add("config", input["config"]);
+ if (input.exists("restrict"))
+ config->Add("restrict", input["restrict"]);
+ if (input.exists("exclude"))
+ config->Add("exclude", input["exclude"]);
+ if (input.exists("keywords"))
+ config->Add("keywords", input["keywords"]);
+ requiredWords.Create(config->Find("keywords"), " \t\r\n\001");
+ if (input.exists("sort"))
+ config->Add("sort", input["sort"]);
+ // Changes added 3-31-99, by Mike Grommet
+ // Check form entries for starting date, and ending date
+ // Each date consists of a month, day, and year
+ if (input.exists("startmonth"))
+ config->Add("startmonth", input["startmonth"]);
+ if (input.exists("startday"))
+ config->Add("startday", input["startday"]);
+ if (input.exists("startyear"))
+ config->Add("startyear", input["startyear"]);
+ if (input.exists("endmonth"))
+ config->Add("endmonth", input["endmonth"]);
+ if (input.exists("endday"))
+ config->Add("endday", input["endday"]);
+ if (input.exists("endyear"))
+ config->Add("endyear", input["endyear"]);
+ minimum_word_length = config->Value("minimum_word_length", minimum_word_length);
+ StringList form_vars(config->Find("allow_in_form"), " \t\r\n");
+ for (i= 0; i < form_vars.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (input.exists(form_vars[i]))
+ config->Add(form_vars[i], input[form_vars[i]]);
+ }
+ //
+ // Compile the URL limit patterns.
+ //
+ if (config->Find("restrict").length())
+ {
+ // Create a temporary list from either the configuration
+ // file or the input parameter
+ StringList l(config->Find("restrict"), " \t\r\n\001|");
+ limit_to.setEscaped(l);
+ String u = l.Join('|');
+ config->Add("restrict", u); // re-create the config attribute
+ }
+ if (config->Find("exclude").length())
+ {
+ // Create a temporary list from either the configuration
+ // file or the input parameter
+ StringList l(config->Find("exclude"), " \t\r\n\001|");
+ exclude_these.setEscaped(l);
+ String u = l.Join('|');
+ config->Add("exclude", u); // re-create the config attribute
+ }
+ //
+ // Check url_part_aliases and common_url_parts for
+ // errors.
+ String url_part_errors = HtURLCodec::instance()->ErrMsg();
+ if (url_part_errors.length() != 0)
+ reportError(form("Invalid url_part_aliases or common_url_parts: %s",
+ url_part_errors.get()));
+ // for htsearch, use search_rewrite_rules attribute for HtURLRewriter.
+ config->AddParsed("url_rewrite_rules", "${search_rewrite_rules}");
+ url_part_errors = HtURLRewriter::instance()->ErrMsg();
+ if (url_part_errors.length() != 0)
+ reportError(form("Invalid url_rewrite_rules: %s",
+ url_part_errors.get()));
+ // Load boolean_keywords from configuration
+ // they should be placed in this order:
+ // 0 1 2
+ // and or not
+ boolean_keywords.Destroy();
+ boolean_keywords.Create(config->Find("boolean_keywords"),
+ "| \t\r\n\001");
+ if (boolean_keywords.Count() != 3)
+ reportError("boolean_keywords attribute should have three entries");
+ Parser *parser = new Parser();
+ //
+ // Parse the words to search for from the argument list.
+ // This will produce a list of WeightWord objects.
+ //
+ setupWords(originalWords, *searchWords,
+ strcmp(config->Find("match_method"), "boolean") == 0,
+ parser, origPattern);
+ //
+ // Convert the list of WeightWord objects to a pattern string
+ // that we can compile.
+ //
+ createLogicalWords(*searchWords, logicalWords, logicalPattern);
+ //
+ // Assemble the full pattern for excerpt matching and highlighting
+ //
+ origPattern += logicalPattern;
+ searchWordsPattern->IgnoreCase();
+ searchWordsPattern->IgnorePunct();
+ searchWordsPattern->Pattern(logicalPattern); // this should now be enough
+ //searchWordsPattern.Pattern(origPattern);
+ //if (debug > 2)
+ // cout << "Excerpt pattern: " << origPattern << "\n";
+ //
+ // If required keywords were given in the search form, we will
+ // modify the current searchWords list to include the required
+ // words.
