選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Slávek Banko 9e120e0d4b
Added controlled conversions to char* instead of automatic ascii conversions.
CMakeL10n.txt Add CMakeL10n rules. 5年前
CMakeLists.txt conversion to the cmake building system 5年前
Makefile.am LIB_QT -> LIB_TQT conversion to align to updated admin module 6年前
accel.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
accel.h Rename many classes and header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
audio.cpp Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
audio.h Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
board_2d.cpp Rename KIcon to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
board_2d.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
board_base.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
board_base.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
challenge_game.cpp TQt4 port knights 13年前
challenge_game.h TQt4 port knights 13年前
challenge_graph.cpp Rename KIcon to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
challenge_graph.h Rename a number of classes to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
challenge_graph_view.cpp Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions 13年前
challenge_graph_view.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
challenge_rectangle.cpp TQt4 port knights 13年前
challenge_rectangle.h TQt4 port knights 13年前
chessclock.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
chessclock.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
command.cpp TQt4 port knights 13年前
command.h TQt4 port knights 13年前
console.cpp Rename obsolete tq methods to standard names 13年前
console.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
core.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
core.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
definitions.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
dlg_challenge.cpp Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions 13年前
dlg_challenge.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_engine.cpp Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance 10年前
dlg_engine.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_login.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
dlg_login.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_newmatch.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
dlg_newmatch.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_promote.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
dlg_promote.h Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
dlg_selectemail.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
dlg_selectemail.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_selectengine.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
dlg_selectengine.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
dlg_server.cpp Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance 10年前
dlg_server.h Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
dlg_settings.cpp Rename KIcon to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
dlg_settings.h Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
idmanager.cpp Added KDE3 version of Knights 14年前
idmanager.h TQt4 port knights 13年前
io_base.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
io_base.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
io_engine.cpp newBuff pointer should be freed with delete[] 6年前
io_engine.h Rename KGlobal, KProcess, and KClipboard to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
io_internet.cpp Added controlled conversions to char* instead of automatic ascii conversions. 5年前
io_internet.h Fix unintended rename of many various *klist* 11年前
knights.cpp Added user option to delete chess engine log files (game.### and log.###) from user home folder on exit. 8年前
knights.desktop Icons in .desktop file should not have extension. 6年前
knights.h Added user option to delete chess engine log files (game.### and log.###) from user home folder on exit. 8年前
knightsmap.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
knightspixcache.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
knightspixcache.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
knightstextview.cpp Bring mail_forward, mail_new, mail_replyall, mail_reply, mail_send, player_pause, player_play, player_stop, player_rew, player_fwd, player_start, player_end, rotate_ccw, rotate_cw, window_fullscreen, window_nofullscreen, window_new, viewmagfit, viewmag+, viewmag1, and viewmag- icons into XDG compliance 10年前
knightstextview.h Rename a number of classes to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
list_pgn.cpp Added controlled conversions to char* instead of automatic ascii conversions. 5年前
list_pgn.h Rename a number of classes to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11年前
logic.cpp Fix inadvertent "TQ" changes. 12年前
logic.h TQt4 port knights 13年前
main.cpp Added user option to delete chess engine log files (game.### and log.###) from user home folder on exit. 8年前
match.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
match.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
match_param.cpp TQt4 port knights 13年前
match_param.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
pgn.cpp Rename KCModule, KConfig, KIO, KServer, and KSocket to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
pgn.desktop Removed extension from icon name in desktop file. This relates to bug 6年前
pgn.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
proto_base.cpp TQt4 port knights 13年前
proto_base.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
proto_uci.cpp Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions 13年前
proto_uci.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
proto_xboard.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
proto_xboard.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
resource.cpp Added controlled conversions to char* instead of automatic ascii conversions. 5年前
resource.h Fixed typedef-related warnings from compiler. 6年前
setpageaudio.cpp rename the following methods: 13年前
setpageaudio.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
setpagedisplay.cpp Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance 10年前
setpagedisplay.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
setpageengines.cpp Removed obsolete Qt2's TQList/TQListIterator classes and replaced 6年前
setpageengines.h Rename many classes and header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
setpagegeneral.cpp Added user option to delete chess engine log files (game.### and log.###) from user home folder on exit. 8年前
setpagegeneral.h Added user option to delete chess engine log files (game.### and log.###) from user home folder on exit. 8年前
setpageservers.cpp Removed obsolete Qt2's TQList/TQListIterator classes and replaced 6年前
setpageservers.h Rename many classes and header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
splash.cpp Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions 13年前
splash.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
tab_pgnview.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
tab_pgnview.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
tab_seeklist.cpp Fix unintended rename of many various *klist* 11年前
tab_seeklist.h Fix unintended rename of many various *klist* 11年前
tabbox.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
tabbox.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
tabgrip.cpp Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13年前
tabgrip.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
tabmanager.cpp Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions 13年前
tabmanager.h Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
tabpage.cpp Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance 10年前
tabpage.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前
thinbuttons.cpp Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance 10年前
thinbuttons.h Removed obsolete Qt2's TQList/TQListIterator classes and replaced 6年前
wiz_setup.cpp Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11年前
wiz_setup.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances 12年前