path: root/kate/tests/highlight.f90
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1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/tests/highlight.f90 b/kate/tests/highlight.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2008c20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/tests/highlight.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+! This file is an example to test the syntax highlighting file F.xml
+! (for fortran 90 and F)
+module module_example
+ ! use 'implicit none' when you want all variables to be declared
+ implicit none
+ ! In fortran 90 you can define your own operator
+ public :: operator(.norm.)
+ public :: operator(+) ! <-- you can also overload the usual operators
+ public :: factorial
+ public :: example_fn
+ private :: point3d_add
+ private :: point3d_norm
+ ! This is a definition to use in declarations of real variables,
+ ! parameters, etc.
+ integer, parameter, public :: kr = selected_real_kind(10)
+ ! This is a user-defined type
+ type, public :: point3d
+ real(kind=kr) :: x, y, z
+ end type point3d
+ ! This type is useless: it is only an example of type definition!
+ type, public :: example_type
+ complex(kind=kr) :: c ! <-- a complex number (two reals of kind kr)!
+ real, dimension(-10:10) :: & ! <-- this line does not end here!
+ r1, r2 ! <-- this is the final part of the previous line
+ real, pointer, dimension(:) :: pointer_to_array_of_real
+ real, dimension(:), pointer :: array_of_pointer_to_real
+ end type example_type
+ ! Interface for the norm of a 3-D vector
+ interface operator(.norm.)
+ module procedure point3d_norm
+ end interface
+ ! Interface for the operator '+'
+ interface operator(+)
+ module procedure point3d_add
+ end interface
+ ! A real number can be declared with the following line:
+ real(kind=kr) :: real_var1
+ ! But if you are not interested on the precision of floating point numbers,
+ ! you can use simply:
+ real :: real_var2
+ ! An array can be declared in two ways:
+ real(kind=kr), dimension(1:10, -4:5), private :: a, b, c
+ real(kind=kr), private :: d(1:10, -4:5)
+ ! This is a string with fixed lenght
+ character(len=10) :: str_var
+ ! This is an allocatable array, which can be a target of a pointer
+ type(example_type), private, dimension(:), allocatable, target :: &
+ many_examples
+! Fortran 90 hasn't got its own preprocessor, it uses the C preprocessor!
+#ifdef XXX
+c <-- this is a comment in the old fortran 77 style (fixed form)
+c This is a free form file, so we shouldn't use this kind of comments!
+c But fortran 90 still understands fixed form, when parsing sources with
+c the *.f extension.
+ c ! <-- this 'c' shouldn't be highlighted as a comment!
+ ! The sum of two points
+ pure function point3d_add(a, b) result(rs)
+ type(point3d) :: rs
+ type(point3d), intent(in) :: a, b
+ rs%x = a%x + b%x
+ rs%y = a%y + b%y
+ rs%z = a%z + b%z
+ end function point3d_add
+ ! The norm of a point
+ pure function point3d_norm(a) result(rs)
+ real(kind=kr) :: rs
+ type(point3d), intent(in) :: a
+ rs = sqrt(a%x * a%x + a%y * a%y + a%z * a%z)
+ end function point3d_norm
+ ! A simple recursive function
+ recursive function factorial(i) result (rs)
+ integer :: rs
+ integer, intent(in) :: i
+ if ( i <= 1 ) then
+ rs = 1
+ else
+ rs = i * factorial(i - 1)
+ end if
+ end function factorial
+ ! This is a useless function
+ subroutine example_fn(int_arg, real_arg, str_arg)
+ integer, intent(in) :: int_arg
+ real(kind=kr), intent(out) :: real_arg
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: str_arg
+ type(example_type), pointer :: p
+ integer :: n, i, j
+ logical :: flag
+ flag = .true. ! .true. is not an operator!
+ if ( flag .and. flag ) then ! .and. is a pre-defined operator
+ print *, "blabla"
+ end if
+ ! Examples of inquiry functions: allocated, lbound, ubound.
+ if ( .not. allocated(many_examples) ) then
+ allocate( many_examples(10) )
+ end if
+ print *, "Lower bound = ", lbound(many_examples, 1)
+ print *, "Upper bound = ", ubound(many_examples, 1)
+ p => many_examples(5) ! <-- p is a pointer
+ ! A strange way to calculate i*i: add the first i odd numbers
+ i = 6
+ j = 0
+ do n = 1, i
+ j = j + (2*n - 1)
+ end do
+ print *, "i*i = ", i*i, j
+ real_arg = real(j) ! <-- here the highlighting is not very good:
+ ! it is unable to distinguish between this and a definition like:
+ ! real(kind=kr) :: a
+ deallocate( many_examples )
+ end subroutine example_fn
+end module module_example
+program example
+ use module_example
+ ! this is another example of use of the 'implicit' keyword
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ real(kind=kr) :: var_out
+ type(point3d) :: &
+ a = point3d(0.0_kr, 1.0_kr, 2.0_kr), &
+ b = point3d(4.0_kr, 5.0_kr, 6.0_kr)
+ print *, "a + b = ", .norm. (a + b)
+ print *, "factorial of 5 = ", factorial(5)
+ call example_fn(1, var_out, "hello!")
+end program example