+ //
+ if (requiredWords.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ addRequiredWords(*searchWords, requiredWords);
+ }
+ //
+ // Perform the actual search. The function htsearch() is used for this.
+ // The Dictionary it returns is then passed on to the Display object to
+ // actually render the results in HTML.
+ //
+ const String word_db = config->Find("word_db");
+ if (access(word_db, R_OK) < 0)
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read word database file '%s'\nDid you run htdig?",
+ word_db.get()));
+ }
+ // ResultList *results = htsearch((char*)word_db, searchWords, parser);
+ String doc_index = config->Find("doc_index");
+ if (access((char*)doc_index, R_OK) < 0)
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read document index file '%s'\nDid you run htdig?",
+ doc_index.get()));
+ }
+ const String doc_db = config->Find("doc_db");
+ if (access(doc_db, R_OK) < 0)
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read document database file '%s'\nDid you run htdig?",
+ doc_db.get()));
+ }
+ const String doc_excerpt = config->Find("doc_excerpt");
+ if (access(doc_excerpt, R_OK) < 0)
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read document excerpts '%s'\nDid you run htdig?",
+ doc_excerpt.get()));
+ }
+ // Multiple database support
+ Collection *collection = new Collection((char*)configFile,
+ word_db.get(), doc_index.get(), doc_db.get(), doc_excerpt.get());
+ // Perform search within the collection. Each collection stores its
+ // own result list.
+ htsearch(collection, *searchWords, parser);
+ collection->setSearchWords(searchWords);
+ collection->setSearchWordsPattern(searchWordsPattern);
+ selected_collections.Add(configFile, collection);
+ if (parser->hadError())
+ errorMsg = parser->getErrorMessage();
+ delete parser;
+ }
+ // Display display(doc_db, 0, doc_excerpt);
+ Display display(&selected_collections);
+ if (display.hasTemplateError())
+ {
+ reportError(form("Unable to read template file '%s'\nDoes it exist?",
+ (const char*)config->Find("template_name")));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ display.setOriginalWords(originalWords);
+ // display.setResults(results);
+ // display.setSearchWords(&searchWords);
+ display.setLimit(&limit_to);
+ display.setExclude(&exclude_these);
+ // display.setAllWordsPattern(searchWordsPattern);
+ display.setCGI(&input);
+ display.setLogicalWords(logicalWords);
+ if (!errorMsg.empty())
+ display.displaySyntaxError(errorMsg);
+ else
+ display.display(pageNumber);
+ // delete results;
+ // delete parser;
+ return 0;
+createLogicalWords(List &searchWords, String &logicalWords, String &wm)
+ String pattern;
+ int i;
+ int wasHidden = 0;
+ int inPhrase = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < searchWords.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ WeightWord *ww = (WeightWord *) searchWords[i];
+ if (!ww->isHidden)
+ {
+ if (strcmp((char*)ww->word, "&") == 0 && wasHidden == 0)
+ logicalWords << ' ' << boolean_keywords[AND] << ' ';
+ else if (strcmp((char*)ww->word, "|") == 0 && wasHidden == 0)
+ logicalWords << ' ' << boolean_keywords[OR] << ' ';
+ else if (strcmp((char*)ww->word, "!") == 0 && wasHidden == 0)
+ logicalWords << ' ' << boolean_keywords[NOT] << ' ';
+ else if (strcmp((char*)ww->word, "\"") == 0 && wasHidden == 0)
+ {
+ if (inPhrase)
+ logicalWords.chop(' ');
+ inPhrase = !inPhrase;
+ logicalWords << "\"";
+ }
+ else if (wasHidden == 0)
+ {
+ logicalWords << ww->word;
+ if (inPhrase)
+ logicalWords << " ";
+ }
+ wasHidden = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ wasHidden = 1;
+ // generate patterns to search for and highlight in excerpt
+ if (ww->weight > 0 // Ignore boolean syntax stuff
+ && (!ww->isIgnore || inPhrase)) // Ignore bad/short words
+ { // but highlight them in phrases
+ char spacer = inPhrase ? ' ' : '|';
+ if (wm.length())
+ wm << spacer;
+ wm << ww->word;
+ if (!ww->isIgnore) // ignore bad/short words for searching
+ {
+ if (pattern.length())
+ pattern << spacer;
+ pattern << ww->word;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ cerr << "LogicalWords: " << logicalWords << endl;
+ cerr << "Pattern: " << pattern << endl;
+ cerr << "Highlight Pattern: " << wm << endl;
+ }
+dumpWords(List &words, char *msg = "")
+ if (debug)
+ {
+ cerr << msg << ": '";
+ for (int i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ WeightWord *ww = (WeightWord *) words[i];
+ cerr << ww->word << ':' << ww->isHidden << ' ';
+ }
+ cerr << "'\n";
+ }
+// void setupWords(char *allWords, List &searchWords,
+// int boolean, Parser *parser, String &originalPattern)
+setupWords(char *allWords, List &searchWords, int boolean, Parser *parser,
+ String &originalPattern)
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ List tempWords;
+ int i;
+ //
+ // Parse the words we need to search for. It should be a list of words
+ // with optional 'and' and 'or' between them. The list of words
+ // will be put in the searchWords list and at the same time in the
+ // String pattern separated with '|'.
