K9Copy – DVD backup tool
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Marek W 35c86a795c
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
1 個月前
doc Replace Qt with TQt 2 個月前
icons Drop autotools support 6 個月前
k9Mplayer Replace Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS 3 個月前
k9author Replace Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS 3 個月前
k9decmpeg Drop autotools support 6 個月前
k9devices Drop autotools support 6 個月前
k9vamps Drop autotools support 6 個月前
libdvdnav Drop autotools support 6 個月前
libk9copy Replace Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS 3 個月前
src Replace Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS 3 個月前
translations Translated using Weblate (Polish) 1 個月前
AUTHORS Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
COPYING Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
ChangeLog Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
ConfigureChecks.cmake Conversion to cmake build system 9 個月前
INSTALL Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
NEWS Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
README Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
TODO Removed unnecessary executable flag. 6 年前
config.h.cmake Conversion to cmake build system 9 個月前


install from sources:

make -f Makefile.cvs
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install      (as root)

k9copy can now copy dvd with bad sectors.
for a faster copy from a dvd with bad sectors : reduce the readahead for the drive :

as root: hdparm -a8 /dev/dvd