+ //
+ //
+ // Convert the string to a list of WeightWord objects. The special
+ // characters '(' and ')' will be put into their own WeightWord objects.
+ //
+ unsigned char *pos = (unsigned char*) allWords;
+ unsigned char t;
+ String word;
+ const String prefix_suffix = config->Find("prefix_match_character");
+ while (*pos)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (debug > 3)
+ cerr << "setupWords: " << pos << endl;
+ t = *pos++;
+ if (isspace(t))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (t == '"')
+ {
+ tempWords.Add(new WeightWord("\"", -1.0));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (boolean && (t == '(' || t == ')'))
+ {
+ char s[2];
+ s[0] = t;
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ tempWords.Add(new WeightWord(s, -1.0));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (HtIsWordChar(t) ||
+ (strchr(prefix_suffix, t) != NULL) ||
+ (t >= 161 && t <= 255))
+ {
+ unsigned int fieldFlag = 0;
+ word = 0;
+ do // while recognised prefix, followed by ':'
+ {
+ while (t && (HtIsWordChar(t) ||
+ (strchr(prefix_suffix, t) != NULL) ||
+ (t >= 161 && t <= 255)))
+ {
+ word << (char) t;
+ t = *pos++;
+ }
+ if (debug > 2)
+ cerr << "word: " << word << endl;
+ if (t == ':') // e.g. "author:word" to search
+ { // only in author
+ word.lowercase();
+ t = *pos++;
+ if (t && (HtIsWordChar (t) ||
+ (strchr(prefix_suffix, t) != NULL) ||
+ (t >= 161 && t <= 255)))
+ {
+ int i, cmp;
+ const char *w = word.get();
+ // linear search of known prefixes, with "" flag.
+ for (i = 0; (cmp = mystrcasecmp (w, colonPrefix[i].name)) < 0; i++)
+ ;
+ if (debug > 2)
+ cerr << "field: "<< colonPrefix[i].name << endl;
+ if (cmp == 0) // if prefix found...
+ {
+ fieldFlag |= colonPrefix [i].flag;
+ word = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!word.length() && t);
+ pos--;
+ if (!t && !word.length()) // query ended with junk chars
+ break;
+ if (boolean && (mystrcasecmp(word.get(), "+") == 0
+ || mystrcasecmp(word.get(), boolean_keywords[AND]) == 0))
+ {
+ tempWords.Add(new WeightWord("&", -1.0));
+ }
+ else if (boolean &&
+ mystrcasecmp(word.get(), boolean_keywords[OR]) == 0)
+ {
+ tempWords.Add(new WeightWord("|", -1.0));
+ }
+ else if (boolean && (mystrcasecmp(word.get(), "-") == 0
+ || mystrcasecmp(word.get(), boolean_keywords[NOT]) == 0))
+ {
+ tempWords.Add(new WeightWord("!", -1.0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add word to excerpt matching list
+ originalPattern << word << "|";
+ WeightWord *ww = new WeightWord(word, 1.0, fieldFlag);
+ if(HtWordNormalize(word) & WORD_NORMALIZE_NOTOK)
+ ww->isIgnore = 1;
+ tempWords.Add(ww);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dumpWords(tempWords, "tempWords");
+ //
+ // If the user specified boolean expression operators, the whole
+ // expression has to be syntactically correct. If not, we need
+ // to report a syntax error.
+ //
+ if (boolean)
+ {
+ if (!parser->checkSyntax(&tempWords))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < tempWords.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ searchWords.Add(tempWords[i]);
+ }
+ tempWords.Release();
+ return;
+// reportError("Syntax error");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ convertToBoolean(tempWords);
+ }
+ dumpWords(tempWords, "Boolean");
+ //
+ // We need to assign weights to the words according to the search_algorithm
+ // configuration attribute.
+ // For algorithms other than exact, we need to also do word lookups.
+ //
+ StringList algs(config->Find("search_algorithm"), " \t");
+ List algorithms;
+ String name, weight;
+ double fweight;
+ Fuzzy *fuzzy = 0;
+ //
+ // Generate the list of algorithms to use and associate the given
+ // weights with them.
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < algs.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ name = strtok(algs[i], ":");
+ weight = strtok(0, ":");
+ if (name.length() == 0)
+ name = "exact";
+ if (weight.length() == 0)
+ weight = "1";
+ fweight = atof((char*)weight);
+ fuzzy = Fuzzy::getFuzzyByName(name, *config);
+ if (fuzzy)
+ {
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cerr << "Adding algorithm " << name.get() << endl;
+ fuzzy->setWeight(fweight);
+ fuzzy->openIndex();
+ algorithms.Add(fuzzy);
+ } else if (debug)
+ cerr << "Unknown fuzzy search algorithm " << name.get() << endl;
+ }
+ dumpWords(searchWords, "initial");
+ //
+ // For each of the words, apply all the algorithms.
+ //
+ int in_phrase = 0; // If we get into a phrase, we don't want to fuzz.
+ for (i = 0; i < tempWords.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ WeightWord *ww = (WeightWord *) tempWords[i];
+ if (ww->weight > 0 && !ww->isIgnore && !in_phrase)
+// I think that should be:
+// if (ww->weight > 0 && !ww->isIgnore && !in_phrase && !ww->isExact)
+ {
+ //
+ // Apply all the algorithms to the word.
+ //
+ if (debug)
+ cerr << "Fuzzy on: " << ww->word << endl;
+ doFuzzy(ww, searchWords, algorithms);
+ delete ww;
+ }
+ else if (ww->word.length() == 1 && ww->word[0] == '"')
+ {
+ in_phrase = !in_phrase;
+ if (debug)
+ cerr << "Add: " << ww->word << endl;
+ searchWords.Add(ww);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // This is '(', ')', '&', or '|'. These will be automatically
+ // transfered to the searchWords list.
+ //
+ if (debug)
+ cerr << "Add: " << ww->word << endl;
+ searchWords.Add(ww);
+ }
+ dumpWords(searchWords, "searchWords");
+ }
+ tempWords.Release();
+doFuzzy(WeightWord *ww, List &searchWords, List &algorithms)
+ List fuzzyWords;
+ List weightWords;
+ Fuzzy *fuzzy = 0;
+ WeightWord *newWw = 0;
+ String *word = 0;
+ algorithms.Start_Get();
+ while ((fuzzy = (Fuzzy *) algorithms.Get_Next()))
+ {
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cerr << " " << fuzzy->getName();
+ fuzzy->getWords(ww->word, fuzzyWords);
+ fuzzyWords.Start_Get();
+ while ((word = (String *) fuzzyWords.Get_Next()))
+ {
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cerr << " " << word->get();
+ // (should be a "copy with changed weight" constructor...)
+ newWw = new WeightWord(word->get(), fuzzy->getWeight());
+ newWw->isExact = ww->isExact;
+ newWw->isHidden = ww->isHidden;
+ newWw->flags = ww->flags;
+ weightWords.Add(newWw);
+ }
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cerr << endl;
+ fuzzyWords.Destroy();
+ }
+ //
+ // We now have a list of substitute words. They need to be added
+ // to the searchWords.
+ //
+ if (weightWords.Count())
+ {
+ if (weightWords.Count() > 1)
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("(", -1.0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < weightWords.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i > 0)
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("|", -1.0));
+ searchWords.Add(weightWords[i]);
+ }
+ if (weightWords.Count() > 1)
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(")", -1.0));
+ }
+ else // if no fuzzy matches, add exact word, but give it tiny weight
+ {
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(ww->word.get(), 0.000001));
+ }
+ weightWords.Release();
+// void convertToBoolean(List &words)
+convertToBoolean(List &words)
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ List list;
+ int i;
+ int do_and = strcmp(config->Find("match_method"), "and") == 0;
+ int in_phrase = 0;
+ String quote = "\"";
+ if (words.Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ list.Add(words[0]);
+ // We might start off with a phrase match
+ if (((WeightWord *) words[0])->word == quote)
+ in_phrase = 1;
+ for (i = 1; i < words.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (do_and && !in_phrase)
+ list.Add(new WeightWord("&", -1.0));
+ else if (!in_phrase)
+ list.Add(new WeightWord("|", -1.0));
+ if (((WeightWord *) words[i])->word == quote)
+ in_phrase = !in_phrase;
+ list.Add(words[i]);
+ }
+ words.Release();
+ for (i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ words.Add(list[i]);
+ }
+ list.Release();
+// Dictionary *htsearch(char *wordfile, List &searchWords, Parser *parser)
+// This returns a dictionary indexed by document ID and containing a
+// List of HtWordReference objects.
+htsearch(Collection *collection, List &searchWords, Parser *parser)
+ //
+ // Pick the database type we are going to use
+ //
+ ResultList *matches = new ResultList;
+ if (searchWords.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ // parser->setDatabase(wordfile);
+ parser->setCollection(collection);
+ parser->parse(&searchWords, *matches);
+ }
+ collection->setResultList(matches);
+ // return matches;
+// Modify the search words list to include the required words as well.
+// This is done by putting the existing search words in parenthesis and
+// appending the required words separated with "and".
+addRequiredWords(List &searchWords, StringList &requiredWords)
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ static int any_keywords = config->Boolean("any_keywords", 0);
+ if (requiredWords.Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (searchWords.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ searchWords.Insert(new WeightWord("(", -1.0), 0);
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(")", -1.0));
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("&", -1.0));
+ }
+ if (requiredWords.Count() == 1)
+ {
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(requiredWords[0], 1.0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("(", -1.0));
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(requiredWords[0], 1.0));
+ for (int i = 1; i < requiredWords.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (any_keywords)
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("|", -1.0));
+ else
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord("&", -1.0));
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(requiredWords[i], 1.0));
+ }
+ searchWords.Add(new WeightWord(")", -1.0));
+ }
+// Report an error. Since we don' know if we are running as a CGI or not,
+// we will assume this is the first thing returned by a CGI program.
+reportError(char *msg)
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ cout << "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
+ cout << "<html><head><title>htsearch error</title></head>\n";
+ cout << "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">\n";
+ cout << "<h1>ht://Dig error</h1>\n";
+ cout << "<p>htsearch detected an error. Please report this to the\n";
+ cout << "webmaster of this site by sending an e-mail to:\n";
+ cout << "<a href=\"mailto:" << config->Find("maintainer") << "\">";
+ cout << config->Find("maintainer") << "</a>\n";
+ cout << "The error message is:</p>\n";
+ cout << "<pre>\n" << msg << "\n</pre>\n</body></html>\n";
+ exit(1);
+// void usage()
+// Display program usage information--assumes we're running from a cmd line
+void usage()
+ cout << "usage: htsearch [-v][-d][-c configfile] [query_string]\n";
+ cout << "This program is part of ht://Dig " << VERSION << "\n\n";
+ cout << "Options:\n";
+ cout << "\t-v -d\tVerbose mode. This increases the verbosity of the\n";
+ cout << "\t\tprogram. Using more than 2 is probably only useful\n";
+ cout << "\t\tfor debugging purposes. The default verbose mode\n";
+ cout << "\t\tgives a progress on what it is doing and where it is.\n\n";
+ cout << "\t-c configfile\n";
+ cout << "\t\tUse the specified configuration file instead on the\n";
+ cout << "\t\tdefault.\n\n";
+ cout << "\tquery_string\tA CGI-style query string can be given as a single\n";
+ cout << "\t\targument, and is only used if the REQUEST_METHOD environment\n";
+ cout << "\t\tvariable is not set. If no query_string is given, and\n";
+ cout << "\t\tREQUEST_METHOD is not set, htsearch will prompt for the query.\n\n";
+ exit(0);